Ridiculous thoughts that get you through your diet/workout- NO JUDGEMENT



  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I want to be stronger and hotter than the strong skinny biatches at the gym. I know they bust their butts to get where they are but grrrr they get everything so easily!
    Also I want to get skinnier and hotter than my c word sister in law. She lost a ton of weight for her wedding and was all smug about it. To the point where I wanted to ram her face onto the treadmill mat.
    Anyway as I get smaller, she's slowly getting bigger again and back to her original size (she's started working part time and is having trouble finding the time)
    I work full time and my husband works away. I still find the time and I'm losing size.... mwahahahahahahaha suck *kitten* *kitten*.

    Oops my inner meanie is coming out lol
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I think about all the people who bullied or talked bad about my weight and then I think about what they will think when I have lose weight.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    Another one I think about is reunions. I'm not making much due to my chosen field. I do have the best relationship. So looking good, too.

    You guys make me laugh. My mean comes out, too.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    How good I will feal after I finish a workout where I gave it my best.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    there is already a no judgment thread, we don't need another one…

    to answer your question OP ..I focus on the lift that I am about to do and that is all. I actually enjoy lifting so I don't need to trick myself into doing it.

    It may benefit you to find something you enjoy so that you don't have to pretend to like it…just my thoughts.

  • denhar01
    denhar01 Posts: 13 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    there is already a no judgment thread, we don't need another one…

    to answer your question OP ..I focus on the lift that I am about to do and that is all. I actually enjoy lifting so I don't need to trick myself into doing it.

    It may benefit you to find something you enjoy so that you don't have to pretend to like it…just my thoughts.

    If you don't like the thread, don't post on it. Just my thoughts
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    About a decade ago, while running on a treadmill on lunch break, I would count as high as I could in foreign languages, and then count backwards to zero. I tried to keep time with my stride but sometimes I could not. It sure focused my mind elsewhere!
  • Busymissbridge
    Busymissbridge Posts: 23 Member
    When I'm struggling with arm exercises at the gym my (silent) mantra is 'no more cardigans, no more cardigans.' It makes me smile enough to keep going. And who knows, one day I might ditch all those cardigans in the charity shop.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    My boyfriend posted a comment on an Internet forum I stumbled accross. It had to do with body fat percentages and which body type guys preferred. The post was immature, but he was rather diplomatic with his words. But yeah, reading "I don't like my girlfriend's body type, but at least she's working on it," really put some more gas in the tank. =(

    (And no, he doesn't know I read it and never intended me to read it. I literally stumbled accross it because we both love the site.)
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 96 Member
    denhar01 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    there is already a no judgment thread, we don't

    If you don't like the thread, don't post on it. Just my thoughts

    THIS!!! :)
  • Xo_c_e_b_xo
    Xo_c_e_b_xo Posts: 70 Member
    I hate being 'the fat one'

    One of my best friend (size 8) said 'oh I'm
    So fat ' and I said if you're fat what the hell am I ? And she said 'oh you're just Courtney'
    This was years ago, I know she didn't mean offence but it has stuck with me

    I have been asked on many occasions when I'm due ?! One lady even said to me at work 'how long do you have left?' And I just said oh I finish at 3pm and she said 'no i meant the baby'...... Now surely if I was pregnant I would've said how many months I had left ' I lost my *kitten* and told her it was people like her that's the reason girls are sticking their heads down toilets and not eating!!!

    Also , I am the fattest person at my gym. I love my gym and I've never had any weird looks or judgment but I just want to
    Look like a gym bunny and feel like I belong there because I'm fit not fat

    I think of all these things when I'm sweating my *kitten* off and out of breath I think ' my work out today will be my warm up soon!!!!

    : )
  • lesslerz2014
    lesslerz2014 Posts: 24 Member
    I think really bad things about myself and then remind myself that I'm working towards looking better.
    I imagine running into exes, or old friend with my current bw and then my gw.
    A guy at Bevmo asked if I was pregnant once and that killed me so I think about that.
    Sometimes I just think about how soon these exercises wont kill me and I'll be able to plank and show off to people.
    I think about the clothes I'll get to wear.
    I also think about just feeling better and once I lose weight I'll be able to walk around without all the soreness in my feet.
  • lesslerz2014
    lesslerz2014 Posts: 24 Member
    On the treadmill: To poot, or not to poot? If I have my earbuds in, it could be louder than I realize. Also, it could be loaded. Would anyone notice if I suddenly jumped off of the treadmill and ran into the locker room?

    ETA I think I missed the point of this thread. :expressionless:

    That was totally what happened to me the last time I ran on a medieval torture boredom device treadmill. My pace seriously suffered because I was holding in a fart and someone was right beside me.
    I regularly use food/booze as a motivator. "You can go get a burrito after this!" is what I told myself while running today.
    Oh wait, I have no shame about that though. Running makes me hungry as a bear. That burrito was delicious.

    I download movies on my phone or tablet and watch a movie on the treadmill so I don't pay attention to the boring running haha
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I hate being 'the fat one'

    I think of all these things when I'm sweating my *kitten* off and out of breath I think ' my work out today will be my warm up soon!!!!

    : )

    I'm with you on both of these. My other half's sister is a tiny red head and she attracts and laps up attention no end. It would be nice to not be on the outside looking in for a change.

    When I started running training in March I was doing 3 minute jog/walk intervals. Now I'm either doing jog/sprint intervals or continuous 40 minute jogs :smile:
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    My mind goes back to high school track, where my coach would sit in the back of his pickup while his wife drove for pace as he tore pages out of a Playboy to motivate us to run faster.

    ...or any of the memories of having barrages of profanity coming from the dive motivators...

    Pretty much my entire workout is me laughing to myself and those around me staring at me and ensuring their mobiles are in hand to dial 911.
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I was having a last minute get together with friends, and when I have people over I like to make sure that they have snacks. I was out longer than expected and running late and didn't have time to make anything so I decided to stop at the store and just get some tostito's and salsa to serve. While in the chip isle this older guy comes in and under his breath but loud enough for me to hear says "They're always in the chip isle". And then again at the register he commented about how women always want junk food and of coarse the store owner was a friend and he shut the guy up in a nice way.... Here's the kicker!!! The guy looked like he was 200 lbs heavier than me, his pants didn't even fit over his behind, exposing shredded underwear.... and it wasn't a fashion statement... He got bigger but his pants didn't. GRRRRRRR I can't imagine ever saying anything mean and degrading to anyone. For the life of me I can't figure out why someone would feel the need to do that. Oh well.... I'm getting healthier, he's probably got a pacer. Oh and he smelled of stale booze and cigarettes...so nice!!! That motivates me a bit, but it p*$$es me off too.
  • tasmin21
    tasmin21 Posts: 42 Member
    Long story:

    When I was in elementary school, I participated in a gifted program that required me to go to a different school one day a week. Well, that one day happened to coincide with me missing one of the twice-weekly gym classes, and the gym teacher took it as a personal offense. So on the one gym class a week that I WAS there, he'd torture me. And his nickname for me was "Rainbow" (the name of the gifted program). So he was constantly, "Come on, Rainbow, move it! Faster! Up that rope!" Blah blah blah.

    I hated that man. Still do.

    But now, when my running is slowing, and I'm eyeing that hill like I'd rather just stop at the McD's at the bottom of it, I hear his voice saying "Move your *kitten*, Rainbow!" And I think "Eff you, Mr. Crank!" And I run.
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Oh yeah and while working out I think of all the things I should have said.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I think about how much of a babe my boyfriend will think I am at the beach (*something like, "damn, babe, your *kitten* looks slammin'" as i run onto the white sand, baywatch style* lmao) if I just keep running for a couple minutes more/pull through a few more reps/say no to sweet stuff.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited June 2015
    I ran into an ex about three years ago when I was at my heaviest. I hadn't seen him in many, many years. Until then I had always been slim, and was very slim when we were seeing each other. I was mortified that he saw me looking so heavy. I never want anyone else I know and might randomly bump into to go away thinking "it's a shame she gained all that weight."