30 day shred

adrianamezam Posts: 64
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
hello all!

so, last night....er, more like this morning, i couldnt sleep and i was shopping around online and decided to buy Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...who's using it? and what are your results? how long have you been doing it? and what do you like/dislike about this progam? ...for me, it was between this DVD and the Zumba Exhilarate, but the Zumba was much more money...it arrives to me on may 28, and id like to here your responses!

talk to ya soon! and keep working toward your goals!

~adriana :)


  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Good Luck...I have it, and only did about 3 days of it, since I was doing them when I had a rest day from P90X....I enjoyed it, but, she is sorta annoying in the videos! LOL ( and i love her)

    I have heard you get awesome results from it though! keep us posted!
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I have been using the 30 day shred for 1 week now. It is super hard, esp for me because I am totally out of shape. AND I hate to exercise. But I really like this dvd. I could see it getting boring after a while, so I plan to get more dvds as I go along. So far though, this one is a thumbs up. I feel GREAT after I've done it. Good luck!
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    The 30 day shred is a great workout!! Especially for those who are short on time. I have never completed the full 30 days but I use it routinely in my workout cycle. It is intense, but since it is only 20 minutes it makes sense that it would be.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I love this dvd. I sweat bucket when i use it. I am only on level one. I did it awile ago and lost 10lbs, but then I stopped working out for a month. I just started it up again two weeks ago, and i've lost 4.2lbs so for. But I have not been doing it everyday like recommended. I started doing everyday just this week.
  • 0Jaime0
    0Jaime0 Posts: 26
    Honestly I got bored with the 30DS - boring music, and just not enough to keep me motivated. I bought Zumba for my Wii about a month ago (it came in a pack with the game and the belt for $35) and I've lost 7 pounds and 3.5 inches. Good luck with your 30DS - I hope you like it better than I did!
  • sthrngl2007
    sthrngl2007 Posts: 37 Member
    Im personally on day 4 of the 30DS, I can feel the difference. It is tough but its also meant to be..its only like 28 minutes long. I really enjoy it though!! : )
  • grlygrl123
    grlygrl123 Posts: 55 Member
    I just started and I am on day 5. I did level 1 for a few days but felt it was a little too easy. Level 2 is quite challenging for me. We will have to compare results at the end! I am also doing some other classes at the gym during the week, which will skew my results a bit.

    Jillian does get a little annoying. If I hear her say "don't phone it in" one more time I may snap. I will be muting her from now on :P
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm on day 18 and on level one and am liking it. It is an excellent workout - I am shocked how much my body is transforming. I won't know final measurements until I am done. Jillian is super annoying on the video - I really wish she would just instruct and not talk at all - her "motivating words" bug the hell out of me to be honest.
  • I'm a huge fan of all of Jillian's workouts. They are the only ones I get resutls with. Circuit training is awesome. I'm actually about to go do her Shred it Weights video. The workouts are difficult at first, but they get easier. I've been using her videos for about 18 months now. Great results! I also recommend her Shred It Weights videos with a kettle bell workout and the Last Chance Workout. Best of luck -- keep with it and you'll see great results!
  • linsical
    linsical Posts: 34
    I just bought it too!! I figured I'd do that after my Boot Camp Groupon is up in a few weeks! Good Luck with it!! :)
  • LexGetsFit
    LexGetsFit Posts: 1
    I have never finished the entire 30 day series, but I have done the workouts when I'm pressed for time since they are only about 20-25 minutes. Like other people said, I got a little bored & annoyed at times. After a while you start to memorize the workouts, so I would mute the tv and play my own music on my iPod dock. I have known people who got great results using the program though so stick to it. It's so short that people's number one excuse (lack of time) is hardly an issue.
    Good luck.
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    I have it and am going to start June 6th..cant wait!
  • thanks guys! one of the big reasons i bought it was the time thing, i noticed thay it said 20 minutes...so, i know ill be able to do them (hopefully) daily. i wanna start mine on the 1st, and see what it does to me for the month of june. ill def keep y'all posted! thanks for the input, all! :D
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I have been using 30ds for a week and love it.....It is intense but fun...I recommend weighing and taking your measurments before beginning and then you would know what you have accomplished for the month......
    It is hard to begin with but gets easier as you go,,there are 3 levels I am doing a level for 10 days before moving on.....
    You need a yoga mat if working on a hard floor and hand weights,,I use 3lb weights for now....
    Good Luck...
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    You know, maybe try doing a search for 30ds. I am certain that I have seen a thread around where a group of people are doing it together on here.

    I have it, but I am like the other posters on this thread. I got bored. I had to find something that kept me interested and I did.
  • [quote/]

    I have it, but I am like the other posters on this thread. I got bored. I had to find something that kept me interested and I did.

    im interested to know, what are you using now that you found less boring?
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have it and still use it along with Insanity. I bought 30 Day Shred 1-2 months ago. I made it to day 11 but then got lazy. I've managed to do all 3 levels consecutively in one workout session though. I struggled but am looking forward to do that challenge again in hopes that my form is a lot better.
  • samijoh
    samijoh Posts: 1
    I did the 30 day shred for 17 days and lost 9lbs and 6inches. I loved it. I stopped because I pulled a tendon in my ankle (not related to 30DS) I plan to start it again soon, maybe i'll aim for the 1st as well! I love Jillian but after a while you really do memorize everything she says which makes the 20 min seem like eternity so I also muted her and played my own music. The work outs seem impossible at 1st but by the 4th or 5th time you wont believe how much your stamina has improved. I totally recommend the shred.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I have it, but I am like the other posters on this thread. I got bored. I had to find something that kept me interested and I did.

    what did you find that was more interesting??
  • ksmittens
    ksmittens Posts: 65
    I loved 30DS but just couldn't get past Level 2 :-( I think I got a little bored with it and just used that as my excuse *sigh* so I went out an bought Ripped in 30 and I like this one more then 30DS. I listen to my headsets, cause even though I love JM she can get to be a weee bit annoying.. I am currently on Week 1 Day 4! Good Luck on 30DS and try to stick with it cause it really does give you a great workout!
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