Diet Crashing on Memorial Day?

Well, I'm a big fan of grilling and smoking, so the summer season really is the big test as far as my diet goes.

So I was curious, what's everyone's plans for Memorial Day weekend, diet-wise?

Anyone just going to use a "blow-it" day this holiday?

Are there any healthy recipes you guys are going to try on the grill?

How has your family reacted to healthy cooking when hosting a Memorial Day party?


  • gldnhthr
    gldnhthr Posts: 8 Member
    Eat what I want, but in moderation.. and work out LIKE A BEAST to make up for it!!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Grill Chicken, use lean ground meat for burgers and or add ground turkey. Roasted corn on the cob, put onions, squashes, bell peppers, a little garlic in some foil and roast. Maybe it's just me, but if I'm cooking you can eat what I cook or bring your own. This isn't a diet, it's a life style change.
  • ivorythorns
    ivorythorns Posts: 33
    Thanks for the reminder!!! What I do to avoid crashing my diet is try to pack myself some healthy snacks -- baby carrots, some celery, calorie-controlled packs, etc. That way, I can safely graze before the barbeque, which cuts down on the red meat, chips, etc.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Personally, I think that grills are a great way to make healthy meals. Lean ground beef or turkey burgers, or bbq chicken (Personally I brine my chicken first, and use a lower calorie spicy pomegranate bbq sauce) all make fairly low calorie entrees (especially if you use the hamburger thins instead of full buns). you can also do grilled lettuce salads, grilled corn, kababs with tomato,onion and bell pepper, and i seriously think there is no better dessert than grilled peaches. Off the grill, you can get lower calorie baked beans and use a more vinegar instead of a mayo based cole slaw.
  • lisa0913
    lisa0913 Posts: 22
    Be spot on with the food that I'm eating here at home. Gonna be careful at the cookout, but if I see something I can't live without, it will be in moderation. And, have some kick *kitten* workout sessions most of the week.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I going to exercise like a crazy persone, and eat in moderation.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Personally I'll probably buy some chicken to grill instead of foods like sausage. I've just worked to hard to just blow it for a whole day and say its a holiday. Holidays will always come and sticking to it for me is the key. If I start going off track I probably wont want to come back. Veggies, chicken, and lean meats are a must for grilling :)
  • paulaercksn
    paulaercksn Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not sure what we are doing yet, but here are a few suggestions; grilled chicken sausage, black bean burgers, grilled portabello mushrooms, lots of veggies with light ranch dip, baked beans or bbq beans are not too bad if you watch your portions.

    I find that the longer I do this, the less I am able to eat. I'm sure you will find the same is true for you. Even if you don't want the healthier fair, just watch your portions and you will be fine.

    Good luck!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    We are going to smoke a chicken and probably do roasted corn on the cob and grilled zucchini. I am thinking strawberries, blueberries and angel food cake for dessert topped with some redi-whip. I WILL be drinking some white wine though :drinker:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    We are going to smoke a chicken and probably do roasted corn on the cob and grilled zucchini. I am thinking strawberries, blueberries and angel food cake for dessert topped with some redi-whip. I WILL be drinking some white wine though :drinker:

    that's probably my favorite dessert ever... i used to have it on memories day as a kid and my mom would cut the angel food cake and shape it like a rectangle and put the whipped cream down on the top and make the blueberries and strawberries into an american flag... oh childhood memories lol
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I've been waiting all year for this weekend and am going camping for 3 days to an event with 3 days worth of rock concerts! Between all the alcohol and great food by the vendors~I'm terrified! My plan is for hopes to NOT completely blowing it are:

    *Taking my own food and still sticking to my diet kind of foods/meals.

    *When I drink~making it shots with diet soda chasers~instead of all that beer. (like I did last year)

    *Drink lots of water in all meantimes!!

    *Taking my running shoes in case I see an opportunity for a quick jog in the mornings

    *Dancing....Dancing....Dancing every chance I get to make up for lack of excersise! :p

    ~Hope for the best and have fun. Good luck to you this weekend. :)
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Here's what we make when hosting a BBQ these days....

    Make kabobs with lean meats, shrimp & veges
    Slice yukon gold potatoes (1/2 inch x full potato) lightly coat w/olive oil spray, sprinkle w/garlic salt & pepper - grill them
    Fruit salad
    Meat, cheese, vege & dip tray (instead of chips & dip) - can add buns & mayo on the side for the sandwich lovers.

    If you don't say anything about it - no one will know you're trying to make it "healthy" & you won't be crashing your diet :)
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    We're grilling up some salmon and trout!! I am bringing healthy snacks with me (i.e. fruit, veggies, special k bars) to help me stay away from the crap as much as possible. But we're camping and that means smores!! So I will definitely be indulging a little :) It's for sure a lifestyle change so ... a good balance between both worlds is best.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I just use the long weekend as an opportunity to exercise more! I still get to enjoy the picnic foods that way AND stay under my net calories for the week.
  • jesse_mon
    jesse_mon Posts: 1
    Holidays are good days for good food, just in the next week take long walks and bike rides because they burn LOTS of cals!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Holidays are good days for good food, just in the next week take long walks and bike rides because they burn LOTS of cals!

    My son and I have recently discovered how fun it is to go on bike rides together! It doesn't feel like it could burn that much tho-which is great bcuz I know it probably does.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I give myself one day per week to eat (almost) anything in moderation of course. It helps keep me from feeling deprived and I usually find that those "bad for me foods" that I couldn't live without just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Fridays is usually my "free day" to coincide with date-night, however if there is a birthday or holiday celebration I shift the day to compensate.

    It works for me, how about the rest of you, what do you do?

    When grilling, I make my own BBQ and marinade sauces. This weekend a nice, fresh, pineapple chipotle is in order.

    mmmm. yummy!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Stay within my calorie no matter what it is I decide to have. LIFESTYLE change, not diet.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Eat the same as i have been since the first of the year. I'll fire up the grill cook some brats, chicken, baked potato but my meal and caloric intake will not go way up. I'm not on a diet. People that cheat or try to justify overeating just because they can or want won't ever keep there weight off. Lifestyle change is permanent, diets are for yo-yo's.
  • lunaesol
    lunaesol Posts: 2
    I still plan on grilling and eating like a pig.
    But I'm going to play smart.

    Turkey burgers and Turkey Italian Sausages
    Wheat buns and 'skinny' or 'thin' wheat buns (check labels not all wheat bread is the same!)
    I plan on using laughing cow cheese instead of Kraft or Sargento slices. (half the calories, twice the cheese and flavor)
    For toppings avoid mayo and use light sour cream
    In salads (Tuna, Potato) use sour cream instead of mayo. Control portions around potatoes.
    For regular salads use spinach or spring mixes, avoid croutons and bacon bits, go easy on the dressing. If you are looking for flavor my secret is Goya Salad and Vegetable Seasoning (ethnic section of supermarket) 0 cal and lower on the salt then most things you find.
    Deserts are tricky but I'm sticking with fruit salads, sherbets, and smoothies. I may make puff pastry filled with yogurt, fruit toppings, and honey.

    (Honestly this is typical fare for us but since we are having friends over ~all ex-military, wives, and kids~ I'm trying to make it "look" familiar to them so they will eat it LOL)