Why won't my stomach EVER slim down?

I know you can't target fat loss in a certain area, but it's getting really silly now how the one place I want to lose fat NEVER loses it. I do cardio everyday, I eat really well, I seem to be losing weight, but my stomach is still just pure fat. I tried ab workouts in the past but if anything that made it worse. I don't know why I lose weight on my arms and legs, but never that much on my stomach?

Even during my dark point of starving myself earlier this year, my stomach still didn't appear to be that different.

I don't know what to do anymore. Do you think once my body is done getting rid of all the excess fat in my legs and arms that it'll move onto burning my stomach??

It makes me so self-concious and I cannot understand how 'curvy' girls manage to have 'big' arms and legs but somehow no tummy rolls (JEALOUSLY!), when I'm the complete opposite.

Somebody help?


  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    take measurements and progress pics. i feel the same way, but my stomach is actually shrinking - not nearly as fast as i want it to, of course, but it's happening! stay the course - you'll get there!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Try to read about and practice weight lifting. Cardio can only do so much for our bodies, weight lifting is where the shaping really comes in. Rent a book or do some internet research on what size weights, what amount of reps, and what exercises are right for you as a beginner. You can even use your own body weight as a start if you cannot afford to purchase new equipment.

    Keep eating well and losing the extra weight. Do overall body work, not just on your belly, and your body will decide when it is time to shape up that middle. I know it is a long hard battle, but keep at it and you WILL see the results you are looking for.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    What sarah said, weights
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I know you said you eat well but to lose belly fat it has to be extremely meticulous! Competely clean wholesome food! And tons of water more than the reccomended 8 glasses/day. Good Luck!
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    I feel the same way, I seem to lose weight in my face, chest, arms, waist, but never in my hips. I have been taking measurements and the hip numbers have changed but ever so slightly. I think it will be the last thing to go, your body needs to adjust to the weight loss. Good Luck keep at it!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Cut down on your carbs and add strength training like was mentioned. I find that when my hubby and I eat too many carbs, we bloat back up and lose our abs. Make sure you are drinking enough water and tracking your sodium too.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I have the same problem, but I think it is due to being post menopausal. That darn roll is welded in place. LOL
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    hi.. I tend to feel the same way. For all my adult like I've had a problem with my middle section (tummy, stomach, pooch).. Having had a baby 2 and a half years ago by C-section also made it a lot worse. I am hoping and praying for this thing to go away... hope it does for you too!!
  • Lady_Eagles
    Exercising is great - keep up the good work. To see maximum results for the stomach, try eating vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, or cauliflower, which will help your digestive system in a big way. You may have food in your large intestine that is just sitting there that needs to be excreted. I had the same issue you note, and read an article about effective foods to eat to reduce belly fat and doing this has definitely aided my tummy loss. Drink plenty of water as well.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I see you're a Pescetarian, I would bet you get a lot of your calories from carbs, I've heard carbs will give you belly fat. You might try adding some lean protein and cut back on the carbs.
  • kerrikdavis
    kerrikdavis Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with Sarah, weight lifting will help you burn fat all over and add definition to your arms and legs so you'll feel more proportionate. Try eating more lean protein and cutting back on processed foods and sodium, which make you bloated. Also, the best core exercise for tightening your middle is planking. (crunches don't really work)

    Hope that helps!

  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I get what you mean about the ab workouts and even when I was in my best shape I always had a tummy, even though I did abs all the time. I recently read an article in Fitness Magazine about how a lot of women are doing the wrong ab workouts and crunches really don't do that much for you. The author was having trouble losing her baby stomach even though she did crunches all of the time.

    Here's the article if you'd like to read it:

    It contains a link to an ab workout that's supposed to really work and the author said she's noticed a difference:

    I've tried this workout and some of it is really hard, but I can feel a difference, at least in the muscles it targets.

    Hope that helps!
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    Cut down on your carbs and add strength training like was mentioned. I find that when my hubby and I eat too many carbs, we bloat back up and lose our abs. Make sure you are drinking enough water and tracking your sodium too.

    totally agree !! I cut out all processed carbs and added sugar and limited my dairy - upped my fiber and veggies and my "pooch" is starting to shrink. :) that and I do strength train 3x wk.

    good luck.
  • jessicakaty
    jessicakaty Posts: 31
    Thank you everyone, i'll just have to keep at it. I'm a fairly clean eater anyway, with the occasional treat. I do think carbs have a lot to do with it, but that's the main energy source I have. I'll try to add more protein and up dairy a little, but I'm pretty stuck on the carb front (I LOVE bread)
  • ttandjg
    ttandjg Posts: 5
    I'm having the same problem but I agree with her about taking before and after pics and I also measure too. I am losing I just don't feel or look to myself like I am. Maybe it's the same thing with you? Keep doing what you're doing tho and I'm sure you'll see results soon! Good Luck :smile:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Don't forget the weights.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I've been reading about an OLD video and have ordered it. It uses a type of exercise called Callanetics named after Callan Pinckney. It's supposed to do wonders for the midsection. As I am an apple and have never in my life had a flat tummy I am willing to try this and Core Fusion and Tracy Anderson - all in the name of a trim tummy.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    "hi.. I tend to feel the same way. For all my adult like I've had a problem with my middle section (tummy, stomach, pooch).. Having had a baby 2 and a half years ago by C-section also made it a lot worse. I am hoping and praying for this thing to go away... hope it does for you too!! "

    I'm in the same boat as you, here. Had a child at 37, with a c-section. I'm wondering if, after all my weight loss, I'll have lose skin or fat where I had the surgery. Yuck! I just want this dang muffin-top to go away :)
  • emmacummin
    emmacummin Posts: 23
    I'm the same ... my tummy is always a bit tubby! My miracle cure is pilates :-) Buy yourself a home dvd and in a month or so you'll notice a difference. Do take photos though - it's hard seeing progress in the mirror!xx
  • allywilkes
    allywilkes Posts: 19 Member
    I started MFP and going to the gym just because of my stomach, so made REALLY clear to my personal trainer that this was what I wanted.

    She gave me an "abs set" workout which uses 5 different types of ab workouts (all floor-based and without weights) and has to be done religiously every time you exercise. She said that sometimes people just concentrate on crunches and this doesn't tone the whole area, so you should make sure you are doing the lower stomach and the sides as well. It has really worked out for me. Perhaps mixing up your abs exercises would help you out, along with the other great tips above?

    (I know what you mean about carbs... they are my problem area too. I see you eat fish, so maybe you could increase your protein intake and dial carbs down a little, with lots and lots of veggies to feel fuller?)

    Good luck!