Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • ginag2811
    ginag2811 Posts: 4 Member
    hey guys I'm a nutritionalist and body builder. follow me for a journey on how to flexible diet right :)
  • DGrootonk
    DGrootonk Posts: 8 Member
    I don't have any friends except my husband on here. It wouldn't be bad to get another one :)
  • kreneebs
    kreneebs Posts: 1 Member
    I have found the food app very helpful in learning how many calories I am putting in my body on a daily basis. I have been using it for a little over a month now, and have been very frustrated that I have not been able to enter my dinners for the last couple of days because the Recipes part of the app keeps erroring out.
  • holly00722
    holly00722 Posts: 66 Member
    feel free to add me
  • pattysolis333
    pattysolis333 Posts: 55 Member
    Please and thank you!
  • gamble911
    gamble911 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm always in for new friends and something to keep me motivated here
  • lalabebzy
    lalabebzy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am pretty new to pretty much anything fitness and just need a little bit of motivation! The current situation is best friends wedding in September and let's just say these flubby arms need to go! :D
  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)

  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    New and would like some MFP friends!! Thanks very much! Have a great day!!!
  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    shazzyann wrote: »
    I could always use people to help me keep motivated
    zachduden wrote: »
    Add me positive ppl only :)


  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    Not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm trying to add some folks. Positive people :-)
  • MikeAtElfhome
    MikeAtElfhome Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, I've been back on MFP for about a month now. I've lost about 10 pounds since I've started. I have an aggressive goal to lose 30 more pounds by mid September. Looking for some motivation :) Thanks!
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Friends are good: :) Everyone feel free to add me too.
  • tinkie469
    tinkie469 Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for more friends. The more motivation and inspiration the better!
  • jparis14
    jparis14 Posts: 16 Member
    Add me!!!!! I have no friends
  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    KeysGirl23 wrote: »
    Friends are good: :) Everyone feel free to add me too.
    tinkie469 wrote: »
    Looking for more friends. The more motivation and inspiration the better!

    How do I add ppl? Send a friend request?
  • pattysolis333
    pattysolis333 Posts: 55 Member
    edited June 2015
    Click on my username, then click on the Add As Friend button. ;)
  • mamrnrt
    mamrnrt Posts: 13 Member
    Click on my username, then click on the Add As Friend button. ;)

    Ok thanks!!!
  • gainthatmuscle
    gainthatmuscle Posts: 50 Member
    anyone can add me as a friend. I love making friends!
  • LukerPslim
    LukerPslim Posts: 199 Member
    hey guys, i'd love to meet some new people.