Tall girls and measurements!

I am 5'10 154.4lbs. BMI is 22.2 and body fat is approx 28%. So I guess I'm about "average" by these standards.

Anyway, do any fellow tall girls find that even if you are average or thin, your body measurements seem high? For example, my current measurements are 35-29-40.

Do taller people generally have larger skeletons (and therefore larger measurements)? I know some shorter people who weigh more than me (are at overweight BMIs) but have much smaller measurements than I do.

I'm curious what other tall girls think :) (and anyone else for that matter!)


  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    edited June 2015

    I'm 5'10 as well and aprox 145 lbs. my scale claims my bf is 24,5% and I think it could be accurate.
    I don't really think height has too much to do with measurements. Only up to the point that the proportions are correct.
    When I was underweight my measurements were 33 - 26 - 36
    Now my measurements are something like 34 - 27,5 - 40

    (Can you see where I store fat :tongue: )
  • Rene75Patricia
    Rene75Patricia Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm 5' 9". When I weigh under 140 I look way too thin to everyone but my waistline is usually a 29-30. Not the 24-26 of my short friends. I used to think I was fat.

    Now I am way overweight at 190 but most people don't think I have to lose 40 pounds and they think I'm nuts. Height to me makes a difference...we have a larger frame.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am 5'10 154.4lbs. BMI is 22.2 and body fat is approx 28%. So I guess I'm about "average" by these standards.

    Anyway, do any fellow tall girls find that even if you are average or thin, your body measurements seem high? For example, my current measurements are 35-29-40.

    Do taller people generally have larger skeletons (and therefore larger measurements)? I know some shorter people who weigh more than me (are at overweight BMIs) but have much smaller measurements than I do.

    I'm curious what other tall girls think :) (and anyone else for that matter!)

    I'm 5'6". My body fat % is somewhere between 26-29%, my weight is 140, and my BMI is 22.6. My current measurements are 38-30-39.

    At 135lbs, BMI 21.8, my measurements will be 37.5-29.5-38.5.
    At 130lbs, BMI 21.0, my measurements will be 37-28.5-38.
    At 125lbs, BMI 20.2, my measurements will be 36-26.5-36.5.
    At 118lbs, BMI 19.0, they would be 35.5-23.5-35.5.

    So no, I don't think your measurements seem high at all.

    I also suspect those at overweight weights and shorter heights are flat-out lying about their measurements if they're shorter or else that are VERY serious bodybuilders. For them to be shorter, heavier, and smaller around, that's pretty much the only possibility.

    I also think that MANY people become uncomfortable with their bodies looking too "different" and lose all sense of perspective. Most people who have been overweight to obese a lot of their lives think they look too thin at the upper end of the normal range. However, very often when they post pictures, they don't look anything like "too thin." They may think it's a sign of being "thin" to be able to see ribs under skin close up when that's normal and healthy, for instance. (Whereas being able to see hip bones is not!!!) When they lose fat in places that they're used to it--like their lower bellies--they can also feel that they are "too thin." "Too thin" happens at a body fat percentage between 17 and 10%, depending on the woman.

    On the other hand, I've been athletic most of my life and am completely disgusted by ANY kind of skin fold or pudge or jiggling that isn't my butt, even though I get below the last bad health marker at 145lbs and am in the low risk--though not athletic--group across the board now. And I still don't really feel like "myself" in clothes or mirrors and won't for at least 5lbs, where I'm at the very, very top of the range I used to keep.
  • linzi02
    linzi02 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'10 and at the moment I'm 172lbs. My current measurements are 36 - 31 - 40 and when I was 157lbs my measurements were 35 - 27.5 - 38

    It is annoying being tall because I think we're naturally going to have larger measurements than shorter girls, however I do think we can pull it off better. People always seem to think I am a smaller size than I actually am and don't believe me when I tell them how much I weigh.
  • steppphie
    steppphie Posts: 5 Member
    I am a little under 6 foot! Just went to the doctor and weighed 215 pounds. I was in shock! I've gained 40 pounds in less than a year. She also told me I'm almost considered 'obese' I couldn't believe it, so here I am.

    I know I have weight to lose weight and I'm going to try my darndest. But I think with us being taller we can get away with eating more but same, everyone who guesses my weight they also guess crazy under. Same with the sizes of my clothes.

    I guess we're both lucky and cursed!
  • putzfam4
    putzfam4 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5'10" and now weigh 180. I am also 58 yrs old. I do believe that age is also a factor in our shape. I always thought I was "bug" next to friends, but I look at pictures from HS/college/ and post college and I was VERY skeletal. Something my mother ( very short person) often told me. Now I see what she said. I am looking now at ME, not my tiny friend who moans her locked weight at 129, or buying "small" clothes. I am making ME healthy.
  • megcorey
    megcorey Posts: 49 Member
    Im 5'8 i just measured this morning 36-31-37 i have 30 pounds to loose i just cant seem to stick with it .anyway! I have a morphed perspective could someone post a pic with yr measurements so i can use it to compare thank you :/
  • megcorey
    megcorey Posts: 49 Member
    :) sorry i hit wrong smiley face
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Seems normal to me :) I'm 5'81/2'' and mine are 35,27,36 i weigh 138 and my bmi is 21.9% I'm still losing but 10-15 lbs would be my max. I would love to get to 19% bmi but measurements are constantly going down while toning. Good job!
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone :) it's pretty interesting that most of our measurements are pretty similar :)

    I also agree that us taller girls are lucky in the sense that we are sometimes able to "hide" our weight better. People have guessed that I weigh 125lbs now which is crazy!!! When I tell people how much I weigh, they seem amazed. One of the benefits of being 5'10 ;)
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    I was going to come on here and say how i like being tall, but at 5'7 Im a short *kitten* compared to you guys xD

    Even though I am over weight I like my body shape I have a small waist and long legs and i find having a bit of height means I can carry off more styles, my best friend is tiny (weight wise and height wise) she's like 5'4" and we go shopping together and she's always bummed that she can't wear certain clothes because she's to short like, maxi dresses and trench coats touch the ground with her but when i put them on (if i can find my size!) they sit very nicely on me....thats what makes me determined to lose weight...I know there's so many clothes out there i could wear!!

    Also I do find that I don't look as over weight as i should like as of my last weigh in im 102kgs(220lbs) but I dont think i look THAT "huge"
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    steppphie wrote: »
    I am a little under 6 foot! Just went to the doctor and weighed 215 pounds. I was in shock! I've gained 40 pounds in less than a year. She also told me I'm almost considered 'obese' I couldn't believe it, so here I am.

    I know I have weight to lose weight and I'm going to try my darndest. But I think with us being taller we can get away with eating more but same, everyone who guesses my weight they also guess crazy under. Same with the sizes of my clothes.

    I guess we're both lucky and cursed!
    I'm 5'10 and 235lbs. I have a pretty big build though, my hands are the size of most guys I know and my feet are size 12, so I'm not lanky or slender. But I'm definitely in the obese category for body fat and have been for a while. I'm apple shaped so most of my fat goes to my stomach, arms and back while my legs are still relatively small. But I think that even once I lose the weight, I'm still going to have higher measurements. I'll never (healthily) wear less than a size 10 dress size due to my frame
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    steppphie wrote: »
    I am a little under 6 foot! Just went to the doctor and weighed 215 pounds. I was in shock! I've gained 40 pounds in less than a year. She also told me I'm almost considered 'obese' I couldn't believe it, so here I am.

    I know I have weight to lose weight and I'm going to try my darndest. But I think with us being taller we can get away with eating more but same, everyone who guesses my weight they also guess crazy under. Same with the sizes of my clothes.

    I guess we're both lucky and cursed!
    I'm 5'10 and 235lbs. I have a pretty big build though, my hands are the size of most guys I know and my feet are size 12, so I'm not lanky or slender. But I'm definitely in the obese category for body fat and have been for a while. I'm apple shaped so most of my fat goes to my stomach, arms and back while my legs are still relatively small. But I think that even once I lose the weight, I'm still going to have higher measurements. I'll never (healthily) wear less than a size 10 dress size due to my frame

    Woo hoo for big feet! I wear size 12 or 13, and I can easily palm a basketball. :smiley:

    I am 5'10" and I weigh 166 right now. I was my biggest at 290 (that was about 10 years ago, when I was a teen), and I'd like to be "average" - around BMI 22 (but a healthy, strong 22), so around 155 pounds. I have a big butt, big thighs, and a smaller/medium chest. I don't know my actual measurements.

    Sometimes I wonder if my measurements are "off" because of extra skin (especially calipers), but I am not sure.
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    MissAmyx wrote: »
    I was going to come on here and say how i like being tall, but at 5'7 Im a short *kitten* compared to you guys xD

    Even though I am over weight I like my body shape I have a small waist and long legs and i find having a bit of height means I can carry off more styles, my best friend is tiny (weight wise and height wise) she's like 5'4" and we go shopping together and she's always bummed that she can't wear certain clothes because she's to short like, maxi dresses and trench coats touch the ground with her but when i put them on (if i can find my size!) they sit very nicely on me....thats what makes me determined to lose weight...I know there's so many clothes out there i could wear!!

    Also I do find that I don't look as over weight as i should like as of my last weigh in im 102kgs(220lbs) but I dont think i look THAT "huge"

    Hmmm...according to your BMI, you are in the obese range, half-way to morbidly obese :hushed: Are you sure 102 is correct?
  • invie
    invie Posts: 18 Member
    I think it's dangerous to generalize anything. Ppl of all heights can have small or large frames/skeletal structure. Usually the frame just refers to width of your frame. Not height.

    I'm a little but of an outlier. First off I'm Asian which means I'm more prone to having a tiny frame (tiny. Not just small) and an Apple shape. Sadly..yes I'm Apple shaped which means I have no boobs or butt and when I gain it goes straight to the waistline. Oh and I'm just shy of 5'10".

    What i mean when I say my frame is tiny is that standing straight, you can't really see my ribs right now at my high weight. You also can't see much of my hip bones. (And no it's not unhealthy to see hip bones. It depends on how you're built and where you put fat on.) My ankles measure 7.25" and my wrists measure 5.5". I know tiny. They don't change as much with weight so it's a good indicator of your skeletal build.

    You can't see my ribs. Big whoop right? Well I'm 121 lbs with a BMI of 17.5. According to generic health standards I'm underweight but these standards are...generic. I've been between 110~125 my entire adult life and I'm 33. My scale says my body fat percentage is somewhere around 20% which is within the healthy range for women even if you're not an athlete.

    My measurements right now are 31.5-26-35.5

    I did say I'm an Apple but why don't my measurements reflect that? Simply because I'm not overweight. I know where I gain. At my healthiest (two dance classes a week. I could do three chin-ups/pull-ups and ten real push ups) I was 114 lbs with 30.5-23.5-34.5. Notice how my waist increases much faster and my boobs don't change at all? At that point you could see some ribs and hip bones of course but I didn't look sick. I had muscle.

    If I weighed 140 I'd be incredibly unhealthy at that weight. Right now I'm trying to get back into exercising after four years of slacking. I pretty much stopped when my dad got sick and didn't pick it up again for a long time. My goal is to be able to do chin-ups again, push ups and to work on my stamina.

    And yeah...I've been poked and prodded by my doctor after I became an adult to see if I had anemia or some sort of thyroid condition that affects my weight. I don't. And yes I actually eat a normal amount of food. Usually around 1600~2200 (my husband likes pizza) before I started using MFP. I cut back to about 1500 now and I'm starting to go to Pilates and a dance class here and there when I can schedule it in.
  • invie
    invie Posts: 18 Member
    Whoops meant to say my low measurements were 31.5 bust. Not 30.5. It never changes.
    invie wrote: »
    I think it's dangerous to generalize anything. Ppl of all heights can have small or large frames/skeletal structure. Usually the frame just refers to width of your frame. Not height.

    I'm a little but of an outlier. First off I'm Asian which means I'm more prone to having a tiny frame (tiny. Not just small) and an Apple shape. Sadly..yes I'm Apple shaped which means I have no boobs or butt and when I gain it goes straight to the waistline. Oh and I'm just shy of 5'10".

    What i mean when I say my frame is tiny is that standing straight, you can't really see my ribs right now at my high weight. You also can't see much of my hip bones. (And no it's not unhealthy to see hip bones. It depends on how you're built and where you put fat on.) My ankles measure 7.25" and my wrists measure 5.5". I know tiny. They don't change as much with weight so it's a good indicator of your skeletal build.

    You can't see my ribs. Big whoop right? Well I'm 121 lbs with a BMI of 17.5. According to generic health standards I'm underweight but these standards are...generic. I've been between 110~125 my entire adult life and I'm 33. My scale says my body fat percentage is somewhere around 20% which is within the healthy range for women even if you're not an athlete.

    My measurements right now are 31.5-26-35.5

    I did say I'm an Apple but why don't my measurements reflect that? Simply because I'm not overweight. I know where I gain. At my healthiest (two dance classes a week. I could do three chin-ups/pull-ups and ten real push ups) I was 114 lbs with 30.5-23.5-34.5. Notice how my waist increases much faster and my boobs don't change at all? At that point you could see some ribs and hip bones of course but I didn't look sick. I had muscle.

    If I weighed 140 I'd be incredibly unhealthy at that weight. Right now I'm trying to get back into exercising after four years of slacking. I pretty much stopped when my dad got sick and didn't pick it up again for a long time. My goal is to be able to do chin-ups again, push ups and to work on my stamina.

    And yeah...I've been poked and prodded by my doctor after I became an adult to see if I had anemia or some sort of thyroid condition that affects my weight. I don't. And yes I actually eat a normal amount of food. Usually around 1600~2200 (my husband likes pizza) before I started using MFP. I cut back to about 1500 now and I'm starting to go to Pilates and a dance class here and there when I can schedule it in.

  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am 5'10 154.4lbs. BMI is 22.2 and body fat is approx 28%. So I guess I'm about "average" by these standards.

    Anyway, do any fellow tall girls find that even if you are average or thin, your body measurements seem high? For example, my current measurements are 35-29-40.

    Do taller people generally have larger skeletons (and therefore larger measurements)? I know some shorter people who weigh more than me (are at overweight BMIs) but have much smaller measurements than I do.

    I'm curious what other tall girls think :) (and anyone else for that matter!)

    I'm not as tall as you but we have similar measurements. I'm around 36-30-41. But only 5'7.5". I have a just overweight Bmi right now like 25.3. I think It does have a lot to do with your frame and how you carry it. And your waist is smaller in proportion to your body than shorter. people. So you are relatively thinner than them even if you aren't physically so.
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    Hmmm...according to your BMI, you are in the obese range, half-way to morbidly obese :hushed: Are you sure 102 is correct?
    Yeah I'm 102kg on the dot. I know my BMI is bad and that yes I'm classed as obese given my height and weight but that's what I meant by not looking as big as I should at least I don't to me. If I was a few inches shorter and the same weight I'd probably look like the side of a house but as I am now I don't.
  • invie
    invie Posts: 18 Member
    This may be of interest,

    There's a new BMI calculator that takes the changes in height into consideration.


    Still the BMI standards shouldn't really be used a be all end all standard.
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    invie wrote: »
    This may be of interest,

    There's a new BMI calculator that takes the changes in height into consideration.


    Still the BMI standards shouldn't really be used a be all end all standard.

    Very interesting!! Thank you for that!!