Suggestions for BC that didn't cause weight gain?

Hi everyone! So my Dr. recently switched me from a BC pill I had been on for about 8-9 years due to some recent side affects. Anyway, she started me on a new one a month and a half ago - and I know that it takes roughly 3 months for your body to adjust - but I feel like I'm losing my hair! I will admit I'm a little paranoid :0, but years ago, when I first started BC it thinned out significantly. It did stop (I think I changed pills too) but I'm worried again on this new pill. I don't want to go bald!

Anyway, so I'm thinking of asking to change pills again, but I'm so scared of weight gain... anyone have good experiences with BC? I know all our bodies are different, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask! :)


  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    I would suggest the IUD. I haven't had any issues with weight gain.. Good Luck!!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I was on Ortho Cyclen for about two years. No weight gain, no falling out hair. Even with BC that causes weight gain, you can fight it. It's not the be all, end all. If you workout and eat right, you'll be fine.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    I've been on the Nuvaring for 3 years. No weight gain. Cannot say the same for the cupcakes. :)
  • sarahd26
    sarahd26 Posts: 9
    I've been on Nuvaring for 4+ years and no weight gain
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I'm on Yaz. I know it gets a bad rap, but it has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I did not gain any weight, and I feel so much better. But, I also have PCOS and it's recommended for women with that particular issue, so I don't think it's good for everyone.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Nuvaring advocate right here!!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    According to one OB/GYN that I saw, the whole "birth control pills cause weight gain" is a load of hooey. Feh. Not sure what kind SHE uses.

    One thing I discovered is that often, your insurance company will switch your BC pills on you without warning. Mine does this, at least. I'll pick it up and it's a different name on the package, but with assurances that "it's the same drug." NOT! NOT NOT NOT! My body can tell the difference, thank you very much!! Sometimes it's weight gain, other times it's...well, it's not fun. We'll just stop there.

    SO...when you go in for refills, or when you call for refills, make sure you stress that it needs to be the same kind you've always gotten in the past. The exception, of course, would be cost - if they tell you it's going to cost you an arm and a leg to keep it the same, go back to your MD or whoever prescribes it and see if there's anything they can do (like write "brand medically necessary on the precription") to keep you on the same BCP. Who knows, maybe that will help with the weight fluctuation too.

    Just my (babbling) thoughts...
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I haven't had any side effects from Paragard (copper, non-hormonal IUD) other than heavier periods the first few months. After a pulmonary embolism scare though, there's NO WAY I'd ever go back on hormonal BC.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    In the last 2 years I have been on 5 different BC because of side effects or not being enough to control my problems etc...I would say just be patient and give it 6 months...I always do great on a new pill then month 4-6 my body outsmarts it and I have trouble again...if you are concerned tell your doc exactly why as that will help them make the next choice
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    Thanks for everyone's quick responses! I'll definitely look into the IUD and NuvaRing more soon! I'll give this pill another month or so and see how it goes. I just hope I'm not bald by then! :(
  • adhillman01
    adhillman01 Posts: 206
    You really just want to avoid the Ortho Evra patch and the Depo Provera shot. Those are the worst ones for weight gain.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Got an IUD when I decided I wasn't going to have another child. It's a 5 year (can't remember the name) And, no side effects other than no period!! That's a good thing.
  • emaustin86
    emaustin86 Posts: 18
    I was on Ortho Cyclen for about two years. No weight gain, no falling out hair. Even with BC that causes weight gain, you can fight it. It's not the be all, end all. If you workout and eat right, you'll be fine.

    I got pregnant while taking Ortho, and when I told my OB/GYN when I found out I was pregnant that I was taking it he laughed and said many of the women he was seeing that are now pregnant were taking it.

    I now have Mirena and don't relate any of my weight gain or troubles with weight loss to it.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    IUD - non hormonal.

    all hormonal BC makes me gain weight
  • dd122436
    dd122436 Posts: 39
    Copper IUD. Its cost effective, no hormones, can last up to 10 yrs. It will make your flow heavier and can cause some people to have worse cramps.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    You really just want to avoid the Ortho Evra patch and the Depo Provera shot. Those are the worst ones for weight gain.

    I'm on the Depo now and I did gain about 5 pounds, but I also lost it fairly's like everything else that causes weight gain; it can be overcome.
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on Kariva and it works well, no weight gain, has low estrogen levels and is fairly cheap. What ever you do stay away from Loestrin. Made me break out, bloat up, almost break up with my bf of 4 years and basically want to kill(figuratively) everyone around me.
  • stinabear13
    stinabear13 Posts: 32
    birth control can make you gain weight despite what doctors say there is weight gain with mirena iuc some get it to the extreame like i have and sever bloating had it 4 years it started when periods stopped. if your going to go with one without hormones would be the best bet. i was on pills before yazmin made me lose weight and kept me from retaining water i loved it excpet taking it perfectly i was knocked up a few times but my also being RH negative most didnt even get far enough along for me to get the shot. never tried nuva ring but a friend was on it for years and it worked now some women have no problem with mirena iuc but i was in the 5% with worse side effects and gaining but unable to lose more that 10lbs that came back anyway.(there is a class action lawsuit being built against mirena that the number of women with this problem is higher that just 5%. im no longer sexually active and starting to date but when i finally do go to bed with a guy he will have already known im not on bc and condoms are the only way hes touching me but he better have already gotten serious with me in case of breakage and pregnancy because i wont abort.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Copper IUD, getting it fitted was a bit brutal but lots of other people I know have been fine with it. No hormones, its great. You can forget about it too. After I had my son I knew I wouldn't be going back on any pills as they were the reason (or rather, my failure to remember to take them) was the reason I had a son in the first place!!
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Everyone has different side effects, so listen to your body as well as what nurses/doctors tell you is 'typical'. I had a really hard time finding something I liked. Tried Ortho-Tri and didn't like the cycling hormones. Liked Loestrin, but started spotting after about a year and a half. Had a horrible, horrible, horrible experience with Seasonale and would never recommend it. Finally, found the Nuvaring and love it. I've had far fewer unpleasant side effects, and it's very convenient to use.