Hello from AZ!

This application is something I'm testing out for my personal training clients. I figured if it works for me, then I can recommend it. So far it's been a wonderful tool when going out to eat dinner. It truly holds you accountable with friends too. I think of my fitness pal as a fitness facebook. I've got to lose ten pounds so here we go! Best of luck to everyone here. You can do it!


  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hello from SE AZ. It's an amazing site, so much positive reinforcement and lots of folks with great energy. It's kind of like a facebook for healthy lifestyle change and some of the nicest most supportive folks you could hope to know. I'm addicted, but in a good way. :-) hope it works for you and your clients. It's been great for me and my wife. If you need MFP peeps or your clients do, friend us. (my wife is hootsmamma) official cheerleader :smile:
  • supermom66
    supermom66 Posts: 8
    Official cheerleader! Great! I will.