Stretch Marks

Not sure if this is where this topic should go but....Has anyone on here found any stretch mark cream that actually works. My stomach looks horrid!!!! I am affraid to order any because there is no point in wasting money. Please help!!!


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Nothing has worked for me. Not ever Bio Oil, which people swear by. Mine is awful.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Nothing for me - I have marks inside of marks (twins! lol)

    My battle scars will remain.
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    When you've lost all your weight...go for the tummy tuck. It's the only sure-fire thing!! (and yeah...mine are AWFUL...and I am TOTALLY doing it) :)
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I have found that mine are fading with time and not as noticeable now that I am toning up. I hope they will be even less noticable once I'm at my goal body! Bikini's just might not be for me.
  • brazilian27
    brazilian27 Posts: 60
    you are not alone lol...
    that;s all I can say ...It used to freak me out until I realized that nothing much I can do about it unless I invest some big money on it..I decide to focus on things that I can do change in my body...I feel less stress about it.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I rubbed almond oil and vitamin E throughout my pregnancies and the marks are still there... At this point, I consider them a trophy (lol)!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would never have non-essential surgery, so a tummy tuck isn't an option.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I've been using bioil and it kinda helps, but honestly no. I was reading consumer reports the other day looking for a good brand of body lotion and Dr Oz and a few other health professionals have said that basically there isn't much you can do. I've started putting lotion all over my body right after I get out of the shower in the morning and before bed at night. It has actually helped! I think skin just needs to stay moisturized and healthy (which also means drinking a ton of water).

    Stretch marks really suck though... BUT there are a ton of people right there with you :)
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    Seems to me that stretch marks are like scars. maybe Mederma would help?
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I have stretchy marks everywhere. In places I never knew I could get them. There is no cure. I am going for tummy tuck when I have achieved my goal. I am also considering having my arms done I have some serious bat wings flapping around. My inner thighs are really nasty I just get creeped out looking at them. The surgery to tighten that up, is very painful and not worth the results. I have been told by two people wo under went the procedure. I just try to stay moisturized, and build up muscle tone in hopes of it being the thing that stands out not my waves of dimpled skin......If you do find a miracle cure please let us know!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    If you spend hundreds of dollars on lots of tubes of cream, you can make them a little less noticeable, but the only way to make them completely go away is by doing the laser surgery (per my doctor). Mine are horrible, they cover my entire stomach basically and I've just made the decision not to stress over them anymore.
  • pearlandmom
    Unfortunately, I don't think there is a cure for them! I have tried the Bio Oil and Nivea creams. And, speaking from experience, even a tummy tuck does not get rid of them. My tummy is definitely flatter and I think they are less noticeable, but they do not go away!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I've always had marks on my sides/hips because my hips started gaining fat during puberty and have been there ever since. When I started getting marks on my belly, I decided it was time to lose weight. I've been losing very slowly but I've noticed they have faded a tad. Toning and exercising will help diminish them a bit. There isn't a magical cure for them but if you keep working towards your goal, they will fade with time. They will not be erased, but they can be less noticeable. I've also heard that white stretch marks are actually scars and will not go away (these are the kinds I have on my hips and breasts) but the red stretch marks can fade (these are the kind I have on my stomach). I dont know if that helps at all but it's something I've kept in mind since I heard it.
    Good luck, I hope you find something that works! Keep working towards your goal and your confidince will blossom even if the marks don't go away! :flowerforyou:
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    My dermatologist told me that laser skin therapy is the only thing that can get rid of stretch marks, but that the treatment is only effective on NEWER stretch marks (like pregnancy stretch marks that are only a couple months old, not stretch marks that are already a few years old). Additionally, the treatment can cost well over $1,000 and isn't necessarily worth it...

    They will continue to fade over time. Tanning helps them appear less noticeable. Just stay positive and you will look and feel fabulous!! :)
  • susanyork821
    Oh well...I guess I will consider them a trophy from my wonderful daughter. I had a c section, and my doctor did tell me that if I ever did have a tummy tuck they could possibly use the same maybe one day...but I will not worry about them now, as I have tons of weight to still loose!!! The more I tan the less I notice them, so maybe over time I will pay less attention to them.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i've been using palmers firming butter twice a day and my stretch marks are fading a bit, but there will always be a little white line there. but i have a baby so no one should judge me... also i've heard tanning helps fade them. oh and for those ladies going for a tummy tuck the firming butter is like a tummy tuck in a bottle!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i've been using palmers firming butter twice a day and my stretch marks are fading a bit, but there will always be a little white line there. but i have a baby so no one should judge me... also i've heard tanning helps fade them. oh and for those ladies going for a tummy tuck the firming butter is like a tummy tuck in a bottle!
  • skyblue19912001
    When i reach my goal weight and after maintaining for a year I am going under the knife. Buh by nasty marks !!!!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    LADIES! This is what had worked for me. Ok I have stretch marks from my babies, and they are there, just not soo bad. So after you shower your body only has 3 mins! (short) to obsorb anything. So right when i jumo out of the shower i lather on a thin E oil, on the thick or bad looking ones i put a heavy icu of the E oil on them , then I rub in Jergens Skin firming lotion....I do it 3 x a week,I notice firmer skin, stretch marks not so ugly....hope this helps!