I hate being like this



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    its hard enough planning 3 meals that fit, let alone room for snacks.

    How many calories do you eat a day and what sort of thing do you normally have for your meals?

    i try to eat 1200 like mfp tells me to, but im just so hungry on that. i usually end up eating 1800-2000. my problem is i hate nearly all veg. and i definately cant eat it cooked, i can eat raw carrot and cucumber, yellow pepper, plum tomatoes at a push but thats about it. i love meats. chicken, turkey, steak, bacon, salmon. i eat alot of pastas, baked potatoes, bread and rice, mostly because theres nothing else in. i also find a battle with my family. last night my bro went to pizza hut and 'out of the kindness of his heart' bought me potatoe wedges that i didnt ask for and then tried to guilt me into eating them. i didnt. its ok for him to eat a whole pizza and dessert though, he just stays skinny even though he eats take out 7-8 times a week atleast.

    i try so hard to plan my meals but when i comes to it i just dont want that. or im not full and want more. i crave sweet things alot after ive finished a meal. and i really wish i didnt. and over the past 2 years ive just slowly put on more and more weight.

    Maybe 1200 calories is just too low for you. What did you put in as your activity level? Did you enter that you wanted to lose 2lbs a week?

    What are your stats? (age, height, weight, summary of daily activities and workouts?)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2015
    _8080808_ wrote: »
    Maybe you have binge eating disorder, or overeating disorder? :)

    ive never had an eating disorder. i dont binge eat, but i do snack alot, im always hungry, i work from home and its too convienent to go to the fridge every hour or so

    For me the easiest approach was to simply stop snacking for a while. Plan filling, satisfying meals that have enough protein and fat and lots of volume, and if you feel like eating remind yourself that it's not the long until your next meal, and make sure it's something you can look forward to.

    My exception to the no snacking, at first, was raw veggies, and I only resorted to them for a short time and then stopped thinking about eating so often. I wanted to break the habit of thinking I needed to be eating whenever I was simply bored or wanted a break from work (my office has tons of snacks around, way more than I have at home, so it's a similar situation).

    My sister doesn't cut out snacking but when she's home all day she puts some berries on the counter so when she thinks about snacking that's what she eats.

    I also agree with those suggesting that maybe 1200 is too aggressive for you. Maybe try 1600 and see if you can stick to that more easily. Sticking to a deficit over time is more important than having a really aggressive deficit. (And going to low can be bad for you and self-defeating for some people.)
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I can really see the sadness and frustration in your post. There is a lot going on at an emotional level for you. I think it would help to talk to someone about it.

    Many of us never had good role models for loving and accepting ourselves. It isn't uncommon for us to look to food, alcohol or drugs to sooth ourselves. Interesting that when we make friends with ourselves and learn to sooth ourselves in healthy ways...weight loss is back in our control.

  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I agree with the scarily named @I_Will_End_You (I'd be scared not to. lol) Maybe 1200 is too low for you. It's really hard to go from 2000 calories a day to 1200. What if you just choose a lower amount to lose per week while you are figuring things out? I'm short and at 1.5lbs loss a week (more because I'm crap when it comes to actually measuring a portion of anything) My food diary is open if you want to see what I ate yesterday at 1200 calories (although it might have actually been a little more). Don't forget too that you can eat back exercise calories.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited June 2015
    1200 is definitely too low. You don't sound like you have a binge eating problem. It sounds like you're just hungry because you're not eating enough, and inexperienced in planning meals for satiety. So that leaves you vulnerable to foods that are high-flavor and accessible.

    Lemurcat12 offered great advice.

    For me, it helped in the beginning to just not have those easy triggers in the house. Later, I would have them, but in single servings outside of the house.

    How tall are you and how much were you eating before MFP? You could just track you intake without changing anything for a week, and subtract 300 from that for your intake target, and do 200-300 calories' worth of exercise.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Also people are going to say its all up to you, and it is, but you can also talk to your dad and brother and ask for their support. Ie "thank you for thinking of me, but I would really appreciate it you could help me reach my goals by not buying me cake or fries for a while, until I get a handle on this"

    By the way, for me, I had to go through a no triggers in the house period so that willpower didn't even have to come up. I still don't buy stuff that leads to too much (chhips for me). After a period of retraining my taste buds , though, I wanted that stuff less. So that might be worth trying.
  • CarrC83
    CarrC83 Posts: 78 Member
    When you get that urge to snack, drink ice cold water.the most common mistake is.hunger for thirst. Also.whilst working from home instEad of hitting the fridge hit the floor do some push ups or sit ups just as.many.as you can for a minute. If you really are tired of being sick and.tired, your the only.person.who can take that.first step. I promise you won't.Look back once you get started!!
  • cj0725
    cj0725 Posts: 28 Member
    1. I want chocolate covered raisins now. :)
    2. You are on here, so that is a start. I suggest looking at the success stories. I love to go to those for inspiration.
    3. If it were easy, everyone would be fit and at a perfect weight. Stop being so hard on yourself. You will get there.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited June 2015
    _8080808_ wrote: »
    Maybe you have binge eating disorder, or overeating disorder? :)

    ive never had an eating disorder. i dont binge eat, but i do snack alot, im always hungry, i work from home and its too convienent to go to the fridge every hour or so

    Also, consider working from a coffee shop or library or shared workspace. (Is eating part of some kind of procrastination thing? Try to think of some other ways to break up your workflow. Go for a 10 minute walk outside, for eg)
  • mrsvmb74
    mrsvmb74 Posts: 3 Member
    Totally know how you feel. Struggling myself. Water, celery, carrots and the like do not squash that craving! Give yourself a break (no pun intended - honest). I do think that taking that 15 min walk round the block is the key. I never feel hungrey when I have finished exercise. It may not fat burn but all the time you are out walking you are not fridge raiding! The key thing is that don't give up giving up those naughty foods.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You need to hate it enough to want to stop. Youre not ready to do that yet.

  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    You can friend me or look at my diary. I don't get bogged down by what I can't have, I can usually fit in snacks and stuff. I stick to 1200-1400. Instead of a whole serving of oatmeal, I weigh out half. Instead of a serving of chips, I weigh out .3 or something of a serving. I have to eat all the foods I love every day or I feel deprived. The thing with lower calorie settings is adjusting your serving size and weigh all the food.
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    Could you eat healthy all day and then have a treat in the evening to look forward to? Could you stop by a convenience store after dinner and get ONE candy bar? If I have a lot of unhealthy food in my house I can’t stay away from it. So if I really want a treat I get something from out of the house in a single serving, eat it, and then move on. Or maybe up your calories so you don’t feel so deprived all of the time?
  • ellesMFP93
    ellesMFP93 Posts: 43 Member
    OP I spent a long time feeling like this. In my experience hating and shaming yourself is the least motivating thing in the world! I am a firm believer that you have to love yourself in order to practice the self care needed for weight loss. It was really hard to convince myself that I deserved to do good things for my body and my self. When you are able to love your body for what it is, rather than hate it for what it isn't working out and eating well becomes easy. It's not easy to learn to love yourself but I believe everyone can do it :). Good luck. Feel free to add me. X
  • acarr214
    acarr214 Posts: 6 Member
    You're hungry all the time because, as you said, you eat a lot of sugar. Sugar puts you on a vicious cycle of ALWAYS being hungry and NEVER feeling satisfied. And I say this from a huge amount of experience. You need to either do a sugar detox (which will cause some withdrawal symptoms) or ween your self off sugar slowly. Either way, it should be your #1 focus. Get off the sugar and you will find it MUCH easier to stay on your diet.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    acarr214 wrote: »
    You're hungry all the time because, as you said, you eat a lot of sugar. Sugar puts you on a vicious cycle of ALWAYS being hungry and NEVER feeling satisfied. And I say this from a huge amount of experience. You need to either do a sugar detox (which will cause some withdrawal symptoms) or ween your self off sugar slowly. Either way, it should be your #1 focus. Get off the sugar and you will find it MUCH easier to stay on your diet.

    Sugar doesn't make you hungry all the time. I had a chocolate peanut butter cookie this morning and I'm not hungry. Imagine that! It's more likely that she's hungry all of the time because she's trying to stick to a very low calorie goal.
  • kaymae226
    kaymae226 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish there were like buttons on these boards... soo many good responses.... Hope the OP comes back with her stats... 1200 is wayyy too low and I do think she needs some counseling... first requirement to weight loss is to love yourself enough to give yourself the very best... and junk food isn't it.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited June 2015
    I hate being over weight. i hate my body, i hate what i eat. but why cant i change it? why cant i not have that kitkat, why cant i leave the chocolate raisins alone? why cant i resist the cakes my dad brings home? i hate myself after eating it.

    and i know i can eat these things as long as they fit into my calorie goals, but they never do fit, its hard enough planning 3 meals that fit, let alone room for snacks.

    and i dont want to eat them any way. i eat too much sugar, it makes me lathargic, im constantly tired and just lazy and unmotivated to go to the gym. i dont want to drink the coke but i cant seem to stop. i dont want to live my life like this.

    Unfortunately, until you translate your desires into action, nothing will change. Can you ask your family to help support you? Can you replace your snacking time with workout time? Can you ask your family to keep the junk food in one particular cabinet and just make it your personal goal to only go into that cabinet once a day for a pre-logged portion of dessert?

    Once you start eating better, your body will feel SO MUCH BETTER. Make small goals for yourself - try eating the way you know you should eat for a week. You'll always have time to eat chocolate - it won't vanish forever if you don't eat it.

    I often make better food choices when I'm exercising regularly. Unless you're chained to the wall, the only thing stopping you from going to the gym is yourself. Stop being your own worst enemy. Be your own best cheerleader. It isn't always easy but progress leads to more progress :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    kaymae226 wrote: »
    I wish there were like buttons on these boards... soo many good responses.... Hope the OP comes back with her stats... 1200 is wayyy too low and I do think she needs some counseling... first requirement to weight loss is to love yourself enough to give yourself the very best... and junk food isn't it.

    For weight loss it's Calories intake being less than calories burn. It does not matter what type of foods you eat. It's how much food you eat.

    Assuming no medical issues are in play.

  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    ...Couple of suggestions that may help.....
    1. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP (easier said than done but all you are doing is wasting energy and perpetuating the destructive cycle)
    2. Consider talking to a medical professional
    3. Consider looking for a support group either IRL or on the internet
    4. Look into IIFYM/Flexible dieting. It can be very effective in helping people (I'm one of them) with food issues.

    I'm going to second all of these suggestions especially the first one. A rule I have for myself is: If I wouldn't say it to my best friend, I shouldn't say it to myself.
    Beating yourself up is the best way to dig yourself deeper into your hole. It's not going to motivate you to do better because, if you're like me, you eat your feelings and making yourself feel like crap is just going to make you want to eat crap.