Going through a tough separation. Trying to use excersize as a tool.

theclassiccat Posts: 8 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
im going through a tough time. A recent , terrible beak up of almost 10 years has me down in the dumps. It's been 6 days since it happened and I'm out of the home couch surfing. Im tired of crying so I decided I need to get my butt up and excersize (in between bouts of boohooing) I know it won't cure this situation but I need one positive thing to hang on too. So who's in to help or talk.. Anything will do.


  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi. I have had 2 of those. Glad you are resorting to getting fit. I'm here everyday if you want to add me. Do you have kids?

  • theclassiccat
    theclassiccat Posts: 8 Member
    No kids, just a cat that means the world to me.. That my ex is currently taking care of. Thank you
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Exercise is good for the soul. Clears your head and good for your body. Try to eat better too and even though this is a tough time you will emerge stronger, better and look good too. Best of luck!
  • theclassiccat
    theclassiccat Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    heck, I've boohooed while I exercised.
    I find hitting things make me feel better, or really strenuous workout. leave it all in a puddle of sweat on the floor
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Hit me up, I'm at the tail end of mine. I threw myself into exercising and my martial arts and it really paid off. On my really low days I'd take some kava kava (it's natural) but thankfully those weren't too often. There is light at the end of the tunnel, honey, I promise.
  • goodluckmiss
    goodluckmiss Posts: 1 Member
    7 years ago i was where you are now... you can do it . x
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    The hard times will pass. Now that that bs is out of the way, get mad. Get really mad. Get mad and work out hard. Put on some Powerman 5000 and kick the crap out of yourself in a constructive way. Don't stay home. Don't sit still. Don't go to places around "happy people" because that's just more frustrating. Just do your own thing. I found that walks/runs in a park with very few people are very, very therapeutic. If you have to let the emotions out, do it.

    Naturally, my approach won't work for everyone, but it will work for most.
  • rosejjohnson
    rosejjohnson Posts: 1 Member
    Breakups can be rough, been there myself. I'm on here everyday if you need an ear. Or to hear a corny joke.

    Things will get better over time. But, it sounds like you're on the right track with working out. Not only does working out make you feel good - there's a whole science behind it, really - but it's super therapeutic.
  • btinghutch
    btinghutch Posts: 26 Member
    working out is positively the best way to release all the different emotions you will go through. The more you sweat, not only are you removing toxins you're increasing dopamine to ward off depression. Good music helps a lot ;)
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Going through the same thing- not as hard - but had been together 15 years-- you can add me if you want- I am on everyday as well.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Exercising is what is helping me work out some personal emotional issues as a result of a past abusive relationship. It can be very empowering and satisfying to do something for yourself, by yourself. I think you're making a very good call.
  • asappoeun
    asappoeun Posts: 16 Member
    you can do it bud!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    It's so good that you are turning to exercise instead of food.
    Last year my relationship of 15 years fell apart in the midst of a financial crisis. A few months later a man I knew for a long time confessed that he had always wanted a relationship with me. We were in the very early stages of starting a relationship when he died suddenly.
    I just got angry and decided to take my frustation out on my elliptical (which had been a dust collector for many years) and began to sweat it out. My life was spinning out of control but the one thing I did have control over was what I chose to eat, so I decided to eat healthy.
    Less than a year later I have gone from a tight size 14 to 8-10. I haven't looked this good in decades and I have much more confidence. I think that the ex was holding me back from becoming this awesome person.
    I wish you the best of luck, better days are coming.
  • Annb65
    Annb65 Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh I know exactly how you feel, I was with my ex 21 years, he was abusive both verbally and physically and only split last week so I've put all my emotions/ stresses/ anger/ frustrations into walking, I'm doing between 8/12 miles a day, hate being in the house alone, so I'm out til its time to get my children from school,
    And lose all my extra weight and show him this woman does not need to be treated like a doormat and will find someone better one day,......... If you would like to add me feel free :-)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    <3 I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this...it's never easy. But you have the strength to get through it. Working out is a fantastic mode to work through emotions, grab hold of some extra serotonin and dopamine as someone up above shared.

    BUT do this for you, not anyone else, you deserve to feel good about yourself and be proud of who you are!!