July Support & Challenge Thread -- helping each other stay on track to reach our goals

Hi everyone!

Hope you don't mind my posting this thread! :)

I am looking to start a support & challenge thread that will run through the month of July. With vacations & barbecues & beach outings & carnival/theme park days, we'll all be tempted to skive off our exercise, eat things we normally avoid, and struggle with sticking to our "getting healthier" plan. I'd love to find others who will join me in keeping each other on track, and helping out with some support when we're tempted ....

For the record, I follow WW, while also trying to reduce the amount of refined carbs in my meals (with the exception of two zeppoles at a movie theater this past weekend, I hadn't eaten anything with white flour in it in 4 weeks). I am looking to restart my running plan (I haven't run in MONTHS and I have a half marathon in October), and will also be starting a 3-4 times per week exercise program in July (when my job hours change & I have a bit more time to fit it in).

Anyone interested??


  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 18 Member
    posting a reply to see if anyone on the boards during the day are interested .....
  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 18 Member
    Trying one more time to find some others who may be interested ......
  • pznatti
    pznatti Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in. I started working on my health on June 1 and happy I'm still working on it. I have several things coming up in July that could easily throw a monkey wrench in my path...

    So I'm following the New Rules of Lifting for women for my exercise and calculated my TDEE and took about 20% away and am targeting about 1865 calories a day... More on workout days. I've not lost any weight but I've definitely lost inches.

    I want to keep my focus on going slow and see what happens with my weight over the next 3-4 weeks then evaluate my calories. :)
  • AChildAtHeart
    AChildAtHeart Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in too if you don't mind. I'm new here and would love any and all support to stay on track in July, and I'm happy to support others. I work at home so I'm sedentary, but I just got a Microsoft Band with apps to remind me to get off my butt. I plan to exercise every day, with five strenuous and two using gentle options like yoga or stretching. Let's do this!
  • kerawhitt
    kerawhitt Posts: 10 Member
    I'm down, it's really discouraging to work on your own. I started at the end of May and I'm down 16 pounds already. I'm looking to lose weight and add muscle and get really toned. I don't avoid carbs, only high calories. Your whole gains are packed with carbs and it actually helps you to lose weight. High fiber is great for aiding weight loss, your heart, and everything
  • saraast30
    saraast30 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Ready to get in shape and to stay healthy!
  • queenztaino
    queenztaino Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in! I'm working on consistency - I lose 5 then gain 10 - I need the extra support. My diary is open - and some days are bad - but I'm working on making better choices & documenting everything ! Feel free to add me.
  • Genome88
    Genome88 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! I've been great at logging my food all year, but the exercise thing comes and goes. Here's to being more active in July. I plan to use my elliptical or run at least 3 days a week, although I could be convinced to do more as part of a challenge. :)
  • gemdiver
    gemdiver Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in - diary is open to all friends. Feel free to add me!
  • queenztaino
    queenztaino Posts: 13 Member
    kerawhitt wrote: »
    I'm down, it's really discouraging to work on your own. I started at the end of May and I'm down 16 pounds already. I'm looking to lose weight and add muscle and get really toned. I don't avoid carbs, only high calories. Your whole gains are packed with carbs and it actually helps you to lose weight. High fiber is great for aiding weight loss, your heart, and everything

    Congratulations on your loss - 16 lbs is great!
  • AChildAtHeart
    AChildAtHeart Posts: 22 Member
    How's everyone doing today? July is just around the corner!