Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer Meal plan



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2015
    Fit_Fox88 wrote: »
    I'm currently in week 8 of her program, and I've never followed the meal plan. I just used an online calculator to figure up my daily calories (TDEE method) and macro amounts and stuck to those instead. I can't eat the same thing everyday, all day. I've had great results, IMO.

    I found a TDEE calculator as soon as I asked someone else how they figured out theirs. It told me a calorie goal and % of carbs, fat, and protein for the day and then broke it down per meal. Eating the same thing everyday really does suck, and I know that you shouldn't look to food as a source of excitement...but come on! lol.

    It really does suck, partly because it isn't healthy, and why shouldn't you enjoy food? No reason to make life more miserable than it has to. Our drive for variety is good, it leads us to get all the different nutrients that we need.

    I wonder why this diet plan sounds more legit than the official guidelines? :/

    I understand. A different method could be to just experiment with different macro splits and play around with the food diary? After all, that's what MFP is for. If you eat a standard diet, you will discover that meals are different, that it is okay, and that dinner usually is the largest meal of the day, it often contains some form of meat or fish, and therefore gives you the greatest part of your daily dose of protein. You don't need any meal plan besides what you decide to eat. But of course you can decide to follow this (random) meal plan, exactly or modified.

    Yea I am just going to see what works. I can't make myself miserable or I won't stick with anything. Someone suggested putting liquid egg whites in with oatmeal and then cooking it...that might be an option. I will try tomorrow and see.

    I haven't tried it, but I won't either, just because it sounds unappetizing. But try it out. As you are saying, you will end up with something that works, or quit. Good luck :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    edited June 2015
    How can it be an easy meal plan if you can't eat the proposed food? Just eat what you like, as long as your diet is balanced and varied, and you hit your calorie goal, you'll be fine - you got this - protein, starch and vegetables - it's just that, no foods have magical properties.

    The meal plan itself isn't difficult or complicated with weird food I'm not accustomed to is what I'm talking about. I've never in my life attempted to eat 5 egg whites plus oatmeal in one sitting. I just meant there is no special brand stuff you have to have, it's pretty straight forward.

    That's what really drew me to the meal plan, too. I like the simplicity of it, though try as I might I still can't seem to find information on caloric intake recommended. I go with 1650+ half my exercise calories, and it works well. I do try to eat at the recommended 40/40/20, but I'm not super strict about it. As long as I'm getting at least .8g per kg, I don't stress if I don't hit 40%. I was very carefully following the meal plan, and I am still pretty close, but I only eat egg whites about every second day. Most often I make them into protein pancakes (egg whites, oatmeal & vanilla protein powder stirred together and fried like a pancake, topped with mixed berries). I'm just soooo sick of them! I do make a lot of the Jamie Eason's recipes, though. The turkey muffins are delicious and I love her protein bars.

    As promised, here's a picture of me before and after Phase 1. There's actually a 40 day difference between the two pictures because I gave myself just under two weeks to get used to eating the types of food recommended in the program before jumping into the fitness end (I find it's easier to take on one new big change at a time). I was very shocked at the difference between the two pictures! And believe it or not, the difference in weight is only 1.4 pounds (158 in the first, 156.6 in the second). Needless to say, I don't pay much attention to the scale anymore. ;)


  • michellehumfress760
    michellehumfress760 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow you look great. And that's just one lb? I was stressing when I got on the scale and it's not budging. I enjoy the program and I am surprised how I really like working out with weights.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Wow you look great. And that's just one lb? I was stressing when I got on the scale and it's not budging. I enjoy the program and I am surprised how I really like working out with weights.

    Well, almost one and a half pounds..... But still, yes, haha.

    Ten days later, having introduced cardio, I'm still only at just over 155, so I haven't changed much according to the scale. The pictures and my clothing tell a different story. For example, prior to starting the program, I'd already lost about twenty-five pounds and was able to fit into some of my old jeans. That was through diet only, not a bit of exercise. Now, it's tough to squeeze in them because they fit weird. My waist is smaller, but my bum and thighs are a bit bigger. Everything's sort of "painted on" in that region. The result is serious plumbers' crack when I bend down....

    Food-wise, I definitely get less strict in following the plan each week because I'm booooooored. Still eating well (except for the occasional treat I sneak and log), but just mixing it up a bit.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    How can it be an easy meal plan if you can't eat the proposed food? Just eat what you like, as long as your diet is balanced and varied, and you hit your calorie goal, you'll be fine - you got this - protein, starch and vegetables - it's just that, no foods have magical properties.

    The meal plan itself isn't difficult or complicated with weird food I'm not accustomed to is what I'm talking about. I've never in my life attempted to eat 5 egg whites plus oatmeal in one sitting. I just meant there is no special brand stuff you have to have, it's pretty straight forward.

    That's what really drew me to the meal plan, too. I like the simplicity of it, though try as I might I still can't seem to find information on caloric intake recommended. I go with 1650+ half my exercise calories, and it works well. I do try to eat at the recommended 40/40/20, but I'm not super strict about it. As long as I'm getting at least .8g per kg, I don't stress if I don't hit 40%. I was very carefully following the meal plan, and I am still pretty close, but I only eat egg whites about every second day. Most often I make them into protein pancakes (egg whites, oatmeal & vanilla protein powder stirred together and fried like a pancake, topped with mixed berries). I'm just soooo sick of them! I do make a lot of the Jamie Eason's recipes, though. The turkey muffins are delicious and I love her protein bars.

    As promised, here's a picture of me before and after Phase 1. There's actually a 40 day difference between the two pictures because I gave myself just under two weeks to get used to eating the types of food recommended in the program before jumping into the fitness end (I find it's easier to take on one new big change at a time). I was very shocked at the difference between the two pictures! And believe it or not, the difference in weight is only 1.4 pounds (158 in the first, 156.6 in the second). Needless to say, I don't pay much attention to the scale anymore. ;)


    you look FANTASTIC!! I am just about to start week #3 and I haven't fully committed to the diet yet. So I think now I will make the commitment to the diet and absolutely take some before photos so that I can see the changes. You look great.

    Yeah, egg whites are easy to get sick of....blech!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Today was day 1 for me...oh my shoulders from the push-ups! I had to do modified but I did them. I completed Simply Shredded 12 week program a couple weeks ago and was looking for something else to do so I figured this would be a good program since everyone is talking about it. My only problem "so far" that I see is later in the program we are supposed to use a Smith machine so I need to find an alternative. Also for today I had to do DB on a bench instead of the cable pulls laying on a bench.

    I paid someone to do my numbers for me so I'm going to stick to them for now but I'm going to clean up my eating a bit. I looked at her meal plan and I eat most of the stuff she has listed so I'll see how it goes.

    Have you added egg whites to a protein shake? Yummy
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    queenbea77 wrote: »
    Today was day 1 for me...oh my shoulders from the push-ups! I had to do modified but I did them. I completed Simply Shredded 12 week program a couple weeks ago and was looking for something else to do so I figured this would be a good program since everyone is talking about it. My only problem "so far" that I see is later in the program we are supposed to use a Smith machine so I need to find an alternative. Also for today I had to do DB on a bench instead of the cable pulls laying on a bench.

    I paid someone to do my numbers for me so I'm going to stick to them for now but I'm going to clean up my eating a bit. I looked at her meal plan and I eat most of the stuff she has listed so I'll see how it goes.

    Have you added egg whites to a protein shake? Yummy

    Sorry I am just now seeing this. I have no tried the egg whites in a protein shake yet. How do you prepare that? How was simply shredded? Is that a program on here as well? I will have to check it. I definitely prefer the workouts when you get in to week #3... they have you doing more moves but only 10 reps instead of 12 so mentally that's better for me. I have been so incredibly sore from week #3 but it makes me feel like I am working hard so I am not going to complain. I thought I heard somewhere though that being sore post workout doesn't mean you necessarily "worked hard", I Hope that isn't true because that is always how I measure success in a workout unfortunately. ha ha. Good luck to you! I have 2 more days in week #3. My friend and I have been doing it together and we following the workouts pretty much the way it's laid out, but we are also trying to adapt it to fit our schedule. So example; week 1 and 2 you workout 4 days and then have 3 days of rest. We didn't do it that way. We worked out 2 days, took rest, worked out 2 more days, then took rest, and then started the next week. 3 days in a row off from the gym is never good in my experience it's hard to get back in the groove. So our schedule varies from Jamie Eason's plan, but we are doing the exact exercises. If you find an exercise you can't do, there are alternates listed. Click on the exercise you need an alternate for, it will bring up a video of how to do that exercise, but there is a link called "more details" or "full details" ... it brings you to a page with a written and pictorial description of the workout and at the bottom of that page are alternate exercises for the same benefit. I can't do pushups on the floor the normal way OR the way you perform them on your knees. I can't come down low enough for it to be considered a pushup. I have started doing them at an angle while standing and putting my hands on a bar of the squat rack where the bar is level with my waist or so and doing them that way, if you can even picture what that is ha ha. Eventually I will make myself do them on the floor because they are the best upper body workout besides pull ups according to many people.

    Again, good luck to you!!
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    @noclady1995 - I just wanted to let you know I finally tried liquid egg whites mixed in with my oatmeal this morning. Not terrible, but I do think I need to work on the ratio of egg whites to water for cooking the oatmeal. Today I put in the 1/2 cup dry oats, 1 cup water (as called for in instructions) and then added the 5 liquid egg whites. That's a lot of liquid. It ended up making oatmeal soup! ha ha. I added unsweetened cocoa powder, a little PB2, and 3 chopped strawberries. It was not disgusting. I just wish it hand't of been so soupy. Next time I will add only a little water because I know when the egg whites cook, they will thicken up with the oatmeal. I think adding a little water will help it from being too thick vs. it being too runny like it was today.

    Thanks so much!!
  • kstahlke
    kstahlke Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in week 4 of the LiveFit program and I'm loving it! I don't stick closely to the eating plan. I use it as a guideline and then I make it work with my calories and macros. I weigh 125 pounds but eating 1725 calories a day is maintenance for me. Since I want to add muscle, I've upped my calories to 1850. I aim for 135 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat. Then I eat the rest of my calories in carbs. It currently works out to 45% carbs, 25% fat and 30% protein. My weight has held steady since day one. But my waist measurement has gone down a little. I think I've added a tiny bit of muscle and lost a tiny bit of fat. I really want to maximize muscle gain in the first two phases, so I will continue to gradually up my calories until I'm gaining weight. Then I'll worry about cutting the accompanying fat gain in phase 3. I do wish the bulking phases were longer.
  • cam52404
    cam52404 Posts: 15 Member
    I also have a hard time eating all that food. I break it down, so I don't eat the egg whites and starch in one sitting. Here's another tip: blend the oatmeal into a flour, add some berries, and the 5 egg whites to make a smoothie and drink it. Much easier!
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    edited June 2015
    kstahlke wrote: »
    I'm in week 4 of the LiveFit program and I'm loving it! I don't stick closely to the eating plan. I use it as a guideline and then I make it work with my calories and macros. I weigh 125 pounds but eating 1725 calories a day is maintenance for me. Since I want to add muscle, I've upped my calories to 1850. I aim for 135 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat. Then I eat the rest of my calories in carbs. It currently works out to 45% carbs, 25% fat and 30% protein. My weight has held steady since day one. But my waist measurement has gone down a little. I think I've added a tiny bit of muscle and lost a tiny bit of fat. I really want to maximize muscle gain in the first two phases, so I will continue to gradually up my calories until I'm gaining weight. Then I'll worry about cutting the accompanying fat gain in phase 3. I do wish the bulking phases were longer.

    Sounds like you know more about what you're doing than I do. ha ha. I am going to keep up with the program but then probably do it again after I complete it. This is kind of "getting my feet wet" with weight training and then I want to do it again and follow it EXACTLY the way it's supposed to be done, schedule and everything. I just feel like I'm not doing it right or something... Though I know I would have better results if I would eat correctly.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    cam52404 wrote: »
    I also have a hard time eating all that food. I break it down, so I don't eat the egg whites and starch in one sitting. Here's another tip: blend the oatmeal into a flour, add some berries, and the 5 egg whites to make a smoothie and drink it. Much easier!

    So you just blend oat flour with raw egg whites and berries? And it's safe to drink the egg whites that way? I will give that a try. I just never thought it was safe to consume them that way. Thanks!!! I have added the liquid egg whites to my oatmeal before cooking and it tastes decent...though it's not 100% yummy either ha ha
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am an on again off again user for the past few years. Im starting live fit today. I'm glad to see all the great results!
  • ranger1837
    ranger1837 Posts: 5 Member
    I started LiveFit this week as well. I didn't have time for the workout Monday, so I just moved it to Tues-Fri. The workouts are great so far. I lift at home, so I'm having to change things up a bit (no cable flys or leg press machine). I'm a little worried about my leg workouts because Sunday night I developed water on the knee and I don't know how it's going to react. We'll see.

    My problem so far is eating enough. These first few days, I'm unable to eat all the meals. I'm entirely too full. I've skipped dinner each day so far. Only last night did I eat some protein before bed (3oz chicken breast). Because of this, I'm not getting enough calories. I feel great right now, but it's going to catch up with me. I doubt I'm even getting 1,000 calories a day.

    I upped my water intake to 64+ ounces a day, and that's really making it difficult to eat a ton.

    Bfast: 2-3 egg whites with bell peppers
    Snack: 1 turkey muffin + raw carrots
    Lunch: 2 tilapia fillets with about 10 spears of asparagus
    Snack: 1 turky muffin
    Dinner: ???
    Snack: ???

    I sleep about 8 hours a day. I work nights, so I go to bed around 4am and get up around noon.

    The only carbs I've been eating are the oats in the muffins. I have to find a way to incorporate these a little better. I have oats for bfast, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta. I just need to find a way to eat them. And more veggies.

    Ugh. Without sugar and simple carbs, and the addition of all this water, my hunger has disappeared.

    Any ideas?
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    ranger1837 wrote: »
    I started LiveFit this week as well. I didn't have time for the workout Monday, so I just moved it to Tues-Fri. The workouts are great so far. I lift at home, so I'm having to change things up a bit (no cable flys or leg press machine). I'm a little worried about my leg workouts because Sunday night I developed water on the knee and I don't know how it's going to react. We'll see.

    My problem so far is eating enough. These first few days, I'm unable to eat all the meals. I'm entirely too full. I've skipped dinner each day so far. Only last night did I eat some protein before bed (3oz chicken breast). Because of this, I'm not getting enough calories. I feel great right now, but it's going to catch up with me. I doubt I'm even getting 1,000 calories a day.

    I upped my water intake to 64+ ounces a day, and that's really making it difficult to eat a ton.

    Bfast: 2-3 egg whites with bell peppers
    Snack: 1 turkey muffin + raw carrots
    Lunch: 2 tilapia fillets with about 10 spears of asparagus
    Snack: 1 turky muffin
    Dinner: ???
    Snack: ???

    I sleep about 8 hours a day. I work nights, so I go to bed around 4am and get up around noon.

    The only carbs I've been eating are the oats in the muffins. I have to find a way to incorporate these a little better. I have oats for bfast, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta. I just need to find a way to eat them. And more veggies.

    Ugh. Without sugar and simple carbs, and the addition of all this water, my hunger has disappeared.

    Any ideas?

    Hmm, that is a tough one. I completely agree that the meal plan is difficult because of the volume/amount of food. But barely getting 1,000 calories a day is something I can't understand when I am having difficulty staying under 1500 calories ha ha. Of course, I am still eating all the wrong things though too, I just haven't gotten my *kitten* together in the eating department. I am working on it though. I am sure the fact that you work nights, sleep days is hard too? I used to work nights years ago and of course you don't traditionally eat the same way at night as people would who work during daylight hours.
    I wish I could help =(