Strange foods.....



  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    OMG! sbwood888 - I remember eating potted meat sandwiches too! When I was old enough to read the ingredients on the can I got grossed out and refused to eat them anymore! Lol!

    I am embarrased to say this but my strange food was (drum roll...) a spoon of Crisco! Disgusting right??? When I was a kid I used to sneak a spoon of Crisco to eat (it was that or peanut butter). I don't know why I liked it but kids can do some weird and crazy things...smh!
  • ♥pfae♥
    ♥pfae♥ Posts: 37
    i used to drink sweetened condensed milk when i was but a mini fae. i am surprised no one has mentioned escargot (snails)
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    OMG I too ate potted meat and I still kind of like it and the devil wood chicken spread lol right up there next to the vienna sausages.

    OK at the crisco comment , Im not even sure where to begin..........LOL