What Do You Put In Your Omelette?



  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    Canned Tuna. (Need to drain it real well first.)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thank you all for your productive responses.

    I appreciate EVERYONE.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I love omelettes as well.
    Onion, peppers, (NO)tomatoes:laugh:, ham, bacon, cheese. I like some new ideas I heard.

    Ok, to add onto question.
    I've always mixed my extra's with the eggs/egg whites and then in the pan, cook, flip and then cheese and fold.
    When I was growing up I used to cook the egg separate, then flip and then put my other stuff in the middle and fold it over.

    SO lots of great idea's...... do you also mix in with egg, or put in center.?

    Hmm... I have NEVER flipped an omelette!!! I pour in my eggs, let them cook for awhile and just when it is starting to get not so runny in the middle, I throw in all my toppings, wait for the cheese to melt, then fold it over and slide onto my plate. I had never thought about flipping it!

    Another question: does anyone else ever blow a fuse making an omelette on the stove and toasting an english muffin in the toaster at the same time? Because I seem to blow a fuse every time I have this meal for dinner... hahahahahaha. (AND my stove is gas!!! Makes NO SENSE!!!) Anyway... making eggs in the dark is hard.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I just nuke some frozen veggies (had broccoli, cauliflower and carrots last night) then add some piri piri spice and moroccan seasoning. Then I used a bit of tonkatsu sauce (japanese) and it was awesome :)
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Okay, this might sound totally weird, but I like pineapple, ham, and cheese .
  • MaynardMonster
    MaynardMonster Posts: 18 Member
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I like to use whatever veggies are in season or left over from the day before. I use whatever meat I have already cooked (leftovers, lunchmeat, etc.) It's a great way to use up that little bit of whatever doesn't quite make up a serving on its own. As for spices, depending upon what other stuff I put in, I may use one or a combination of: cumin, tumeric, rosemary, cilantro, chives, garlic (most of the time on this one), sage (have tons in my garden), or whatever floats my boat that day. Lately I've been trying to really load them up with veggies, they keep me fuller longer and the egg basically just holds them tgether. I also use whatever cheese needs to be used up first in my fridge. Okay, now I want an omlette. :happy:
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I just nuke some frozen veggies (had broccoli, cauliflower and carrots last night) then add some piri piri spice and moroccan seasoning. Then I used a bit of tonkatsu sauce (japanese) and it was awesome :)
    ** That sounds delicious! Never thought to try these types of seasonings! Thanks
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Too bad I already had cereal. For some strange reason, I'm craving an omelet now..
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    This morning, My omelet has egg substitute, 1/4 c. skim milk (for fluffiness), 1/2 c onion and 1/2 bella mushrooms...

  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Cilantro, pizza sauce, and mozzarella cheese.

    Peanutbutter and Jelly.

    A conglomerate of veggies from my fridge, and or pantry.
  • cicadagirl
    cicadagirl Posts: 51
    Leftover grilled chicken diced up small, spinach, maybe some sausage or bacon if I don't have the chicken, not just cheese but FETA cheese (mmmm!), black olives....
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I use 2 whole eggs, and half a cup of vegetables, consisting of onions, red peppers, zucchini and red onions. You can add or eliminate vegetables.

    You just put the vegetables in a skillet or sautee pan, you can use oil to cook them but I don't. Cook on low for about 5 minutes or until they get soft (sometimes it takes less time, so watch to make sure they don't burn). Move the vegetables into a small skillet, one with no oil or anything in it. Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet, on top of the vegetables, and put the lid on, cooking on medium for about 3-5 minutes or until you see the egg start to "bubble" on the top. Remove the lid and flip the egg. The bottom might be a little brown, that is normal. Once the egg is flipped, cook for about 2 more minutes and then take it out. The vegetables should be all in the omelet. I eat this plain but you could also add cheese or put it on bread.

    Another thing I do is make an omelet plain, and while doing that I cut slices of a Granny Smith apple. Pinch a little cinnamon on the apples and microwave or bake on low for about 2 minutes (watch that the slices aren't too thin or they will just dry out). Fill the omelet with the baked apple and you now have an apple cinnamon omelet! MMM!
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    Personally, I like onions, mushrooms, sausage and cheese topped with pace picante sauce.

    Oh here's a cooking tip: Instead of trying to flip the half cooked, runny omelette in the pan, turn on the oven broiler for a few minutes and toss it in to cook the top of it. Not only do you not make a mess but it also rises a bit making the eggs lighter and fluffier. Obviously make sure to use an all metal pan. I learned that one off the internet somewhere and it works great!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I love omelettes. I usually make my omelettes with 1 large egg and 3 egg whites. Some of my favorite combos are

    Spinach and feta
    Shrimp broccoli and garlic
    chicken, mushrooms, garlic and cheddar (50% reduced fat)
    ham and pineapple
    pulled pork, onion, peppers (usually from left overs)
    shaved steak, onions, pepper, and garlic (usually from left overs)
    proscuitto, basil, and mozzerella
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I just had chicken enchilada eggs for breakfast and it was so good! I scrambled them but you could certainly make it omelet style.

    leftover boneless skinless chicken breast
    mexican blend cheese
    enchilada sauce
    sour cream
    eggs of course. :)
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    My favourite is mushroom, sweet red pepper, few chives and some crumbled feta cheese....nom nom nom nom!
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    well i do a lot of things... i love to cook a half onion, throw in some Hormel "real" bacon bits, a slice of light american cheese, and a small can of mild green chilis.. I also throw some tomato sauce on that... which i understand u cant have...

    other one i like... sounds weird but protein packed! I scramble in a half cup of fat free cottage cheese & the bacon bits & sunflower nuts... not as weird as it sounds when u think about the fact that a lot of ppl put this on their salads.... just boiled eggs not scramble.

    I don't really make "omelettes" either.. but I only eat the whites... the yolk is just fat & carbs...

    You can put ANYTHING in them u want... any & all veggies.. meats... any sausage, chicken, i've heard of some w fish... yet to try that myself tho... i like chorizo... low fat.... soy... tofu... eggs are super versatile... make it YUMMY TO YOU! :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorrel. I can't get enough of egg white omelettes with sorrel.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Fresh Spinach, feta cheese and some crumbled turkey bacon.