Are you 40ish and doing this every day? Need a friend?

I am just 40 and looking for some more folks to friend and support. I am pretty dedicated -- logging every day and exercising almost every day. Are you there? I am trying to lost another 10-15 lbs. No crazy diets just counting calories and eating right for what I need.


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yup! I'm 39 and can't wait to be the hot mama I know I can be!!!! Still working on it every day. Running and working out at least 4 days a week.. sometimes more, but logging every day! If you like, you can add me!
  • shelld70
    shelld70 Posts: 106
    Sounds like me! I am 41 and have similar goals. Take a look at my profile and friend me if you would like. Thanks! :smile:
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I'm maintaining now but here logging and exercising every day too. Would love to support you....feel free to add me.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm here! I'll be turning 41 in September. I'm dedicated to this website. I work out 6x a week with double workouts 5 days a week. I've lost 48 lbs. and want to lose another 50lb. I have a long way to go, so I'll need all the support I can get!
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm here! I'll be turning 41 in September. I'm dedicated to this website. I work out 6x a week with double workouts 5 days a week. I've lost 48 lbs. and want to lose another 50lb. I have a long way to go, so I'll need all the support I can get!

    Actually I started losing a year and half ago but only have been on MFP since March.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm right there with ya--41, logging daily, exercising 5-6 days a week, and would love to add new friends for mutual support in losing the last 10-15 pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • nancymmorris
    nancymmorris Posts: 310
    You are right where I am in this process. I am 43, have been doing this since Feb 1 and have lost 22 lbs. Need to lose 18-22 more.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 38 (will be 39 at the end of June) and here working everyday. Since July 2009 I've lost 61 pounds, still have about 15 to go. It's great to say I'm heading into my 40s in better shape than my 30s!

  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    I am proud to say that I will be 48 in August. I do try to update every day, and find that it is helpful for me to keep track (and sometimes to find hidden calories I was not aware of)

    anyone here that needs MFP friends, feel free to check out my profile and add me. My wife and I are both active on here and learning new things every day as we go through this journey.

    Have a great day.
  • TimesUp21
    TimesUp21 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow Your stats are very close to mine. I just started the couch to 5k (still on the first wk lol). I also have quit smoking with almost 2wks under my belt. I will be turning the big 40 in July!!!
    5 ft 5 in

    I am determined no matter how long it takes to get my goal!!!!!!!!!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Yep here every day ! Glad to know there is a mature crowd here. :-)
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Ok ladies awesome!! So what workouts are you all doing? I am currently doing a one hour bootcamp class 3x, the C25K or a walk on alternate days (although lately I've been doing a 30 mins walk on bootcamp days) and occasionally Jillian's ripped in 30. I am considering getting the TurboFire DVDs.

    What about food? I am still struggling with finding food that is right for me and filling. Any suggestions? I am doing oatmeal or today for the first time egg whites for breakfast which works well but after that it seems sort of scattered.

  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    Hi! I'm 41 and a runner, trying to lose the last 10 pounds and eat better. I could use the support and motivation and would love to join in. I'm not even sure if I'm posting this correctly though. I haven't spent much time on it yet......:embarassed: