Starting Monday! & looking for determined friends around 180-200lb



  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Added :)
  • mmghanna1
    mmghanna1 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi. I'd like some more MFP friends. I'm 4'10" and have been stuck at 187 pounds for a long time now. I lost about 36 pounds last year. I started walking in January and recently joined a gym, but know I'm staying the same because I eat too much. I just started making more of an effort to eat less and hope the weight will finally start to come off again! My goal is to be 165 pounds, because that's what my doctor set me. That's too big for my height so when I eventually get there I'll see if I want to lose more. Please add me if you would like :)
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Added :)
  • monsterchallenge
    monsterchallenge Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ive just joined properly as recently my weight has crept up due to laziness and rushing around, I have about 80lbs to lose (if not more) and would love to share the journey with some others in the same boat!
  • kaniob
    kaniob Posts: 363 Member
    I'm at 193 now, goal 155. Feel free to add me!
  • mellorsgirl
    mellorsgirl Posts: 4 Member
    Started 2 weeks ago with a long journey ahead want to get down to 145 (down to 192 started at 200)....done it before but life and lost motivation got in the way.... Always looking for new friends to help motivate and support.
  • TreehuggerKim
    TreehuggerKim Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Today is Sunday! I got a new phone and added this wonderful app. Tomorrow is Monday and I want to motivate everyone by my actions. I belong to a gym, but have not stepped in the door for 4 months. I'm 180 pounds, give or take, and I want to get down to 165. I'm 5'7. I want to work out 6 days a week, but my 1st week will be 4 days due to vacation travel up north: 30 minutes treadmill and 20 minutes weights with 10 of stretching. I love doing yoga and just bought a 10 sessions pass to use by sept. 1st. I'm ready to go! Please add me. I'm super jazzed.
  • armywifelong
    armywifelong Posts: 18 Member
    Me too! I would also love the motivation as I get started. 5'4" and 205#. Getting on that horse tomorrow. Would love some friends to motivate me.
  • armywifelong
    armywifelong Posts: 18 Member
    Except I don't know how to add friends.......
  • jbaker2000
    jbaker2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I have similar goals and have been struggling to loose weight, I always have excuses. No more excuses this time!
  • irisgal345
    irisgal345 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm in with you all. 5'1" 187 is no way to live my life. Been focused and working for a week now. Add me is you want.
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Added all :)
  • TreehuggerKim
    TreehuggerKim Posts: 3 Member
    Okay so we are all friends.. Do we continue to write on this blog? If not, how do I connect to this community?
  • queen232
    queen232 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, well I am a female student and have a lot of free time now, I've done this weight loss journey many times over now... have lost some weight but gained a high percentage of it back. But, I am committed to reaching my goal of 140lb

    Height: 5ft4
    Current Weight: 190lb
    Goal Weight: 140lb
    Plan to exercise ATLEAST 3 times a week.

    If you are interested in becoming friends, leave a message or send me a request!

    I am presently 204 starting today to reach a goal of 190 as a starting point. Would like to follow you and those in your discussion, new to the site as far as requesting and posting
  • FroggoFrenchie
    FroggoFrenchie Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm back to MFP after a while and I'm on a similar journey. I turn 30 in just over a week and i want to feel fabby in my 30s. Let's do this!

    Height: 5ft6
    Current Weight: 198lb
    Goal Weight: 158lb

    Feel free to add as a friend and we can motivate one another.

    M x
  • lross84
    lross84 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me please, been suffering from Sciatica for three months now recovered and want to get back to it. I'm 5ft 10 188lbs and Want to get to 140lbs. :)
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Add me!! (Anybody else in this thread can add me too, I like friends :) )

    SW: 210
    CW: 185
    GW: 165
  • gilliandawn37
    gilliandawn37 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 53 started at 213 now at 200. 5'4" inches and short term goal of 180 with long term 140. I track most days and have started a 90 day challenge to log all my food on MFP. When I use this site I really do lose weight. Please feel free to add me.
  • hweum
    hweum Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking to lose 50 lbs as well... I need to get some motivation and lucky to find your post! I am 5'11" and 32 years old, weigh around 210. Add me if you would like. I hope being taller isn't a problem!!
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Added all!