Nothing is happening according to the scale

willaliva Posts: 18 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
i am at a point where I'm starting to get really frustrated, because I don't loose any weight whatsoever... I think I can see in the mirror that I've lost fat at gained muscles, but I feel so discouraged anyway. Because I do wanna get smaller, I'm not just bulking or trying to get buff, but it's like, the more I exercise the more muscles I gain but i still don't loose any weight (and yes I do know that muscles weigh more than fat)... I can imagine I'm not the only one who feels like this, but it's so depressing when everyone on my friendlist is constantly loosing pounds and I'm just here, working my *kitten* off and I don't even want to do a weigh-in so that MFP can tell me I lost 0lbs since my last weigh-in..
Anyone got some tips for this kind of thing?


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Your profile says you've lost 7 pounds. That's not nothing.

    And you will need to open your diary so people can see what you have been doing with your calorie budget.
  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    It should be open already though?
  • Jenny013072
    Jenny013072 Posts: 6 Member
    I can understand your feelings but maybe instead of going by your weight on the scale, you should go by how your clothes are fitting.......muscle is more dense and weighs more. I would rather weigh more with more muscle tone than weigh less and be weak, and flabby.
  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    True I also know this in my head you know? :-) but when you're set to loose a certain amount and nothing is happening, the motivation is just kinda out the window... And I know I've lost fat and gained muscles... Urg it's just difficult, I'm totally in a phase right now
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    The reason most people freak out is because they EXPECT to lose like everyone else. Unfortunately, your body dictates how you lose. If you're consistent and being honest with yourself, it will happen. Slower than some, possibly. But the best thing you can do is not compare yourself to others when it comes to weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    willaliva wrote: »
    It should be open already though?

    It isn't.

  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    I just think it's open to the people on my friendlist then? Because I haven't closed it or anything since I opened it upon a sugar challenge with two people from my friendlist..
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I can relate to frustration over the scale.

    Are you taking measurements as well (i.e. bust, waist, hips, etc.)? Because often when the scale takes a break it's because muscle is replacing the fat and muscles weights more than fat. You could be going down in body fat % even though the scale is staying the same for now.

    Don't give up! The scale will move! :)
  • mikeykinwx
    mikeykinwx Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe cut back on weight training if you are doing any just stick to cardio for a while should help if you feel like this.
    You are doing really well don't put yourself down.
  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    I will be at the same weight for 3 or 4 weeks and then boom, boom, boom. Down 3 lbs in one week. I just know that if I consistently stay with my program- exercise everyday and eat clean- eventually the number on the scale will match up with my improved level of fitness. And if it doesn't one week, I just know that I am healthier for doing what I know I need to do.
  • Frostygirl2790
    Frostygirl2790 Posts: 65 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My scale has stopped moving. And I know from past experiences that this too will pass. I usually get a smaller pair of pants to try on and put the scale away for a bit and measure things that way. I call this phase the wall
  • TheRoseRoss
    TheRoseRoss Posts: 112 Member
    You may feel better if you're able to come to terms with the difference between "losing weight" and "losing fat." You don't want to lose "weight," you want to lose "fat." The scale doesn't tell you how much "fat" you've lost. It tells you how much "weight" you've lost.

    Imagine 2 people that each weigh 200lbs and are 50% body fat. They both begin their "weight" loss journey. Person A loses 50lbs, but is down to 20% body fat. Person B loses 100lbs, but remains at 50% body fat. You have:

    - person A now weighs 150lbs, with 20% body fat ie 30lbs of fat.
    - person B now weighs 100lbs (less than person A), with 50% body fat ie 50lbs of fat.

    They both began in the same place. According to the scale, person B is the "winner" because they lost the most "weight." Would you prefer to be the person that the scale says has the most "weight" of the two, but has reduced their body fat, or would you prefer to be the person that the scale says has lost the most "weight" of the two, but whose body fat has remained the same?

    "(and yes I do know that muscles weigh more than fat)"

    Which weighs more? One pound of muscle, or one pound of fat? Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. One pound of fat weighs the same as one pound of muscle. It simply takes up more space. The scale doesn't tell you if it's weighing fat or weighing muscle. All it knows is "whatever it is that you've put on me weighs 'x'."
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm having the same problem, I'm definitely loosing weight but it's not showing up on the scales? Im also measuring my waist,hips ect and have lost several inches and my clothing is getting bigger? I just can't see more than 4.5 kilo loss on the scales? Very frustrating to me also.
  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    Oh you guys are the best! And of course you're all right :blush: I just feel like a lot of the things we experience on a weight loss journey is more about how you feel than what logically makes sense. And wether it's loosing, gaining, or maintaining weight; it's all about feeling good about oneself... I am so happy that MPF has these fora where we can support each other! Getting support is clearly one of the main factors for staying on track (at least for me), I wouldn't be able to do it all by myself :/
  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    Oh and yea, I do measure as well.. Otherwise I think I'd go insane :neutral: