Sugar=Stomach....What fruits and snacks are low in sugar int

dblconmen Posts: 5 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Can anyone help...I've been going over on my sugar in take since I started this website/program...mostly due to the fruit I eat...I read a couple places that sugar adds to the stomach fat/pouch and stress of course....any ideas on what fruits have less sugar???? what can I eat??? Also any exercises I can do to get this huge gut off me???


  • I was told green apples and berry's are what you want to eat. As far as exercises you want to do side crunches
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Don't worry about the natural sugar found in fruit. MFP doesn't take into consideration where the sugar comes from so I wouldn't worry about going over if you're sticking to fruits. Just watch your refined sugar intake. As far as exercise to get rid of belly fat. It really takes cardio and strength exercises. Drink lots of water and get good amount of sleep too.
  • kathykibby
    kathykibby Posts: 3
    i read some where if you crave sweets to eat apples and prunes.. personally i like prunes they are a good source of fiber also.. but dont eat to many...
  • kathykibby
    kathykibby Posts: 3
    i have problems with my lower back....does anyone know of any exercises that i maybe able to do with out hurting my back to much? i need to really excerise... and what will get me motivative...
  • infosynth
    infosynth Posts: 81 Member
    @kathykibby Don't mess around with your back. Get yourself a trainer who can adapt exercises accordingly.
  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
    I wouldn't worry about sugar from fruit. As far as exercises can not spot reduce fat. You will have to lose weight in order to lose belly fat...and your body will take the fat from wherever it feels like taking it. If you do more ab exercises and aren't losing fat, you may run the risk of making your stomach look bigger bc your muscle is growing and the fat is still there.
  • dblconmen
    dblconmen Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you ALL...Your ADVICE is AMAZING!!! AND I WON'T WORRY TO MUCH ABOUT THE NATURAL SUGARS...and I guess I should probably not worry to much about the gut just do more cardio and it will shrink in time...Thanks you guys your the BESTEST!!!!:heart::happy:
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