Anybody here with Hypothyroidism trying to lose weight?



  • carieeng
    carieeng Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I was diagnosed 20 yrs ago with Hypothyroidism. It can be done! Im sticking with lots of protein and working out 4 to 5 days a week on treadmill for 30 minutes. If I can do can too!!!!! GOOD LUCK :)
  • JenniferVegas
    JenniferVegas Posts: 25 Member
    Another here. I'm on 125 mg daily and I think it's Levothroxine.

    Yeah it seems like I should be seeing better results with all the work I'm doing. I figure part of it may be due to being Hypo.
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Jo-Jo I love your weight goals..You gave me an idea and will do the same....Thanks, and you are doing great!!!
    Thank you :)
  • mrssparkle
    mrssparkle Posts: 47
    I had total Thyroidectomy in Dec 2010 after having a partial one about 30 years ago, but grew back. Take 100mg and find it difficult to l ose weight. Also have to take calcium and alfacalcidol because of parathyroid damage. Glad there are people on here losing weight will make me try harder.
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Im in th same boat. I take Synthroid daily. Anyone feel free to add me for support. Its hard but it can be done.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    Definitely not alone. I was diagnosed not even a year ago. Currently taking levo .075mcg. I am still trying get it regulated. But I do find weightloss difficult, but not impossible. It's the energy I struggle with the most. Anyway, feel free to add me!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I have had hypothyroid since I was 10. i feel like its twice as hard for me to lose weight than anyone else. My husband sees me eating good and killing myself with exercise and he's always telling me he doesn't know why my body refuses to lose more. Its a struggle for some reason even though my thyroid levels are good with my medication. I take 100mcg. Don't give up though. Its not impossible, just more challenging for some people.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
  • YogiGirlLucy
    YogiGirlLucy Posts: 290
    I was diagnosed when I was 10 yrs old (so 26 yrs ago). I take the brand name Synthroid. Generic does NOT work for me or any member in my family. You will have to watch your levels as you start to lose weight. I get check every 6 months or so. Sometimes sooner if I feel 'off'. I watch my carbs and sugars carefully as they don't process as well. I would start simple. I started with 30 mins of working out 3x week, then decreased portion size, then increased work out time, then started eating better and watching calories, sodium, carbs, and sugars. Good luck! It can be done!

    SW: 169.5
    CW: 111.6
    GW: 105

    Generic does not work for me either. My pharmacy decided early on to sub the generic, and all of my symtpoms came back. No one could figure out what was wrong because my bloodwork was normal range. I did research and discovered what had happened. I read that this can occur with generic. So I switched and the problem was resolved. Funny thing was I had to point it out to the doctor and the pharmacist! Point is you really have to be aware of what is going on with your own body at all times, and question if something doesn't seem right, or feel right!
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    I am on 50 levo and my doctor will not increase . Still feel rubbish.

    Has taken me over 20 weeks to lose 12lb and I find exercise very difficult. Apparently when you have thyroid problems sometimes your blood does not oxygenate when you do exercise.

    Still on the research trail at the moment do any info gratefully received.
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was 10 yrs old (so 26 yrs ago). I take the brand name Synthroid. Generic does NOT work for me or any member in my family. You will have to watch your levels as you start to lose weight. I get check every 6 months or so. Sometimes sooner if I feel 'off'. I watch my carbs and sugars carefully as they don't process as well. I would start simple. I started with 30 mins of working out 3x week, then decreased portion size, then increased work out time, then started eating better and watching calories, sodium, carbs, and sugars. Good luck! It can be done!

    SW: 169.5
    CW: 111.6
    GW: 105

    are you from uk or usa?