Please Help Me Get Started

Hello everyone! I am 20 years old and weigh 210 lb. My highest weight ever was 219 lb. and I've managed to lose those 9 lb. since May 27th (I lost more, but I'll explain later). However, I don't see any difference in my body whatsoever so I'm convinced it's water weight. Anyway, I got really frustrated and haven't been eating healthy since last week. That's how I went from 205 lb. to 210 lb. in a week. I'm just so exhausted. I feel guilty when I eat and I feel guilty when I don't. I feel so ashamed of my body and I hate myself. I want to be thin and healthy so badly, but I don't know how to get started. I can't eat anything without being paranoid. If I eat oatmeal I freak over the carbs. If I eat fruit I freak over the sugars. I'm just so lost and frustrated. What is a healthy diet for me? Please help me. MFP suggest a caloric intake of 1200 which seems good. What can I eat that is healthy and won't make me feel guilty? I want to lose weight before I start college again in the Fall because I'm so tired of being fat and lonely. I don't mean to sound so angry and pathetic but I just don't know where to turn anymore. Also, if anyone is in the same place as me please feel free to add me. I don't really turn to my friends for support because they're all thin and it feels a bit embarrassing at times. I will add anyone back!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    First, realize that there are no bad foods. It's all just food. Food provides your body with calories. Calories are a unit of energy. Your body needs energy to run on. Stop feeling guilty about eating food. You need it.

    Second, read this:
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    Eat whatever you want and when you are hungry only. Calories in vs calories out is all that matters. So eat at the 1200 mark and be sure to be honest and accurate when you log what you consume. Aim to hit your macros in MFP too. First days and week were hard for me at deficit but you will adjust.

    Once you do that for a month or so, then move on to replacing "bad" stuff with "good" stuff. Grab a cup (measured) of baby carrots instead of that bag of chips for example.

    It doesn't happen over night and for some it is a real struggle over time. Take before pictures now...front, back and side. Hugely motivating as you progress. Look to the forums in the success stories section, you will find all types and all walks in there.

    2lbs a week is on the high side for long term sustainable loss. I don't know what you stats are other than current weight but by start of fall classes you could maybe do 12-14 lbs depending on your start date.

    If you have access to a gym on your campus utilize it. Many rave about 5x5 strong lifts for recompositioning. Many are successful with just doing cardio. But you need to be in calorie deficit to lose weight no matter what.
  • Iwantatinytum
    Iwantatinytum Posts: 10 Member
    I think generally if you aim to eat as little processed foods as possible you will be healthier & naturally consume less calories :)
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    Start simple and just log every day what you are eating. Ideally eat at a deficit the majority of days and try and incorporate some exercise...walking is fine. You will lose might be slow sometimes but it will happen.

  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I totally sympathize, b/c I too got "stuck" by fretting wayyyyy too much about food choices. Should I avoid sugar? carbs? alcohol? caffeine? animal proteins? all of the above? I was encouraged here by many friends to eat what I wanted but to maintain a calorie deficit. It's simple, and it works. I think that's a good way to get going, while you're thinking about ultimately what the best way to eat is for yourself. That way, something's getting accomplished, weightwise, while you explore all the different options.
  • becauseimworthit576
    becauseimworthit576 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2015
    Can I just ask, have you been tested for a thyroid disorder? You're describing similar symptoms to me - I have an under active thyroid.
    I'm not saying a diagnosis (if it's the case) is a cure all, or an excuse to stay overweight. But it may help you on your journey. Regardless, stop blaming yourself and ask yourself 'what can I do today to help me achieve my goal?'
    One day at a time - that's my new mantra
    Good luck x
  • MeltingMonicaAway
    MeltingMonicaAway Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone who replied! I feel a lot better now. I was really stressed out yesterday and felt completely lost. I think my main issue is that I want it to happen so fast. I'm so tired and exhausted of hating myself that I just want it to end as soon as possible. You guys are right. I'm going to take this one step at a time and not make things more complicated. I should be eating less calories than I burn and I need to exercise. That's it.