This baby weight is weighing on me.

:p Before my daughter, I weighed 115lbs. After I gave birth I weighed 168. (And that's after I'd dropped the "easy to lose" 25lbs. Holy moly what a difference! I managed to cut another 20lbs, and in March I stood at 146.
But, then we decided to try to conceive baby #2 and we are having some difficulties. So my doc put me on hormones. And I gained 9lbs back :'( so, I'm at 155.
Its such a mind f*** to try and balance or choose between cutting calories to lose weight or not. After gaining so much during my 1st pregnancy I went through awful Postpartum Depression.
I do not want to experience that again.
In a perfect world if someone asked me what I wanted more, a second baby or to be at my goal weight, I'd choose the baby...

Lord give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage change the things I can.



  • whirlygig60
    whirlygig60 Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe try changing your focus. Instead of focusing on a certain number, try to work on healthy habits that can be sustainable throughout your next pregnancy to keep the pregnancy weight in check. Making tracking a habit if it isn't already, get into a moderate exercise routine with strength training and walking. If they become habits now and you can keep it up through the pregnancy, you'll probably feel a lot better about yourself when it's over.
  • beccasleeps
    beccasleeps Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely working towards that! Thanks