tips and tricks?

Hello, my name is Caylin and I am just starting my journey to a better and healthier me. I am trying to eat healthier and exercise but I have no idea where to begin. I would love some advice!


  • WheyistheWay
    WheyistheWay Posts: 7 Member
    Count your calories. If there's something junky you like you can find a healthier alternative 95% of the time.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Weigh (not measure with spoons and cups) and log all your food/drinks.
    Don't let a cheat meal become a cheat day (unless its your birthday and then those calories don't count...jk).
    Ignore the scale (it lies). Take pictures or measurements instead.
    Eat whole foods and not prepackaged.
    Make most of your meals at home.
    Stick with a plan that works for you and your lifestyle not what a TV "doctor" or celebrity is pushing.
    If you fall off plan, just get back on as soon as possible.

    These tips have helped me on this journey and I hope they can help you too! Best of luck!