The dead period

Any one else experience the dead period? Whereas you lose like ten pounds right away and then stop losing anything. I know I just need to push through it but it's discouraging. I have been at this for 25 days now and only lost tens pounds.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You have unrealistic expectations about the rate of loss, 1-2lbs a week is ideal and 2lbs is only usual for those with a considerable amount to lose. Understanding this will reset when you decide to get discouraged or not.

    Weight loss is not linear meaning it will not o down in a straight line, some weeks you will lose and others you will not. You didnt put it on every night so you have no rational reason to expect you will lose it in a similar way. 10lbs is excellent for a month bever mind 25 days.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Take it easy. Weight loss requires patience, continued planning, and lots of stick-to-itiveness. You have had success. Marvel in that. <3
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Ummm you've lost 2.8lb a week

    A lot will be water

    It will now slow down to an appropriate loss rate, providing you stick to eating at a calorie defecit but as weight loss is not linear it will be up, down, stall and whoosh

    An appropriate loss is 1-2lb, rough guide 1% of your bodyweight, when averaged out over 6-8 weeks

    You are being a mite impatient here
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Yes, I've begin twice and each time I lost a lot and then hit a...well, life support period. It doesn't stop, but slows down.

    After about 2 years, I hit a real dead period and that sucked.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    10lbs in 25 days is a lot to lose in such a short time period. Give it time and aim for between 0.5-1lb a week from here on in. Too much too quickly is not sustainable in the long run. Good luck!
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I've stopped weighing myself often, and that really helped me. I used to obsess over how much I'd lost, and it caused a little anxiety. Maybe track what you eat and such, and weigh in again in a month?
  • zuzi_
    zuzi_ Posts: 554 Member
    your body says, that your speed of weight loss is not healthy for you.. probably is trying to save micros...

    also try supplement vitamins and minerals.. some studies examined, that girls, who loose their period because of weight loss, and supplemented it get it back..
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    zuzi_ wrote: »
    your body says, that your speed of weight loss is not healthy for you.. probably is trying to save micros...

    also try supplement vitamins and minerals.. some studies examined, that girls, who loose their period because of weight loss, and supplemented it get it back..

    I dont think OP means her periods have stopped. I think she means she has hit a period of time when she's not loosing. Unless I have understood incorrectly?
  • nycalling6192
    nycalling6192 Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2015
    To overuse a rather dull analogy, it's a marathon not a sprint. Set a longer term goal like 6 months and keep up eating well and exercising. Six months goes awfully fast, and then you'll see a much bigger difference.

    I'm about three and a half months in, and now I notice a vast difference in how I feel, the way clothes fit (and I finally get the grudging "you look like you lost some weight" from co-workers). Most of the posts of people with significant improvements seem to be done over longer periods of time, which has kept me encouraged. Like you, I hit that dull, second month period where I just felt nothing was happening. But the sweet, sweet, dull monotony of steady exercise and reasonable diet will get you to your goal. Just not as fast as you'd like because, let's be honest, who wouldn't want overnight body improvement?

    Long story short, just stick to it and wait 5 months.
  • melissasheree90
    melissasheree90 Posts: 5 Member
    I was not complaining about how much I have lost, I know I'm doing pretty good. Maybe I worded it wrongly but I have not lost anything this week at all, that is what my question was. How normal is it to just stop losing weight but I see that it happens and it's normal. Thanks for the responses!!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Yes, it's very normal. Frustrating and hard on patience but very common.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You've lost 10 pounds in 25 days and that's not considered excellent? You can't walk 5 miles into the woods and expect to get out in one.
  • TehBunny
    TehBunny Posts: 6 Member
    You're doing great. Be patient.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I went through a dead period when I was in my late teens. It was filled with a bunch of tye dye, mandals, and general lack of hygiene.

    I wouldn't recommend it.
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    edited June 2015
    I lost 16 pounds in the first month, lost 0 the week after (but during that week I saw my body change), lost 1 pound the next week, then resumed 2+ for a few, then again - 0, etc.

    What I noticed is that my body seems to lose weight, then it stops and the fat readjusts (and my pants size ), and then I resume. YMMV.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Pffft. I have NEVER lost anything like 10 lbs in 25 days. You should thank your lucky stars that you managed to start off with such a significant loss. If you want to do this in a realistic, safe, and healthy way, you're going to have to set your sights closer to 1-2 lbs per week.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Any one else experience the dead period? Whereas you lose like ten pounds right away and then stop losing anything. I know I just need to push through it but it's discouraging. I have been at this for 25 days now and only lost tens pounds.

    You've lost ten pounds in 25 days and your discouraged?

    That's an average of 2.5 pounds each week, but I'm sure it came off quickly at first and then has slowed down.

    Weight loss is not linear and, unless you are eating a very low calorie diet, which you should not be, your weight loss will slow down.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I was not complaining about how much I have lost, I know I'm doing pretty good. Maybe I worded it wrongly but I have not lost anything this week at all, that is what my question was. How normal is it to just stop losing weight but I see that it happens and it's normal. Thanks for the responses!!

    That will happen along the way, it's super normal.

  • melissasheree90
    melissasheree90 Posts: 5 Member
    Jmgkamp wrote: »
    I lost 16 pounds in the first month, lost 0 the week after (but during that week I saw my body change), lost 1 pound the next week, then resumed 2+ for a few, then again - 0, etc.

    What I noticed is that my body seems to lose weight, then it stops and the fat readjusts (and my pants size ), and then I resume. YMMV.

    I agree with noticing a body change. Thanks for your insight!