Looking for a solid buddy

im a 50 year old. Current weight 160 and flabby. Wanting to list 20 lbs. need to be accountable to someone. In return I will support you. I'm a lazy person but am now ready to do what it takes. Need someone to tell me like it is!!!!


  • njsch59
    njsch59 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm a 55 yr old, about 175 pounds headed for a goal of 160. Need to develop some consistency in my routine. I'm generally not lazy and can be a good coach or so I am told. Big fan of my FitBit and tracking what I eat on MFP....although I need a buddy to keep me on it.
  • sherwood164
    sherwood164 Posts: 2 Member
    Great!! I shouldn't say I'm lazy -- I'm so set in a routine of going to work and going home. I tend to watch tv instead of going for a walk. I also get so caught up in life I forget to exercise or not make it a priority. I'm going to make some signs and put them around the house to remind myself. What's your routine?
  • chuaseahhui
    chuaseahhui Posts: 34 Member
    You can make it