Been Down This Road Before and I Don't Like The Scenery!

Hi, I'm a 58 year old female, 84 pounds overweight but otherwise healthy. I take no meds. I do suffer from back pain occasionally, do to my own neglect. This weight has been hanging around for about 18 years now. Lose a few, gain a few. It started after menopause. I ha always been active an able to drop weight quickly so I didn't worry when it started to accumulate. I figured I'd get up the ambition sooner or later to do something about it. When the time came, I found that pounds don't fall off so easily after menopause. Also, my hubby and I like to drink wine, at night, a horrible time to do so. So, I'm quitting drinking, empty calories and trying to do this before I reach 60. I want my older years to be healthy and happy ones.
I could use motivational friends, ones that really understand where I am in life and truly want the same for themselves. If you choose to friend me, please don't be an absentee friend, I really appreciate motivational comments.


  • cwkwkw2
    cwkwkw2 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. I am in the same boat and had to learn how to drink "mock tails" in the evenings and with friends. The calories used socializing add up too fast!! I tend to post in the mornings (Nevada) and wish you the best.

    So...praise yourself for your first steps. The first time you turn down a "treat'. The first time you chose to eat a healthier selection instead of just eating what you "feel like it"....The first time you smiled because you felt just a "little" better. You can do it...step by step...meal by meal...snack by snack.

    One of my "helpful hints" I always plan for my breakfast the day before because it is the most dangerous meal for me. I would rather eat a bowlful of nuts (ouch fat, salt and deliciousness) than eat a "real" meal. So I have learned to enjoy smoothies. They are just as easy but do require a little clean up.

    Good luck. Keep in touch.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. This is a great site. Track your calories everyday and try to get in some exercise daily. I am older too, but am finding that calorie deficit really does work. I am here everyday so add me if you like.

    Deb :)