Thing I most look forward to in losing weight



  • spunkypug100
    spunkypug100 Posts: 20 Member
    Having some self confidence. There are so many things I don't do or avoid because I don't have the confidence.
  • MrWillis212
    MrWillis212 Posts: 17 Member
    So many things! But the major one for me is to be happy and have self confidence in the way I look.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,577 Member
    To be able to fine nice clothes in regular stores without having to go to stores specifically for fat women. To be able to say I am no longer morbidly obese. I have been obese or morbidly obeae for nearly 15 years...that's too long.
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    Being able to see my muscles- they are definitely getting stronger and harder, but the blanket of fat is obstructing my view! Lol.
  • csb66
    csb66 Posts: 32 Member
    Im looking forward to hard, tone define muscles, and since I've always dressed the way I want,.. skinny jeans, lingerie, bodycon dresses clothes is not an issue. But I never wear shorts, so maybe looking forward to shorts, ohh, and there is a store that I love but the large fit like mediums and the mediums fit like s extra small, With that said I guess Im looking forward to walking in there and wearing anything in the entire store! :) And of course we all want to look good, feel good, and have the confidence that has always been inside us shine through right to the outside.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    If I'm being honest, I want to be willing to be in pictures again. Whenever I see a picture of myself now, I just cringe so I tend to stay away from that end of the camera. My kids are going to look back on their childhoods and wonder where their mother is, lol.
  • KsSuriyaDurai
    KsSuriyaDurai Posts: 6 Member
    Guys cheer me up to reduce weight. Give me applause. Send me symleys
  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    I want to feel comfortable in clothes this summer and, dare I say...actually wear a pit of shorts at are ABOVE my knees.
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    All I wanted to do was be healthy at first, but as the weight has been coming off so many more things come to mind that I want. Losing 76lbs I've been able to do the small things.. cross my legs again, cut my toenails and be able to breath and I've gone down 8 sizes! But Now I want more and more... maybe do a "walking" marathon and tone a lot!
  • melix314
    melix314 Posts: 2 Member
    Ultimately all I want is to be healthy. I want to be able to buy bikinis and tell myself "wow you look good". I've been with my boyfriend 3 years now, we talk about marriage all the time but I want to also loose weight so when the day comes I have to wear a white dress I can feel good about myself knowing I look great !
  • melanie899
    melanie899 Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2015
    Oh gosh..I look forward to shopping for normal clothes, less back pain, getting my confidence back....being able to cross my damn legs properly :)

    AND competing in my 2nd tough mudder in much better shape.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited April 2015
    I look forward to being faster and stronger.
    Wearing my smaller clothes again.
    Lowering my cholesterol.
    Lessening my risk of cancer and heart disease(they both run in the family).
    Inspiring others around me.
  • annakadabra_
    annakadabra_ Posts: 29 Member
    I'm looking forward to being able to have kids <3<3
  • ladywanderlust
    ladywanderlust Posts: 7 Member
    I can't wait until I can feel 100% confident wearing shorts and skirts without tights underneath! I have always been self-conscious about my disproportionately fat legs. Even if my legs are not *skinny* per se when I reach my goal weight, I will at least feel confident in knowing that I put in the effort and (hopefully) by then it will be more muscle than fat! Maybe someday I will be able to buy cute boots without having to limit myself to the "wide-calf" selections! And maybe someday I'll be able to find jeans (real jeans, not just jeggings) that aren't falling off my waist WHILE actually fitting around my calves. (A girl can dream!)

    So far though, I seem to be losing weight only from my waist area. I mean, I'm not complaining but YOU WOULD THINK that my legs would join in the fun eventually. Ah, if only spot reduction was a thing.
  • savcannard
    savcannard Posts: 16 Member
    I look forward to having a cute guy smile at me and me not looking behind me thinking he must be smiling at someone else. Knowing I'm that hot chick he's digging.
  • hmossy
    hmossy Posts: 1 Member
    I look forward to many of the things listed above, but also going off of medication for various things that weight plays a role as well as showing my daughter that hard work and determination pays off...
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I want to be able to hug my knees.
  • Janevien77
    Janevien77 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't want to be embarrassed when I see photos of myself and look good in clothes in general. I was never into going to the beach so I'm not trying to get a bikini body.. I Just want to feel comfortable in what I'm wearing and not worry about what I look like all the time..
    Also feeling lighter and more energetic, able to do harder workouts, run faster and for longer.
  • ldunn9170
    ldunn9170 Posts: 1 Member
    So many reasons, but mainly I need to prove to myself I have self-discipline and can see something through to the end. I need to lose 20kg's so it's going to be a long journey. Also looking forward to not dragging this extra weight around!
  • shelleylynnrober
    shelleylynnrober Posts: 1 Member
    I also have lots of reasons but mainly to be healthier and to be able to set a better example.