On the Vegetarian Vegan Cusp :) Need Guidance Please :)

Hello All, I've been eating vegetarian for 2 months & have recently stopped eating eggs, drinking cows milk, barely ever eat yogurt & significantly cut back on cheese. I'm looking for some vegan support & mentoring. I'm pretty bad at meeting my protein needs & telling family/friends I'm going vegan at 33 years old provokes some ridiculously unsupportive comments. I look forward to meeting all you beautiful vegans! <3


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you're bad at meeting your nutritional needs, I'm not sure familial response is correctly classified as "ridiculously unsupportive". Sounds more like "appropriately concerned".

    Instead of deciding to do something you don't seem to understand very well, why not figure out what it would take to do it right, and *then* decide if you're ready to commit to it?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Majority of the comments are not nutritionally related they are judgements. If they were caring concerns I'd see them as such. I understand what a vegan diet is & the whole point of starting this discussion was to meet people who are doing it right. It's a moral decision for me and I can't go back to meat consumption. I have researched veganism & continue too but I am looking for dialogue with people not only internet & cookbooks.
    Thank you kindly for your reply :)
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Protein needs? Homemade seitan if you can mix in a source for the amino acid lysine with it.
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Kshama2001 * Thanks! :)
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Senecarr -*I'm going to do some recipe research ;) Thanks a bunch!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited June 2015
    Majority of the comments are not nutritionally related they are judgements.

    That sounds like a judgement on your part.

    It's a moral decision for me...

    Yeah...nothing judgey there... :smile:

    Anyway, good luck with it!


  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    Hello All...I'm looking for some vegan support & mentoring. I'm pretty bad at meeting my protein needs ...

    Hi and congratulations on transitioning. There is so much information available via internet, library and bookstores on embracing a diet that is plant-based centered. You say you're pretty bad on meeting your protein needs but you failed to share your protein goals (in grams / % of marcos) or your diet in general. To get more direct advice, sharing this info is helpful. While there is a large vegan and plant-based community, there are different opinions on how to execute that lifestyle and diet.

    I hope you know even beyond legumes, grains and soy-products, other protein sources include seeds, fruits and vegetables; examples - green peas, quinoa, broccoli, chia seeds, brussel sprouts, & dried apricots.

    Don't think this way of life is a diet of exclusions. It's anything but that. You can achieve nearly all of your nutritional needs from fruit, vegetables, and seeds and the inclusion of legumes and grains. Exceptions: Daily sun exposure gives you Vit.D. You should discuss with your primary doctor regarding B12 supplementation.
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member

    Hi and congratulations on transitioning. There is so much information available via internet, library and bookstores on embracing a diet that is plant-based centered. You say you're pretty bad on meeting your protein needs but you failed to share your protein goals (in grams / % of marcos) or your diet in general. To get more direct advice, sharing this info is helpful. While there is a large vegan and plant-based community, there are different opinions on how to execute that lifestyle and diet.

    I hope you know even beyond legumes, grains and soy-products, other protein sources include seeds, fruits and vegetables; examples - green peas, quinoa, broccoli, chia seeds, brussel sprouts, & dried apricots.

    Don't think this way of life is a diet of exclusions. It's anything but that. You can achieve nearly all of your nutritional needs from fruit, vegetables, and seeds and the inclusion of legumes and grains. Exceptions: Daily sun exposure gives you Vit.D. You should discuss with your primary doctor regarding B12 supplementation. [/quote]

    Hi! 30% protein, sorry. I have been primarily focusing on legumes, grains & some soy with nuts, fruits & veggies. There's also way too many processed products that I did try but cut out. I want to keep a clean diet.
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Exceptions: Daily sun exposure gives you Vit.D. You should discuss with your primary doctor regarding B12 supplementation. [/quote

    Definitely looking into B12
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    Dont worry about eating clean, vegan is enough of a restriction already! Try adding in some protien powder and soy products. I use a brown rice protien powder and I like it a lot.

    I use TVP/TSP in a few recipes, and have veggie burgers/veggie dogs once a week or so.

    I usually cook up a pound of beans and portion that out through out the week with my lunches/dinners for fiber and protien. So there is always a tupperware of cooked beans/lentils/or tofu in my fridge. (I batch cook 2 or 3 blocks of tofu at a time, all sliced up and broiled till crispy)

    I also keep portion cups of peanut/soynut butter, and 100 calorie packs of almonds for a throw in the purse thing. Works for me.

    Edited to add- I take a women's multivitamin for adequate iron and calcium and flaxseed oil pills for omega 3's.
  • loriar66
    loriar66 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years and I'm just transitioning to vegan. I'm also looking for new ways to meet my protein needs in order to lose weight. I'm hypothyroid as well :/ and there is some research that suggests that too much soy might have contributed to that, so I'm trying to add other protein sources. Right now I'm using the protein powders, but I'd like to find new options. I've read that tempeh is a good protein, but I've never tried cooking with it. Anyway, if you'd like a companion on your vegan journey, I'm in!
  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    I'm also vegan, I find that when I'm eating enough calories its actually pretty hard to eat an inadequate amount of nutrients. The myths about vegans not getting enough nutrients like protein and such are...... pretty much mostly myths. I highly recommend you check out Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's podcast, she was a lifesaver for me when I first went vegan and will answer every question you have about the vegan lifestyle and questions you never thought about before. Good for you :) and ignore the people that troll vegan/vegetarian threads here of MFP. cough......
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Loriar66 I found hulled hemp seeds and for me they are ideal..I recently needed to change to a plant based diet for kidney health, and since I was not a big meat eater it was easy, but I am not a vegan. I am doing a low carb diet, just no meat.

    I really love the taste and prep options of hemp seed, it's imported Canadian, organic, raw and unheated, so pretty perfect for me. I add it to soups and steamed veggies, and now grinding and adding as flour and for baking muffins.

    JustHemp is the brand I use, Amazon has it cheap, but I located a lot at a local grocery. and it is far less in cost than gross fed protein..one of my main reasons for choosing it is the high magnesium, which I was low in. Pumpkin seeds and a fw others also prove good protein and magnesium, chia seeds are just too tiny to eat enough ( I'm still learning on the cooking part)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Cook books: Thug Kitchen, and Eat to Live.
    Check out this group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/45-happy-herbivores
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! :) I will!
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    [quote="loriar66;33049374"If you'd like a companion on your vegan journey, I'm in! [/quote]

    I'm still eating vegetarian but omitted a lot of dairy already. I'd love a companion going through the same transition :) Sadly I'm not sure how to add friends :/ Could you send me a request & I'll except it? ;)
  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    Loriar66 I found hulled hemp seeds and for me they are ideal..I recently needed to change to a plant based diet for kidney health, and since I was not a big meat eater it was easy, but I am not a vegan. I am doing a low carb diet, just no meat.

    I really love the taste and prep options of hemp seed, it's imported Canadian, organic, raw and unheated, so pretty perfect for me. I add it to soups and steamed veggies, and now grinding and adding as flour and for baking muffins.

    JustHemp is the brand I use, Amazon has it cheap, but I located a lot at a local grocery. and it is far less in cost than gross fed protein..one of my main reasons for choosing it is the high magnesium, which I was low in. Pumpkin seeds and a fw others also prove good protein and magnesium, chia seeds are just too tiny to eat enough ( I'm still learning on the cooking part)

    I currently use Nutriva Organic Hemp protein but never tried any other Hemp products. I'll look into it! Thank you :)

  • HealthyColleen22
    HealthyColleen22 Posts: 12 Member
    jonrenly wrote: »
    I'm also vegan, I find that when I'm eating enough calories its actually pretty hard to eat an inadequate amount of nutrients. The myths about vegans not getting enough nutrients like protein and such are...... pretty much mostly myths. I highly recommend you check out Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's podcast, she was a lifesaver for me when I first went vegan and will answer every question you have about the vegan lifestyle and questions you never thought about before. Good for you :) and ignore the people that troll vegan/vegetarian threads here of MFP. cough......

    Thank you so much for your support! I needed to read that today <3 I'm excited to check her out today!
  • luckydog55555
    luckydog55555 Posts: 1 Member
    There are some wonderful sources of protein that are vegan. Any type of bean dish is vegan, tofu, seitan. If you are in a rush gardein (which is in many supermarkets) puts out a line of wonderful vegan products. My daughter has been vegan for 10 years with no problems. Everyone makes judgements about that (more than you know), but her doctor tests her every year and her iron is just perfect. There are some great cookbooks. I like Marc Bittman's cookbooks. They are mostly vegetarian but always offer vegan options. His one cookbook How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is excellent. He provides ingredients and then if you don't have something provides alternatives for certain ingredients.