Weight loss

rachiya1 Posts: 4 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
How often should I weigh myself? I would like to see results sooner but looking at the scale gets depressing at times. Especially when I'm not seeing results the way I would like too.


  • douglasrl
    douglasrl Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but only record my weight on Mondays. The daily fluctuations in my weight do not bother me as long as the overall trend is downward. But, if they bother you, put the scale away and only bring it out once a week or once a month. Also look at other things besides the scale. I've had times when I go 6 weeks with no weight loss, but have gone down two pant sizes in the same period. The scale is not the only indicator that your losing!!
  • rachiya1
    rachiya1 Posts: 4 Member
    Okay thank you for the information.
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    We have become the population of instant gratification but our bodies dont work like that. Eating less today does not necessarily mean less numbers on a scale tomorrow. There are way too many variables in play: your hydration, sodium consumption, monthly cycle, stress, food you ate yesterday, food you ate the day before, outside temperature, your sleep, your activity level, muscle growth/loss/water retention, kidneys, etc. etc. etc.

    Realize that you only trying to control 2 of the very incomplete list above: food and activity. If having daily fluctuations, which are normal, is too much for you - weight yourself once or twice a week. Find what works for you.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    If it upsets you to see your weight daily, then only weigh once a week. :confused:
    Do it second thing in the morning (first thing is going to the bathroom), naked, in the same spot on the floor.

    I like the reward of seeing the numbers go down when I'm doing it right, :smile:
    and the reminder that I'm doing something wrong when the numbers don't go down. :frowning:
    I write my weight on the calendar every morning, but only update here when I've lost. I don't need the
    stupid app announcing every time I re-lose the same 5 lb (that I've been bouncing around for the past
    couple months... which is annoying, but I know what I'm doing wrong)
  • rachiya1
    rachiya1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the response:)