soda is my weakness

I know it is soooo bad for you, but there is something about the sweetness and carbonation combination that makes it so hard to cut out. Plus, cutting out the caffeine gives me headaches. How do you keep control and avoid the temptation?


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Nothing wrong with soda in moderation ;)

    I would not say drinking a 6 pack a day is a good call but if you're having 1-2, staying within your calories and hitting your macros reasonably well, they're fine.

    I still drink soda, though I've mostly switched to diet.

  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    I personally had to cut out soda completely, I couldn't control "moderation" and I will say looking back at it that the sugars in soda caused me to be more hungry and eat allot more in general. It's all unsweet tea or flavored waters for me now. But as said above if you can stick to one or two a day and still stay under your calorie goals I say why change
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I feel your coke...definitely a problem for me. But also sweets and night time...I eat for no reason!
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you want to stop it takes some strength to resist lol but i think its worth it. I used to drink soda 1-2 times a day, but now its more like once a month... Or less. I think of it more as a treat than a snack or side.
  • xXSarahPrincessXx
    xXSarahPrincessXx Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2015
    I used to feel the same way, but I kind of cut them out cold turkey!
    As for caffeine I get mine from plain black coffee, or Yogi brand blueberry slim life green tea with about a tsp and a half of honey (to 1 cup of tea) (and I only drink one serving of anything I add sugar or honey to)
    It's honestly best to go cold turkey (at least for me) because the less you eat sugar, the less you want it! :smiley: and over time your taste buds start changing! I used to like Hershey's milk chocolate, and one say I just wanted to eat a little as a cheat treat and well... I spit it out! It didn't taste the same at all, it was gross o.O and 2 nights ago tried some gelato (thought for sure I'd love that like I used to). While it was still "okay" I didn't like it that much and gave the rest away lol.
    Also read a study that showed eating sugar is worse than eating nothing! The experiment had rats and they had some that drank only water with no food, and then some that had sugar water and no food. The sugar water rats all died and the others lived!
    And don't switch to diet -.-, aspartame is terrible and is also used in pool cleaner.
    Good luck, hope this helped!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Women can safely have an intake 25g added sugars (6 tsp) without having to worry about it being stored as fat, men 10 tsp.
    For example say someone is on a 1500 calorie diet, even if you stay in goal in calories, if one ate donuts, or ice cream and soda, etc, then even with a deficit weight may still be put on because of sugar excess!

    This is not true. You can eat a diet consisting mainly of twinkies and lose weight as long as you are in a calorie deficit while even improving your blood markers:

    OP - there is nothing wrong with enjoying soda occasionally within the context of an otherwise healthy diet that meets your calorie and macro/micro nutrient goals. Have you considered switching to diet soda?
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I used to feel the same way, but I kind of cut them out cold turkey. And there's more to it than making sure you are under calories. Women can safely have an intake 25g added sugars (6 tsp) without having to worry about it being stored as fat, men 10 tsp.
    For example say someone is on a 1500 calorie diet, even if you stay in goal in calories, if one ate donuts, or ice cream and soda, etc, then even with a deficit weight may still be put on because of sugar excess!
    As for caffeine I get mine from plain black coffee, or Yogi brand blueberry slim life green tea with about a tsp and a half of honey (to 1 cup of tea) (and I only drink one serving of anything I add sugar or honey to)
    It's honestly best to go cold turkey (at least for me) because the less you eat sugar, the less you want it! :smiley: and over time your taste buds start changing! I used to like Hershey's milk chocolate, and one say I just wanted to eat a little as a cheat treat and well... I spit it out! It didn't taste the same at all, it was gross o.O and 2 nights ago tried some gelato (thought for sure I'd love that like I used to). While it was still "okay" I didn't like it that much and gave the rest away lol.
    Also read a study that showed eating sugar is worse than eating nothing! The experiment had rats and they had some that drank only water with no food, and then some that had sugar water and no food. The sugar water rats all died and the others lived!
    Good luck, hope this helped!

    100% nonsense

    I go for coke zero and diet dr pepper myself. Diet dr pepper tastes very similar to the real thing. And I like coke zero even better than the real thing! But, as someone else said, if you can fit 1-2 in your calorie goals go for it. For me, I'd rather eat those calories.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    diet is an option or a seltzer water with either a fruit syrup(watch the calories) or infused water.
  • xXSarahPrincessXx
    xXSarahPrincessXx Posts: 9 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I used to feel the same way, but I kind of cut them out cold turkey. And there's more to it than making sure you are under calories. Women can safely have an intake 25g added sugars (6 tsp) without having to worry about it being stored as fat, men 10 tsp.
    For example say someone is on a 1500 calorie diet, even if you stay in goal in calories, if one ate donuts, or ice cream and soda, etc, then even with a deficit weight may still be put o
    As for caffeine I get mine from plain black coffee, or Yogi brand blueberry slim life green tea with about a tsp and a half of honey (to 1 cup of tea) (and I only drink one serving of anything I add sugar or honey to)
    It's honestly best to go cold turkey (at least for me) because the less you eat sugar, the less you want it! :smiley: and over time your taste buds start changing! I used to like Hershey's milk chocolate, and one say I just wanted to eat a little as a cheat treat and well... I spit it out! It didn't taste the same at all, it was gross o.O and 2 nights ago tried some gelato (thought for sure I'd love that like I used to). While it was still "okay" I didn't like it that much and gave the rest away lol.
    Also read a study that showed eating sugar is worse than eating nothing! The experiment had rats and they had some that drank only water with no food, and then some that had sugar water and no food. The sugar water rats all died and the others lived!
    Good luck, hope this helped!

    100% nonsense

    I go for coke zero and diet dr pepper myself. Diet dr pepper tastes very similar to the real thing. And I like coke zero even better than the real thing! But, as someone else said, if you can fit 1-2 in your calorie goals go for it. For me, I'd rather eat those calories.
    I hate the internet, everything get so jumbled up. Anyway fixed my information.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    A 16 oz. bottle of coke contains 52 grams of carbs. Let's say your daily calorie target is 1,500 and carb target is 40%, or 150 grams. That means just over one-third of your daily carb allotment is absorbed by that one bottle of coke.

    Totally not worth it, IMO.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I started cutting down to a can a day at dinner, then switched to diet to save the 150-170 calories for food. I find that most of the time that's all I need to satisfy me. Obviously if you don't like the taste of it (which I thought at first too...turns out I just don't like Diet Coke) or of artificial sweeteners make you ill, then you can find another way that works for you. Now I can't even stand regular...I bought a bottle of Mountain Dew a few weeks ago and it was WAY too sweet!
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    I never buy it for home anymore, but I still crave it too. I probably drink it 1-3 times a week. Still working on cutting back more. While it is true you can enjoy it in moderation there are so many things that are healthier and fill you up more. Soda is empty calories that will not leave you as full as 150 calories of whole food. Also when limiting calories you have to focus even more on nutrients to ensure you are getting adequate protein fiber calcium etc. As for caffeine do you like coffee? I usually drink coffee during the week at work. And I agree some diet sodas are decent. I like diet cherry dr pepper. The cherry flavor makes it a little thicker and closer to the real thing. Anyway good luck. I think cutting back on soda is a good and appropriate goal for both weight loss and overall health.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    I used to feel the same way, but I kind of cut them out cold turkey. And there's more to it than making sure you are under calories. Women can safely have an intake 25g added sugars (6 tsp) without having to worry about it being stored as fat, men 10 tsp.
    For example say someone is on a 1500 calorie diet, even if you stay in goal in calories, if one ate donuts, or ice cream and soda, etc, then even with a deficit weight may still be put o
    As for caffeine I get mine from plain black coffee, or Yogi brand blueberry slim life green tea with about a tsp and a half of honey (to 1 cup of tea) (and I only drink one serving of anything I add sugar or honey to)
    It's honestly best to go cold turkey (at least for me) because the less you eat sugar, the less you want it! :smiley: and over time your taste buds start changing! I used to like Hershey's milk chocolate, and one say I just wanted to eat a little as a cheat treat and well... I spit it out! It didn't taste the same at all, it was gross o.O and 2 nights ago tried some gelato (thought for sure I'd love that like I used to). While it was still "okay" I didn't like it that much and gave the rest away lol.
    Also read a study that showed eating sugar is worse than eating nothing! The experiment had rats and they had some that drank only water with no food, and then some that had sugar water and no food. The sugar water rats all died and the others lived!
    Good luck, hope this helped!

    100% nonsense

    I go for coke zero and diet dr pepper myself. Diet dr pepper tastes very similar to the real thing. And I like coke zero even better than the real thing! But, as someone else said, if you can fit 1-2 in your calorie goals go for it. For me, I'd rather eat those calories.
    I hate the internet, everything get so jumbled up. Anyway fixed my information.

    Your information is still false and misleading. This is not a debate on sugar and artificial sweeteners-OP simply asked for some advice on her soda consumption. The only problem with soda is that it has a relatively high amount of calories but no substance to fill you up.

    If OP can fit in the 140 per can into her day, awesome. If not, diet is a fine alternative.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    I am definitely with you on this. I have a long history of giving up diet pepsi/diet coke for months, but then it's like a relapse where I drink it like water. I think it's fine to keep drinking, but just try to limit it. And if you drink 20 ozs of soda, drink 20 ozs of water. Match soda with water.

    If it's just carbonation you love, maybe consider getting a soda stream/drinking some flavored waters?
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Oh yeah when I first quit soda I drank soda water with lemon and lime. I still get that at restaurants sometimes.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I know it is soooo bad for you, but there is something about the sweetness and carbonation combination that makes it so hard to cut out. Plus, cutting out the caffeine gives me headaches. How do you keep control and avoid the temptation?

    Make your own sparkle water, add spenda and your good.
    Buy sparkle water w/flavor.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    If you can fit it in, why not ? As others have mentioned if it becomes a problem fitting in to your allowance then you might have to look at cutting back or a diet version. I reduced my sugar in my coffees over a period of time, it was hard at first but after a while you get used to it
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I start my day with my Diet Dr. Pepper because I don't drink coffee and then switch to water for the rest of the day. Occasionally I will have a Diet Pepsi with supper if we go out for pizza or something. Some foods just need a pop instead of water.

    I bought a Soda Stream and am totally in love with it. There are home made syrup recipes that you can make but I haven't tried them yet. I drink the Diet Dr. Pepper version of it. I love the sweet, fizzy carbonation too. It's hard to give up so I drink in moderation and don't worry about it.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    If want to cut it out, then go for it. If you don't then just switch to diet or find a way to fit regular soda into your calories. I mostly drink diet now and I have at least a can a day and it hasn't stalled my weight loss, I've lost most of the weight I planned to lose. Calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have one diet soda a day. It took me a while to find a diet soda I likes (Coke Zero or Diet Dr Pepper). If the soda made me not get enough water, I would worry more, but I still get 80-100oz of water a day after the soda.