Recomping since January. Anyone want to be friends?

Hay maintainers!

So I've been on MFP since January. That's when I started lifting heavy at my gym and counting calories and macros. I am currently hovering abound 9stone and eating at maintenance. I am trying not to get too worried about the scale weight but it is hard mentally to see it go up! At first I stayed the same weight for a few weeks, then my weight went down by about 5lbs, and now it's back up to where I started! I wonder who else out there is recomping and how do you feel about your progress?

I have noticed changes in my body and I am loving it. Yesterday I did my first unassisted pull up and it felt amazing! My body feels tighter and although my weight is basically the same I look different. My arms are tight, my back has visible muscles, my abs are under there somewhere just waiting to show haha. Recomping is a slow progress but I know it's working for me.

I'm looking for some friends! I have been on here since January (149 days streak!), and I don't really get involved in the forums too much, but if love some people to share achievements with and to motivate each other! Please feel free to add me if you like!

Oh, and I'm 5'4
Lifting heave 3x a week
Eating around maintenance (1600-1800) depending on activity level
Used to be 155lbs (after having baby)


  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hi :)
    I plan on starting recomp in about a month. Now just logging to figure out my TDEE and current macros.

    Have you taken measurements of your body? That should show your recomp difference rather that the scale right?
  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    I have found photos to be the best way, and how my clothes fit. Unfortunately I never did use a tape measure so I don't know the exact numbers :neutral:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    My vote is tape measure AND photos!
    Tape measure confirmed waist shrinking and leg/arm growth but I was confused my chest measurement stayed exactly the same. Then I realised the fat was going from my chest but lats were getting bigger too to keep the measurement the same.

    Changes in recomp can be subtle and I wish I had been a bit more organised in progress tracking.
  • orchidee1987
    orchidee1987 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey ! We share a lot of similarities ! Pretty much the same age, height, weight, weightloss achieved (although i did not have a child). I started maintaining back in September 2013, was doing a lot of cardio, and only weight machines, then i turned to circuit training and i finally started heavy lifting (free weights) back in last January. My body has changed since i started maintaining, that's what i realise while looking at my progress pictures (very important thing to do !). I could your friend, what do you think ? ;-) Oh the only thing is that i don't log my food here, but we could share other ''fitness-related'' things !