Find your MFP twin!



  • KathyRohr1
    KathyRohr1 Posts: 5 Member
    Start weight 165, current weight 160, goal weight 152, height 5'4". Highest weight 215 some years ago and seemed like headed back in that direction, so taking action. Biggest challenge: loving wine. Age 48
  • ArtsyActive1401
    ArtsyActive1401 Posts: 752 Member
    kuulmamma wrote: »
    SW: 184
    CW: 166
    H: 5' 7"
    1st GW: 150
    2nd GW: 140?
    Age: 35

    I'm going to see how I feel at 150. I'm on a roll right now, but 140 might be a more challenging goal once I'm done nursing.

    We're similar in numbers... ;)

  • Kandersonparker
    Kandersonparker Posts: 11 Member
    SW: 200
    CW: 194
    H: 5'6"
    GW: 145
    Age: 41

    Round 2. I was happily at my goal weight 2 years ago and then stress, laziness & the love of food put out all back on.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    SW: 218
    H: 5'7
    Cw: 199
    GW: 135
    Age: 29
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    SW: 140lbs
    CW: 128lbs
    GW: 115lbs
    H: 5' 3"
    Age: 27

    Send me a message or add if you sound as if you're in a similar boat and would like motivation/support/*kitten* kicking :p
  • SylvDP
    SylvDP Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 180
    GW: 135-40
    H: 5'4"
    Age: 42

    Would be great to find a twin
  • stargirl85
    stargirl85 Posts: 50 Member
    SW: 140lbs
    CW: 128lbs
    GW: 115lbs
    H: 5' 3"
    Age: 27

    Send me a message or add if you sound as if you're in a similar boat and would like motivation/support/*kitten* kicking :p

    Will do. Practically nearly all the same as me

  • simply_bubbz
    simply_bubbz Posts: 245 Member
    CW: 200
    GW: 135
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 24

    We're close to being twins! I'm 213 currently, want to get down to 165 and I'm 22
    We're close too! Im 234 currently want 2 get down to 165-170 and im 23
  • rizmaeram
    rizmaeram Posts: 17 Member
    aippolito1 wrote: »
    CW: 200.4
    H: 5'4"
    GW: 160
    Age: 26

    OMG TWIN!!!
    CW: 200
    H: 5'4"
    GW: 160
    Age: 25
  • rizmaeram
    rizmaeram Posts: 17 Member
    SW: 204
    CW: 200
    GW: 170-160 by the end of october i'm going to be a bridesmaid on my best friend's wedding i want to look good lol
    UGW: 140
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4"

    Any twins or similar stats don't hesitate to add me :)
  • run_cmc
    run_cmc Posts: 26 Member
    CW: 170
    H: 5'8"
    GW: 155(ish)
    A: 41 / female

    Twins!! I'm 30, CW:170

    My GW is 150 though

    Let's get it!!
  • silverbeam22
    silverbeam22 Posts: 67 Member
    las07s wrote: »
    2marsh wrote: »
    SW: 189
    CW: 183
    33 years old

    I love strength training, am getting back into running, and have recently fallen in love with intermittent fasting.


    SW: 207
    CW: 190
    GW: 155
    25 years old

    Even closer! :)

    SW: 194
    CW: 179
    GW: 155-ish
    20 years old
  • kevinbruno222
    kevinbruno222 Posts: 18 Member
    CW : 125
    H : 5'7
    GW : 155
    AGE : 23

  • lyddie6
    lyddie6 Posts: 996 Member
    CW: 143
    H: 5'5"
    GW: 124
    27 years old
  • TanyaShersty
    TanyaShersty Posts: 17 Member
    SW: 286
    CW: 253
    GW: ? Mini goal is 200.
    Age: 34

    Anyone with similar numbers feel free to add :smile: or if just wanting more friends!
  • MariamMuhammad
    MariamMuhammad Posts: 5 Member
    H: 5'2"
    SW: 185 lbs
    CW: 121 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs
    Age: 20

    Feel free to add me ^_^
  • MitsuShai
    MitsuShai Posts: 151 Member
    edited June 2015
    H: 5'2"
    SW: 185 lbs
    CW: 121 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs
    Age: 20

    Feel free to add me ^_^


    CW: 120
    H: 5'2"
    GW: 110
    Age: 23

    I'm a bit older lol but I think we're the same ethnicity :P
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    CW - 160lbs.
    H: 5'6"
    GW: 143lbs.
    Age: 37
  • Curvy1Gezel
    Curvy1Gezel Posts: 364 Member
    Are you my twin ?????

    SW 165lb
    CW 150lb
    GW 135lb
    H 5'3
    Age 36

    Add me if we're twins
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    CW: 145 lbs
    Goal: more muscle
    H: 5'10" (178 cm)
    Age: 23

    I'm interested in contact with anyone regardless of goal. Especially if you are around my age.