Just plain greedy?



  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    How are you tracking your calories because you aren't logging in your diary? Are you weighing all your solids using a digital scale? Measuring cups for caloric liquids only? When dieting you can't have it all. Calories have to be cut from somewhere in order to create the deficit necessary for fat loss. Caloric liquids aren't filling. For me, it would easily derail me as I'm a volume eater. Do you really need to consume alcohol to hangover inducing quantities to have a good time?
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 185 Member
    Two things - you've noted that you want to look your best for your birthday so when you feel yourself sliding remember that goal and ask yourself "will that extra snack help you get there?". Secondly, if drinking is becoming an issue why not sign up for "Dry July" - its a fundraiser over here in NZ and Australia but there may be something closer to home - where essentially people are sponsored to not drink for a month the NZ link is: https://nz.dryjuly.com/. Could be something done with a group of friends as well.

    Good luck - I have my 40th in October set as the half way point to my goal and am finding it quite motivating since I'll be holidaying and want to be OK with photos being taken
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You might benefit from more advance planning and pre-logging your whole day. You can see how your choices will work out.
    I log my whole day the night before or in the morning. It only takes a few minutes. You could then write it down or print it out on paper to consult as you go through the day.
    If you want to lose weight you might have to learn how to socialize and have fun in a different way on the weekends.

  • diane1223
    diane1223 Posts: 43 Member
    I've been mad at myself too. Gotten completely out of control, and gained most of what was lost. I have been using MFP for 2 years. I like the idea of advance planning!
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 393 Member
    There is a hole you are trying to fill. You get to choose what you fill it with. If you have time to think at work, plan something, anything that doesn't include food. Look to your future or past. Imagine your dream house not your dream meal, remember a happy time (that doesn't involve food) in great detail. Find ways to have fun or socialize that don't involve food or drink. Control your thoughts and it will be easier to control your appetite.
    This is probably the most insightful, thoughtful, true post I've read in the 18 months I've been on MFP. Thank you!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    You're not logging anything. There's not a single day in the last two weeks where you logged a complete day, and most were completely blank. You say you pre-log your food, but where? As for the weekends. Try not drinking any alcohol for a few weeks. Besides saving you calories that you can instead use on chocolate, it also keeps your mind clear when you're socializing so you make good food choices. Also, sounds like you're depressed over your weekend activities, and since alcohol is a depressant, avoiding the wine on weekends might give you a better mental attitude. I'm not saying give up the wine forever (hey, you gave it up while pregnant, so you know you can do it), but it sounds like you need a mental re-set, and maybe this would do it. Just a thought.

    Alcohol not only has a ton of calories, but tends to make you move less and eat more.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Taking it one week at a time (banking calories to indulge) is a great strategy.

    Another thought is try losing at a slower rate so you are less likely to fall off the wagon next time around. Who says it should be a pound or half pound per week. A pound a month loss is still a loss.

    Having friends to support you and logging your foods so they are public can also help keep you accountable. I was very reluctant to make my diary open at first. I am so far from perfect. But I did and I have no regrets.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Maybe when you start to obsess over food at work you could take a short break, get a glass of water and take the long way back to your desk.

    And you don't need to drink to the point of hangover, stop at 1 bottle of wine between you and your husband and take that money you would normally spend on more and put it in a jar to go on vacation together; make it a team effort to cut back on the drinking.

    I have a real problem controlling how much ice cream I eat and my lack of control has caused me to gain back 40 of the 80 lbs I had lost. So now I'm humiliated, embarrassed and angry with myself and want to just say f*** it. Instead I looking as tasty substitutions using protein mixes, allowing a candy bar, and changing how I eat all day. It's a slow process and a mental battle with myself. But after weeks of failure it has been 4 days with no ice cream and at the store yesterday I spent 20 minutes in the produce section and bypassed the ice cream aisle. Tonight when the craving hit I made a protein milkshake and put it in the freezer for about 45 minutes and it had the consistency of soft serve. I was still a little over in calories today but not like I have been lately and my craving is satisfied as well as my appetite.

  • Blondie9292
    Blondie9292 Posts: 12 Member
    This is what has worked for me! I started atkins back in January. I know it's not for everyone. One of the biggest advantage s to this diet for me is after about 3 week s your cravings go away. I can stare down a plate of cookies and walk away. Ice cream which was my number one weakness, I can easily walk away from it and say Nah. I have lost a total of 20 lbs since January! Every month I am loosing between 5-7 lbs. Like I said I know this is not for everyone!
  • Blondie9292
    Blondie9292 Posts: 12 Member
    This is what has worked for me! I started atkins back in January. I know it's not for everyone. One of the biggest advantage s to this diet for me is after about 3 week s your cravings go away. I can stare down a plate of cookies and walk away. Ice cream which was my number one weakness, I can easily walk away from it and say Nah. I have lost a total of 20 lbs since January! Every month I am loosing between 5-7 lbs. Like I said I know this i