Co-Workers Comment on Your Food Choices?



  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    My favorite response is:
    "Do you own a mirror? If you observe your reflection, you might come to the objective conclusion that you are not fit to dispense nutrition information".

    But of course i don't say because I'm nice. ;)
    Smile and nod.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Hypsibius wrote: »
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    does anyone else NEVER hear the end of it from their co-workers when you bring your own, pre-portioned food to work with you?

    I find it interesting that people feel the need to comment on my choices, meanwhile I don't say one word about theirs. also particularly interesting that the people who chime in with their opinion the most are the ones who should be a little more health conscious themselves. I guess it makes them feel better about eating loads of gravy covered meat with corn and mashed potatoes when they nag me about my "healthy" food (I had chicken thighs, asparagus and sweet potatoes for lunch). and don't get me wrong, i love gravy, corn and mashed potatoes - in moderation, of course!


    Not really. But living in New York, you pretty much see a row of salads and quinoa dishes across the row of work desks at lunch.

    When I first started changing my diet, people definitely noticed and commented... but I used to be the one organizing Shake Shack Fridays with the field crew, and due to p90x was dropping pounds and gaining muscle in a very short amount of time -- so I was going to generate attention whether I wanted to or not.

    Nowadays nobody cares :). And I consider social events / free lunches an occasion to break my standard diet, anyway.

    i live and work in New York and still see plenty of desks full of fast food.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    does anyone else NEVER hear the end of it from their co-workers when you bring your own, pre-portioned food to work with you?

    I find it interesting that people feel the need to comment on my choices, meanwhile I don't say one word about theirs. also particularly interesting that the people who chime in with their opinion the most are the ones who should be a little more health conscious themselves. I guess it makes them feel better about eating loads of gravy covered meat with corn and mashed potatoes when they nag me about my "healthy" food (I had chicken thighs, asparagus and sweet potatoes for lunch). and don't get me wrong, i love gravy, corn and mashed potatoes - in moderation, of course!

    Who cares? Being affected by what others think and say is part of the reason that people have self esteem issues with themselves. My stance is that if people can't stand the way I am, then it's their issue not mine. Whatever someone else thinks or believes has no effect on how I care for my family, my income, and my enjoyment of life, so why even care about their opinion? Let it ride and just do what you need to get done.
    Just make sure that you're not one to act "elite" about their own choices of food or how they go about their own lives. That's just as irritating.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Oh my favorites:
    "That's all your eating?"
    "You're eating again?!"
    "I don't know how you eat the same thing everyday."
    "I don't know how you do it."

    My response is typically the same to any comment or question

    Summer is closer than you think or You don't know how I do it because you wont even try
    No need to even defend yourself. Just smile and nod. Your responses could be viewed as them being inferior and then office gossip is created. Be the adult and don't even bother.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I made a general service announcement when i started working this job.

    no one bothers me- I don't need to explain myself (I will sometimes because generally I like my coworkers- and it's a very small unit) but rarely to "defend" myself. That's just ridiculous.

    I don't understand how this conversation comes up so much. We talk about food a lot at work- because we are all fat kids- but my boss is practically vegan- my coworker is all over the place- other coworker keeps to himself- Secretary has texture issues, admin assistant is the pickest person I've ever met. So we are just fine. No one explains anything and we all have a firm "try it once" kind of policy.
  • cosmiqrecovery
    cosmiqrecovery Posts: 171 Member
    one time a coworker saw me refilling my water bottle and told me drinking water would make me fat. i don't listen to anything they have to say about diet.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    People at work used to make fun of the food I ate. Then I started bringing extra for my co-workers to try. They all admitted that my food was great and stopped making comments on my food. We even had a pizza lunch and one co-worker made a comment that I didn't eat the pizza and another co-worker defended me and said I did. I ate half a slice. Give it some time they will get used to your eating habits.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I am so glad I'm the only person in my office.
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    I find my coworkers tease me to eat more. I work in daycare and when we serve snack they all munch but because I don't they will say something along the lines of, "You ate -insert lunch here- so you have enough calories left, common just have a piece." In reality they have no idea how many cals Im allowed or what is in the foods I eat. Quite annoying. Don't tell me what I can eat! XD
  • mordant57
    mordant57 Posts: 58 Member
    Nobody says anything...and I'd probably freak out if they did. Leave me and my food choices alone.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Most of my co-workers know how I roll after three years of kicking *kitten*. Nobody really says anything anymore...I look the way I look for a reason...and they look the way they look for a reason...and they know what those reasons are.

    Mine have pretty much stopped the comments when I eat healthy lunches since I have been at it for 5 years, but now if I eat something that is no quite so healthy, I get the "are you really gonna eat that?"

    I was actually very happy when someone commented not long ago that I was the healthiest eater in the department. Of course they were questioning why I made the high calorie dessert that I had brought in :smiley:

  • chismmegan
    chismmegan Posts: 45 Member
    This is so odd to me. I've never had anyone comment on what I was eating (aside from the one time I brought salmon and stunk up the place). Luckily, my closest co-worker also tries to eat better/workout. We both have the biggest sweet tooth, so we just don't say anything to each other if one of us is eating a piece of another co-workers birthday cake.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    It is horrible/rude to tell someone not to eat that chocolate cupcake, but it is okay to tell the person who eats veggies that they should eat a chocolate cupcake once in a while instead of their "boring healthy meals".
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    My Co-Workers laugh at me and whisper behind my back :D They hate that I can decline donuts, etc.
  • chismmegan
    chismmegan Posts: 45 Member
    goalpeace wrote: »
    My Co-Workers laugh at me and whisper behind my back :D They hate that I can decline donuts, etc.

    We haven't had anything brought in or have someones birthday since before I started my weight loss journey. I'm almost looking forward to being able to say "no" to the next birthday cake. Hopefully it won't be too hard, because I used to try and say no but then end up giving in like 30 minutes before it's time to go home. I'm just going to tell myself that I can have my own sweet treat at home, where I can accurately weigh and log
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    chismmegan wrote: »
    goalpeace wrote: »
    My Co-Workers laugh at me and whisper behind my back :D They hate that I can decline donuts, etc.

    We haven't had anything brought in or have someones birthday since before I started my weight loss journey. I'm almost looking forward to being able to say "no" to the next birthday cake. Hopefully it won't be too hard, because I used to try and say no but then end up giving in like 30 minutes before it's time to go home. I'm just going to tell myself that I can have my own sweet treat at home, where I can accurately weigh and log

    The birthday cakes that my company brings in for birthdays (big company, so there's a few cakes once a month for anyone who has a birthday that month) are absolute crap! I'm actually really glad about that, b/c it makes it that much easier to decide that it's not worth it.

    I think the worst time for me was in the first few months at a job, just out of college. A training session for me and the other 2 new hires was wrapping up for lunch, and one of them asked the other if they wanted to go somewhere for lunch. The response was, "No, I'm a lame *kitten* and brought my lunch." With me sitting right there, when they both knew I brought my lunch every day (for monetary reasons as much as health). I'm sure she didn't even think about it or mean it to be directed at me, but I felt very hurt.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've been "watching my weight" for over 20 years and I've been at my current job for 17 years. I've worked in many, many departments as I've worked my way up. People typically said things when they were new to working with me, but they got used to it. Everyone pretty much knows that I won't eat the cookies, cake, doughnuts, bagels, free lunches, etc. My days are pre-planned and I stick with them, especially during the work day.

    ETA, none of my co-workers were really rude, they would just say things like "she's not going to eat it" or "you're always so good" (even though I don't place value judgements on foods).
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    things have been mentioned and I just shrug. their butts can keep growing. mine is headed in the opposite direction
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Pet Peeve!

    Even if the remarks are complimentary, like "Oh, so healthy!" or "That looks great I should be as healthy. You always eat so healthy! " It still strikes me as obnoxious. I'm eating a salad. It's not earth shattering and I'm sure you've had one at some point in your life too. Also:

    A. I just want to eat lunch and not respond to phoney office niceties and oooohing and aahhing.
    B. I'm not trying to impress anyone or show that I'm better than them. I just like to cook and eat good things.
    C. At my job a lot of the people who say these things look pretty healthy themselves and don't seem to struggle with diet problems, so I don't understand the patronizing fawning over my healthy meal.

    I think a lot of this behavior is sometimes just standard workplace chatter--something people say because they're in the break room with you and feel the need to say something, regardless how pointless or awkward. It's like the lunchtime equivalent of TGIF. Haha.

    +1 for A and B. 90% of the people in my office are varies degrees of overweight (including myself) but the main difference is I am making strides to change my life. Most of my coworkers go out to fast food lunch every single day and some of them also eat fast food breakfast every single day. They munch on candy and chips all day. There are often donuts and cake brought in and I always refrain. I do get tired of the comments, but I've learned to just let them go best I can. Sometimes I will take the piece of cake or the donut just to avoid the comments and then I put it in a Ziploc bag or my lunch container and take home to my husband.

    Also, alot the people I work with have tried every single fad diet out there and would rather take pills while standing on their heads than to try changing their diets.

    I can admit I am a bit judgmental of my coworkers diets sometimes.

    I've also overcome a lot to try and get my life and health together and I continue to work very hard everyday. I weight, measure, count and log all my meals and snacks every single day. I work with a trainer 3 nights a week and I do at least 200 minutes of cardio outside of that.
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    my boss tells me that I am going to get sick from eating food that was prepped ahead of time... I told him and another coworker that I used to get sick from eating fast food everyday and I will live with the consequences of my own actions. They haven't said much since other than constantly asking me if I want to go grab lunch with them.

    They also tell me that walking over my lunch break is counter productive because it is too hot outside and what do you do if you can't go home to shower. I live in Wisconsin and it hasn't even hit 80 other than 2 days this year.

    Haters gone hate. Just do your thing and block out the negativity or use it as motivation.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    My co-workers are in awe of what I eat. A couple have asked me if I would consider cooking for them if they paid me.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    My co-workers are in awe of what I eat. A couple have asked me if I would consider cooking for them if they paid me.

    I did this at my job! Pay weekly for a healthy meal packed by me. When I was fresh out of college, I was working four part time jobs and my fifth was a "catering" company of people who wanted healthy dinners. I later catered parties and business meetings (not for my coworkers).
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    jhard728 wrote: »

    They also tell me that walking over my lunch break is counter productive because it is too hot outside and what do you do if you can't go home to shower. I live in Wisconsin and it hasn't even hit 80 other than 2 days this year.

    That....doesn't even make any sense.

    I would get a lot of "that's not healthy for you" when I'd go to a fast food place to get a side salad and piece of grilled chicken.

    Lately, I got an "ewww" when I brought back a single serving pouch of tuna and a greek yogurt after walking around Target during my lunch hour. Hey, 29 g of protein in 170 calories for just over $2 is nothing to sneeze at.

  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    I work in a fish bowl. It is rough. For instance, today I had a big bowl of broccoli and I got the comment...oh thats alot of broccoli your eating! I said why dont you stick around for the fireworks. :)
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    I work with a little Miss Know It All who constantly tells me how I should eat and it drives me nuts. She's so underweight it's not funny. I'd say she needs to gain at least 10 kg but is now doing the 5:2 diet, I have no idea why yet she'll make comments about the weighted amount of feta cheese in my salad at lunch time and that I had two mandarins (OMG shock horror) yet never sees the healthy breakfast and dinner I have. I feel like telling her to mind her own damn business but dealing with her sulking just isn't worth it.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited June 2015
    Luckily my coworkers are very supportive. They are mostly old guys that laugh every time they see me scan something on my phone. They are always asking me what I'm doing because they don't understand phone apps... probably still don't understand. Guess it's better to ask legit questions out of curiosity than try to lecture me. They did use to make remarks about my "healthy food" in the very beginning, but now it's usually "that looks really good" or ask me what's in it.
    By now they know if I want a piece of birthday cake or cookie I will ask for one - don't give me such a hard time when I say no.

    I do have a vendor that comes in once a month and contradicts herself on "healthy food". One minute she loves peanut butter, the next minute she's saying peanuts are the wicked stepchild of nuts. Always trying to push organic on me, too. So annoying!!
  • RebeccaD22
    RebeccaD22 Posts: 202 Member
    I have one co-worker who just does not think when she talks, and if she does, then she is b****ier than I thought! lol...but hey, I'm doing this for me. Not her or anyone else. She won't be talking **** when I'm hot lol
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    The main conversation in my work is about foods, diets and recipes, mainly the females, but all in good nature, or with good intent.