I don't eat veg or salad ... Please help with ideas

hi everyone

I need to give my body a little kick by doing no / low carbs for a week. I've done it a few times and got
Good losses , the problem is I
Don't eat any veg or salad so I end up
Just having a peice of meat for dinner and maybe some eggs.

Does anyone have any ideas to put with my dinner to bulk it out a little ??



  • carolutas2
    carolutas2 Posts: 9 Member
    May I ask why you do not eat veg or salad? You don't like veg? You can't eat for medical reasons? Is it the no carb thing?

    If its a case of not liking...is it worthwhile grating and adding to things so that you can't see or taste (there is a cook book with family meals where the veg is hidden in the meals for children who won't eat their veg)?

    Not a lot that can bulk your meal out if you are doing low or no carb and/or won't eat veg...other than more protein, maybe some nuts and seeds, dairy has carbs...but maybe a hard cheese would have less of them.

    You don't mention fruit so maybe some of the less carby fruit may help.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    A calorie deficit is the only "kick" you need. Dropping carbs has given you good results previously as you were in a deficit and you lost water weight. Carbs make you hold water.

    Just eat in a deficit consistenly over a period of time until you reach your goal. Vegies and fruit are full of nutrients and fibre that are good for you. Sure, eat less carbs if that's what you choose, but eating none is ridiculous. Choose non-starchy, fibrous veg.

  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    hi everyone

    I need to give my body a little kick by doing no / low carbs for a week. I've done it a few times and got
    Good losses , the problem is I
    Don't eat any veg or salad so I end up
    Just having a peice of meat for dinner and maybe some eggs.

    Does anyone have any ideas to put with my dinner to bulk it out a little ??


    Doing low carb for a week is simply going to cycle off water and glycogen weight which will come straight back as soon as you return to your normal eating pattern. Complete waste of time and in the long run could actually increase your body fat.

    Livingleanliv... nailed it. I'm sure with all the recipes on the internet you could find some vegetables that would fit with your palette. Nutritionally you are doing yourself a great injustice by completely ruling them out of your diet.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    A one week kick will make no difference to the body. It has a long memory. :wink:
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Learn to eat vegetables. At least one or two. Beyond weight loss, you need them to be healthy.