Cheat days!



  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Honestly the word cheat gets everyone here in a tissy. They think if you use the word that you just gorge yourself with 10 pizzas, 20 beers and 2 cakes. They think it classifies food as good and bad. I on the other hand don't let the word define how I feel about anything. It is a word. I have a cheat day every week which for me has rules and I still log all of it. I try to end my week in the green which I succeed 9 times out of 10. I still weigh and measure everything but, instead of 4 ozs of pasta with 1 tbsp of parmesan cheese. It is like 8 oz and 7 tbsp of parmesan cheese. I am not doing my diet wrong because I have averaged over a lb a week loss since February 8th. I think some ppl can't handle cheat days because they can't control themselves. They let words define what foods they can and can not eat. You do what you can do for yourself.
  • AuburnL
    AuburnL Posts: 13 Member
    About once a month I go on long hike (10+ miles), and those days always end with a really indulgent meal that includes a few beers, lots of carbs and my very own unshared dessert :smile: . I look forward to it immensely. I log it all and don't really think of it as a "cheat" since it fits my lifestyle but it does feel indulgent and well earned and since my average days don't feel that way, that's always nice. I also have the occasional random days where I eat over goal or over maintenance. Sometimes planned, sometimes not, to accommodate parties or special events or just cause I feel like it.

    I also find the occasional few days eating at maintenance is really important for me psychologically. That's what I tend to aim for whenever I'm traveling and it's challenging to stick to a deficit on the road. It's what lets me know I can do this forever and it's going to be manageable.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    kndev wrote: »
    I don't do cheat meals or days. I eat what I want and make it fit into my calorie goals. Every so often, I eat at maintenance for a week or so to give myself a break from a constant deficit though. That tends to help with weight loss as well.

    But some people love cheat meals/days/weeks/whatever, but some don't. I don't.

    I like your logic in regards to giving your body a break with a maintenance week. How often do you do a maintenance week?

    I tend to about every 3 months or so. Some of my friends on here do it every 2 months, some every 6 months, some never. Personally I find that about every 3 months works for me. :)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    What do you define as a cheat day? What do you like to have on a cheat day? How often do you have them?
    (Hello by the way! Add me if you want, I'm 5'2 and 137lbs currently)

    Cheat day, eh? That's like asking someone to define God or what their favourite colour is.

    Everyone will have a different answer for you.

    Personally I don't like the idea of cheat days. Especially planned ones. Seems like your setting your self up for failure, mess up one day *poof* it's a cheat day. Also aren't cheat days like a warning sign that your being to restrictive?

    Everyone should have days where you just can't stay under your calories. Weddings, birthdays, Christmas etc they are my cheat days. Special occasions. Doesn't mean I eat and drink enough to put my weight loss back 4 weeks but I'm not going to stress going over by a bit or a lot.

    I define cheat days as going over your allocated calories but either staying below maintenance or at least eating back no more than a few days deficits.

    Some people have cheat days where they remain under their calories, what are they cheating here? Macros?
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Honestly the word cheat gets everyone here in a tissy. They think if you use the word that you just gorge yourself with 10 pizzas, 20 beers and 2 cakes. They think it classifies food as good and bad. I on the other hand don't let the word define how I feel about anything. It is a word. I have a cheat day every week which for me has rules and I still log all of it. I try to end my week in the green which I succeed 9 times out of 10. I still weigh and measure everything but, instead of 4 ozs of pasta with 1 tbsp of parmesan cheese. It is like 8 oz and 7 tbsp of parmesan cheese. I am not doing my diet wrong because I have averaged over a lb a week loss since February 8th. I think some ppl can't handle cheat days because they can't control themselves. They let words define what foods they can and can not eat. You do what you can do for yourself.

    At what point did you cheat though? Your saying over the week you are under your calories right? In the green?

    On the day you eat that big bowl of pasta are you over your calories?

    Seems to me you aren't having cheat days because you are eating less during the week to balance out the end of the week pasta. Your just more a weekly logger rather than daily.

    I'm not trying to be confrontational, just curious at your definition of cheat.

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't do cheat days. At some point, I'll be in maintenance and in maintenance you have to make up for cheat days.
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    It's purely semantics, but I call mine a treat meal. It's not a 'cheat' cos I barely exceed maintenance (don't eat much during the day), and bank calories throughout the week for it. But having my Friday night cheat/treat meal and drinks is very important for me to make this a truly sustainable lifestyle change. Doesn't mean I don't get other, little, treats throughout the week (hello chocolate and wine), but this one meal is my real weekly reward - especially when we get the kids to sleep and relax while catching up on our favourite shows or a movie.

    I've always needed something to look forward to, and I've always liked saving the best bit of something til last. I automatically, unconsciously, divide my meals up and eat from least to most favourite food. Broccoli first. Roast potatoes last. So I save the best, most indulgent, meal til the end of the week. (I'm losing just fine, btw)

    Ymmv, obv.

  • melzy824
    melzy824 Posts: 45 Member
    I think a cheat meal or snack every so often is okay but not a cheat day. You can blow your whole week in 1 day if you let it get out of hand. Don't deprive yourself of anything. I am trying not to eat anything bad until it is a habbit to eat healthy and then I will let a few things in when I feel like I can handle it :)
  • rachelbouc
    rachelbouc Posts: 65 Member
    I'm also on the no cheat day bandwagon. If I accommodate treats into my daily calories and don't restrict myself from any food or social events involving food (portion control is key for me in that situation) there is no reason for me to cheat. Regarding social events I usually eat at maintenance or below. If I can I go for a walk or a bike ride to help offset the calories. It works. After three weeks of parties I was able to lose each week; although, some weeks not as significant as others.
  • corryigo
    corryigo Posts: 35 Member
    I call it a cheat day, just because it is a known word. My "Cheat day" I will just not worry so much and stay right around a maintenance day caloric intake instead of 1000 calories under.
  • lovingallanimarilyn
    lovingallanimarilyn Posts: 3 Member
    Cheat meals are for people in the process of slowly changing their diet instead of dropping everything in one day it makes it easier. I've been having more than I should lately because the change is difficult because I'm a huge baby about big changes lol. I'm hoping to start going weeks without a cheat meal and hoping I no longer desire one because it can really put a damper on my success. I don't believe in dieting but I do believe in clean eating it just takes time for someone like me to go 100%
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    stop viewing food as bad/good/cheats/clean/evil/etc…

    food = food it gives your body nutrients and energy and is neither good or bad. Just make sure you hit your micros/macros/calorie targets. If you go over some days on calories no big deal you can make up for it the next day be eating less or not…

    when I first started I fell victim to the whole cheat day where I can have "bad" foods…however, I soon found that set me up the rest of the week as saying "oh, if I have ice cream I am cheating on my non cheat day" …now, I eat ice-cream pretty much every day and other things that I like within my goals, which makes sating on tack much easier and is liberating.
  • saylorkw
    saylorkw Posts: 69 Member
    katem999 wrote: »
    It's purely semantics, but I call mine a treat meal.

    Ymmv, obv.

    I'm going to start using that, "treat meal" not a cheat meal. I try to NOT eat my daily exercise calories and save them up for a weekend meal with my wife. Is that cheating?
  • HarleyQuinn34
    HarleyQuinn34 Posts: 38 Member
    i do have a meal out once every other Saturday that is considered a "treat"- i don't worry *as much* about calories- but i tend to not eat my calories back those weeks and work out a little extra those days to burn off some additional cals.

    even though i try to remain in my weekly calorie allocation i consider it a "treat" because its something to look forward to- that i don't have every day (pizza, Chinese takeout, whatever)
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    i have been actively losing for a month and i will be having my first cheat day tomorrow. when i was losing my weight last time (long story why i gained it back...) i would have one "free day" per month. i wouldn't log anything, and i would eat anything and everything in sight. chili dogs, french fries, donuts, etc.

    so tomorrow is my day. then friday i will start hitting it strong again and won't have another free day until end july. for me, the reason i do it is because it allows me to stay stronger during the days when i crave really trashy foods. i am not a moderation type person. meaning: i can't have a bite of a donut or a small amount of cake. i eat it all! LOL so, if i have one day per month that i know i can eat anything, then it's easier the other 29 days to stick to my calorie goal intake, knowing that i have a day when it will all be worth it.

    it worked last time, i lost 60 lbs, so i am going to do the same thing this time. :smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i have been actively losing for a month and i will be having my first cheat day tomorrow. when i was losing my weight last time (long story why i gained it back...) i would have one "free day" per month. i wouldn't log anything, and i would eat anything and everything in sight. chili dogs, french fries, donuts, etc.

    so tomorrow is my day. then friday i will start hitting it strong again and won't have another free day until end july. for me, the reason i do it is because it allows me to stay stronger during the days when i crave really trashy foods. i am not a moderation type person. meaning: i can't have a bite of a donut or a small amount of cake. i eat it all! LOL so, if i have one day per month that i know i can eat anything, then it's easier the other 29 days to stick to my calorie goal intake, knowing that i have a day when it will all be worth it.

    it worked last time, i lost 60 lbs, so i am going to do the same thing this time. :smile:

    for the record, moderation does not equal a bit of a can have the whole thing, or two if you want.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i have been actively losing for a month and i will be having my first cheat day tomorrow. when i was losing my weight last time (long story why i gained it back...) i would have one "free day" per month. i wouldn't log anything, and i would eat anything and everything in sight. chili dogs, french fries, donuts, etc.

    so tomorrow is my day. then friday i will start hitting it strong again and won't have another free day until end july. for me, the reason i do it is because it allows me to stay stronger during the days when i crave really trashy foods. i am not a moderation type person. meaning: i can't have a bite of a donut or a small amount of cake. i eat it all! LOL so, if i have one day per month that i know i can eat anything, then it's easier the other 29 days to stick to my calorie goal intake, knowing that i have a day when it will all be worth it.

    it worked last time, i lost 60 lbs, so i am going to do the same thing this time. :smile:

    for the record, moderation does not equal a bit of a can have the whole thing, or two if you want.

    well, for me, that doesn't work. when i eat donuts, i eat 6 (or sometimes 8 at shipley if they are hot). then i'm screwed for the rest of the day (and even the next!) because i'm over on calories. i would personally rather eat nice and clean and full of fresh fruits, veggies, etc. for 29 days of the month and be able to overdo it for one day. that's JMO.
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    A cheat day or meal is when you have a meal or day where you do not follow your diet, however you define your diet. could be going over on calories, eating the wrong foods, drinking the wrong things; it depends on you. Personally, I do not do cheat days because for me, that is a lack of dedication. Willpower has been a tough thing for me in the past when it came to dieting, therefore, I take it very seriously this time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I've been here almost three years and I still can't figure out what a cheat day or meal is. To me, it's just an indicator that a lot of people have really *kitten* relationships with food.

    People DEFINITELY do - if you're trying to radically change your lifestyle it's understandable to not want to go cold turkey though. This is why I'm asking what people view as a cheat day! Because for me that is drinking I suppose, and I "save up" for it throughout the week.

    I tend to look at the big picture and my diet as a whole, not individual days or meals. I eat really, really well for the most part...I'm admittedly a food snob and a whole foods to minimally processed food snob at that (like probably 95% of my diet)...but I don't, for example, look at pizza night with my boys every couple of weeks as "cheating"'s just pizza night and it's pretty irrelevant to the whole of my diet. I also drink a 2 or 3 glasses of wine or have a couple beers or a couple vodka and seltzers most every night...again, I don't see this as cheating...just having a cocktail.

    This is why I have difficulty understanding what "cheating" is..."cheating" to me implies that you are doing something inherently wrong and I just don't view food that way.