Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Sheri – yea for a good night sleep!!! How long did it take for your boys to get into a good sleep schedule?

    Katrina – I hope the appointment goes well. I think most of time stuff like that is harder on mom than it is baby.

    Jw17695 – I would LOVE to be a SAHM, but sadly it’s not in the cards for me.

    Jamie – I hope Hayley is OK! I love extreme couponing, but I don’t think I have the energy for it. I cut coupons from the Sunday paper but sadly by the time I go to use them, most are expired. :ohwell:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey ladies - haven't checked in with you in a little while because I had to work Tuesday and Wednesday. It was torture being away from Annabelle! :sad: So much so I had my mom bring her to school yesterday for the second half of the day! :laugh: I'm so glad she did though because I was done with all of my work, but I still had to be there until 3:30. My mom, Annabelle, and I were sitting in my room just watching the clock basically...they had even moved all the furniture out of my room so we were sitting at one desk and two chairs, lol. Oh well, they paid me just to sit there.

    I was thinking about couponing today and was actually looking at I think I"m going to start getting the Sunday papers and using them. I don't want to be an extremist either (storing all the extras in every nook and cranny in my house, lol) but saving some money would be nice! Every little bit helps. We usually go to Walmart, but we have Ingles, BiLo, Publix, Kroger, and IGA around that I could go to. I don't know who doubles either.

    Katrina and Jamie - I hope your LOs are ok with their shots!! Annabelle goes June 24th. I'm already sad for that day :ohwell: Did Hayley seem to do better with it after taking a good bath?

    Sheri - So glad Brooklynn gave you a great night! Annabelle usually goes down around 10-11 and won't wake up until 5. It's such a blessing. Last night she did wake up at 1 though, but with allt he great nights she gives us, I'll happily wake up with her every now and then. Is your new routine getting a little easier with work, kiddos, exercise...? I hope so!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    JW - I am a teacher, so I work, but have the best job for time off! I'd loooove to be a stay at home mom, but it's not in the cards for me right now (I get great insurance, etc). Maybe by the time we have our second I can stay home for a while.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sheri- Sorry about missing the laugh. I am sure you will get plenty more from her :)

    Bethe- Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    AFM: Well ladies. I had my birthing class last night. This may get long sorry :) There were 4 couples in our class so it was nice and small. I was the earliest at 29 weeks but the others were 30 weeks, 31 weeks and 34 weeks so 29 weeks was just fine. I feel A LOT more informed about parts of labor, stages of labor, interventions, what to expect. It is a good thing… yet also a terrifying thing. Some little things scared me and made it seem really awful…. YET at the same time I understand more now how my body is made to do this. I also LOVED how the hospital I am delivering at talked about all the different options for pushing positions and such. I feel much more prepared just still equally scared I guess. Couple weird questions if you are willing to share… 1) those of you who have had the strep B test before. I figured it was a vaginal swab… they said and or rectum…. Was it vaginal for you? 2) Those of you who had a epidural… did you have to get a urinary catheter? One of my friends who is VERY VERY BLUNT I talked to last night and she told me that she had to get one and didn’t feel it at all so that calmed my nerves a bit. Oh and one of the four couples (34 weeks) had to leave in the middle of the class and go up to triage because she was having contractions…. We almost got the live show!!

    Strep B test was vaginal for me. And I was positive with my second so they never tested me with my third and fourth. Not that big of deal. They recommend you get to the hospital ASAP if you are positive to hook you up to an IV with antibiotics. With my last three I went too fast and didn't get enough antibiotic in so they made the baby stay at least 48 hours to monitor them.

    I had an epidural with two of my four and I NEVER had a urinary catheter (but I was 8 cm both times I got one, so I probably got a low dose), and I was up and about soon after with them both (with nurses' help). I never had ANY side effects from the epidural either. I had no back pain or headache . . . I delivered two babies without any medication and two with an epidural and there was not much of a difference to me afterwards between them. I was up and walking to the bathroom the same amount of time after every birth, epidural or not.

    Please know that every person is different.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    I hate to make everyone jealous, but I am a SAHM. To my defense - I make all of my own clothes (not DH's or DS's though). And I'll probably sew for my little girl some. We have a huge garden in the summer and go to market one day a week. I also bake stuff to take to market. I can/freeze all the fruit and pretty much all the vegetables we eat all year. We only eat out several times a month and that's if you count McDonalds $1 menu. :tongue: I don't really buy any pre-made food to speak of - most all meals I make from scratch. I am so very thankful that I am able to stay at home with my children and I feel for those of you that aren't able to.

    On the subject of cupons - I did a lot of clipping for a while, but after some research I found that buying off-brand stuff was typically cheaper than using the cupons for name brand stuff. There is a few thing that we prefer name brand and I definatly look for cupons for those things. I shop Kroger's sales (because they're great!!!), Aldi for a lot of our groceries and Walmart for everything else.

    Sorry I've been missing in action for so long. Our internet was out for several days and then I sorta had a little emotional breakdown. An hour before my midwife was supposed to show out up for our first visit my cat got killed on the road. I have lost cats to the road before, but somehow I DID NOT handle it well this time. I guess I thought that since we live on a dead end street with only three houses past us the chances of that happening were close to zero. Wrong!!! We only had her a little over six months! She was a beautiful calico (I had wanted a calico all my life and she was the first one I ever had), she got along amazingly with DS and he played with her SO much. I spent a couple days crying at random times, but I'm finally feeling a little better. It feels so crazy to get so worked up over a mere cat so I'm going to blame it on pregancy hormones. :grumble: I did make the exercise challenge last week but all that info was in the post that my computer ate on Monday. :grumble: I like my new midwife a lot! Which is nice after my struggles with my other one. Our visit went well but my blood presure was something like 158/80. I was quite worked up over my cat!!!

    And I was going to add that I think Annabelle is a SAHM. I miss her and hope that her move is going well.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Wow, extreme couponing that's def something I would like to try. I wish I knew how they did it esp with all the restrictions most coupons have like limit one per person or can't combine with other coupons or use on sale items.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Sheri – I have to go back to work after 3 months, I wish I could stay home longer but my last month will be unpaid and we need my income. How long does breast milk last? I know it can be frozen but I’m not sure for how long. Sorry about missing her laugh, but at least hubby got it on video for you.

    Breast milk can be frozen for up to 6 months, once defrosted it has to be used within 24 hours. It can stay in the fridge (never frozen) for up to 8 days. I freeze all of my milk and take it out every night. Brooklynn is drinking 3 oz every 2-3 hours so it usually takes 12 oz a day to feed her. I can only pump 3 oz at a time which is supposidly pretty good according to but if I do not find time to pump 4 times at work she will have eaten more than I pumped for the day. It can be pretty stressful which is why I suggest you ladies start pumping before you go back to work so you have extra milk incase you can not produce enough or baby goes through a growth spurt and needs more breast milk while you are at work.

    Oh my gosh my baby Wade is a little piggy!

    Sheri, if you don't mind me asking, how much are you able to pump at a time? I try to pump every 2 - 4 hours and get between 3 and 4 ozs each time. But now he is eating so much during the day. He ate 4 ozs this morning and two hours later had another 4 ozs. He is non stop and I am not keeping up. He nurses well at night (usually he is up only once now) but during the day he prefers a bottle.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know all too well about money stressing.. when I was in a bad spot about a year ago I started couponing and it has saved me a LOT of money. It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it has really helped me. Has anyone seen that new show on TLC "extreme couponing"? That's me :) Now as a single mom I'm having a hard time finding the time to do it but I'm thankful that I have the things we use most often stocked up so that I don't need to shop as often now.

    I watched part of an episode once. I wish they explained where they got all the coupons. I get a little mailer with coupons in it but they're never very good and only off super expensive stuff that on sale with the coupon is still more than the generic on sale. And what stores actually double coupons? None of ours!

    Some of the people on the show it seemed actually took the couponing right up to the somewhat unethical line, IMO. Getting over 100 items each of like 6 different things free because you brought in 100 coupons? Really? I understand getting a good deal, but taking advantage, even if it is "just of a corporation" is a bit iffy IMO. Especially people who do it with like diapers and things when they don't have kids, and then they resell them at garage sales to make some cash.
    Shoprite is my store that doubles. I do most of my grocery shopping at shoprite or walmart. I get most of my coupons from the sunday paper or Most of the people on the show make couponing look horrible the way they do it clearing the shelves and checking out with 10 carts of only 5 different items, but we aren't all like that :)

    Does Walmart double? I THINK the packs I get in the mail are the same ones that come in the Sunday paper - not sure, don't get a Sunday paper but I've tried to look before at the grocery store for the coupon part - but they seem like a lot of stuff I wouldn't use for the most part. Like breakfast sausages and laundry detergent and makeup / hair dye, and M&Ms ... I might start trying because after a year+ w/out, I finally have a printer.

    Julie posted a site once that tells you what coupons match up with what circular ads, but I couldn't figure it out how to actually access or find the coupons. :laugh: I have Kroger and Publix here, and of course Walmart.

    Walmart doesn't double. And, unfortunately, in my experience they're also horribly coupon unfriendly. Some people have luck with them but I've stopped bothering. I now only go to the Walmart near where I work because they almost always have some meat that's about to go bad on mega-sale. I buy a ton of it & then go home and freeze it in meal-sized portions. My absolute favorite places to coupon are Publix and CVS. Today CVS paid me 83 cents for my transaction (which was mostly just a bunch of junk food for my friends' movie night tonight, but it's stuff I would've spent about 8 bucks on in a convenience store). I've also never had a problem with couponing at Kroger but it's really only worth it for me to go during their mega events. Publix and Kroger here both double coupons up to 50 cents. Bi-Lo doubles up to 60 cents here, I think, but they're not quite as coupon friendly and also not as convenient for me so I rarely go there.

    I use A woman named Jenny runs the site and she lists the ads and the coupon match-ups. She tells you which coupon insert the coupons are in and gives you a link to a printable coupon if one is available. I love that method because it means I don't have to clip and sort coupons -- I just keep the inserts in a file and then look through the one she lists the coupon is in when I'm preparing for my shopping trip & clip it out then. It takes a minute to figure out the abbreviations & stuff, but it's very much worth it. I coupon on a very non-extreme level but I still save a lot of money doing what I do.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    So is anyone a stay at home mom or do we all work?

    SAHM here. Have been since my first was born in 2002. I used to work at a steel company and it was awesome and to this day I miss it. But feel blessed to be home.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I pump 3-4 oz 4 times at work. I also pump B4 I leave if she hasn't eaten in the last 2 hrs so I do have a surplus.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Ronya - thanks :)

    @ Jw17695 I'm a SAHM and have been since 2004. my children are both in school so this Sept, I started a home day care. I guess i'm a WAHM now. :)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So is anyone a stay at home mom or do we all work?

    SAHM here. Have been since my first was born in 2002. I used to work at a steel company and it was awesome and to this day I miss it. But feel blessed to be home.

    I became a SAHM about 2 years ago. It wasn't the plan, but worked out for the best, my mom passed about 6 months after I quit my job so I was able to spend lots of time with her. Plus now we have the baby. The only think I miss about work is the paycheck. LOL

    Most of the people I work with I have on FB, so I stay up to date. My last job was so boring. It was a state job, too many employees not enough work.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    ckmama - I plan on vaccinating Baby S but I am just looking into alternative schedules. I have a meet and greet with a possible ped dr in like 2 weeks. The daycare we signed up for wants vaccinations but the modified schedule still will fit their requirements. And logan is so dang cute!

    anne - I feel ya on the overly emotional part. I have had a few breakdowns with bf about things and he is just bewildered about what to say/do. I realize what I am doing but that only makes me feel worse. I think he will be happy when we are all done and my hormones go back to normal. Finance wise, bf has gotten off pretty easy so far. I have paid for everything (we dont share a bank account and never will - I am too uptight about spending/tracking). so my personal budget is pretty tight. I have enoug hto pay for everything but I dont think I have anything leftover this month to cover the baby things I had been hoping to buy next month (that we still need for Baby S).

    JW - I will be home for the 12 weeks maternity leave and then I will go back to work. I love my bf very much but I make more money than him, so being a SAHM is not an option for us. If anything he would become a SAHD (which he would LOVE) but we cant afford the financially right now. Hopefully I can move up in pay a little before we have child #2 and then he can (cause 2 in daycare = what he makes in a month if he gets no overtime).

    Jamie - my sister and I have taken to couponing but I am adament that I am not buying things I dont need. I have been able to stock up (watching sales and combining with coupons and watching for double/triple coupon weekends) on a few things and have gotten us some good diaper deals. I actually like couponing. It really appeals to my frugal side. I am not nearly as good as most of the women on that show, but I manage to save us about 25-50% on our grocery bill. I also get all my coupons from either the sunday paper or My sister and I share coupons too. I save the ones that I dont want for her and she does the same for me. I hate how the women on the show make like 10 orders and buy like 500 of whatever items just cause they have coupons for it. And they never take into account how much those people spend (cause a lot of them buy coupons online in addtion to getting some in the paper/online). The grocery stores around here (not a walmart close by) they all double 99 cents and under coupons. But one chain (Harris Teeter) does run specials regularly to doulbe $1 coupons and even triple 99cent and under coupons.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Jamie--those shots SUCKED...he turned beat red with the first one in shock then screamed with the second and started crying...OH I cried....poor baby.

    Couponing---I coupon and sort of stock pile, but not much, I watch sales papers and we've had a new Albertsons built here so they have been running great sales on meat etc.....WANT to save on your grocery bill. Stop going to the store every week. Go only every other week, eat till the cabinets are empty. And coupon when you can get items for free or almost free. Compare ads. I live where they don't double coupons anywhere. Most of them won't even accept internet coupons, but walmart and target will. And sometimes I get a wild cashier at Rite Aid or Walgreens that will take them, even though every other old lady that checks me out gets and attitude. Most of all when it comes to couponing you have to pick the right cashier:smooched: We do buy some store brand stuff, but there are some things my husband and son won't eat store brand so it just sat in the cabinet.

    In fact I am hitting Rite Aid on my way by today just to pick up 2 of tubes of crest toothpaste, 3 boxes of $1 raisin bran, and 2 bottles of pantene shampoo, all couponing and price matching. Shouldn't be more than $5 .

    My BIGGEST couponing thing is for Diapers...I'm not brand specific, if it doesn't leak, then I'm good to go. Last week I got diapers at Rite aid for $.08 each, size 3. Stocking up for the next couple of months. Plus I got my big box of pampers from last week at .11 cents a diaper. YAY

    HKystar---I hope you can find an atlernative schedule. They are rough.

    AND on the subject vaccines, did anyone see on Fox News yesterday that in WV a judge is forcing parent to vaccinate? Some mom is suing saying it's the parents descision. She made a good argument. The APA interviewed saying it protects other children when you vaccinate, but the mom replied, if they are all vaccinated then what do they need protection from? Good point. But I know too there are some adults that haven't been being one of them, so some diseases are still around. Plus I've never had chicken pox or measles. Can you still get the measles?:embarassed:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hykstar- I am the higher earner too which is why I work instead. However I am super fortunate to work 5-1 and get lots of family time.

    Katrina- walgreens is awesome their milk and eggs usually cost less than the store. They also have bread about to expire for a buck and ours takes coupons. The other day I got 2 doz eggs a loaf of bread and allergy medicine for the boys for $9.04
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Katrina and Jamie - I hope your LOs are ok with their shots!! Annabelle goes June 24th. I'm already sad for that day :ohwell: Did Hayley seem to do better with it after taking a good bath?
    I don't know if it actually helps, but it always makes me feel better that I can do something after all those horrible shots!
    I pump 3-4 oz 4 times at work. I also pump B4 I leave if she hasn't eaten in the last 2 hrs so I do have a surplus.
    Wow, 4 times! On the days I go to work, I only pump twice and get about 6 ozs both times. I don't think I could find the time to pump 4 times, and I also have to pump in a bathroom stall, yuck! On the days I don't work, I pump every morning while Hayley sleeps and get 6-8 ozs and that gets frozen right away so I am building up quite a stock of breastmilk. Since I have so much, I was actually thinking about giving breastmilk to my toddler in her bottle at night. Anybody have any thoughts on that?

    What is AFM? I can't believe I can't figure it out.. lol
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Katrina and Jamie - I hope your LOs are ok with their shots!! Annabelle goes June 24th. I'm already sad for that day :ohwell: Did Hayley seem to do better with it after taking a good bath?

    I brought tylenol to give him before. they weighed him then told me how much to give him. Last night he cried and was really fussy when it wore off so we gave him another dose, he started smiling about 30 mins later then pooped. He went right to sleep then had his 10 pm bottle and slept till 5 this a.m. I also fed him right after the shots too. I scheduled his feedings so it would fall right after.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hykstar- I am the higher earner too which is why I work instead. However I am super fortunate to work 5-1 and get lots of family time.

    Katrina- walgreens is awesome their milk and eggs usually cost less than the store. They also have bread about to expire for a buck and ours takes coupons. The other day I got 2 doz eggs a loaf of bread and allergy medicine for the boys for $9.04

    I know about the bread and stuff is awesome, one manager gave it too me for 1/2 the sale price once. It wasn't even close to expiring.

    Oops baby crying time to eat.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Plus I think it helped having it at 2 pm my neighbors little girl slept all day with hers in teh a.m. and it messed her feeding and sleep schedule all up
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I pump 3-4 oz 4 times at work. I also pump B4 I leave if she hasn't eaten in the last 2 hrs so I do have a surplus.
    Wow, 4 times! On the days I go to work, I only pump twice and get about 6 ozs both times. I don't think I could find the time to pump 4 times, and I also have to pump in a bathroom stall, yuck! On the days I don't work, I pump every morning while Hayley sleeps and get 6-8 ozs and that gets frozen right away so I am building up quite a stock of breastmilk. Since I have so much, I was actually thinking about giving breastmilk to my toddler in her bottle at night. Anybody have any thoughts on that?

    What is AFM? I can't believe I can't figure it out.. lol

    I have an office with a lock and I put a sign on the door that says I’m pumping do not enter. When I am with Brooklynn she nurses so often (probably just because she misses her booby) I think she uses it more as a pacifier that I feel like bursting at the seams if I do not pump within 3 hours. My boss is super flexible though and I told him that I HAD to have time to pump. I never take an actual lunch or break though because when I do open my door back up there is usually a line and my phone rings constantly.

    AFM = As for Me

    Not sure about the breastmilk for Brielle, I plan on nursing for a year because ice cream is usually my only source of calcium so I have to take these giant calcium with vitamin c supplements and so I am sure she will get more vitamins from the cows milk. My friend still nurses her 19 month old and just weaned her other son who is 3 ½. I guess everyone has their own insight on it. I plan on donating my milk to the sick babies if I get to the point where I have to much.

    I brought tylenol to give him before. they weighed him then told me how much to give him. Last night he cried and was really fussy when it wore off so we gave him another dose, he started smiling about 30 mins later then pooped. He went right to sleep then had his 10 pm bottle and slept till 5 this a.m. I also fed him right after the shots too. I scheduled his feedings so it would fall right after.

    I plan on doing the same with the Tylenol but I am sad about it since I have not given her anything yet. Our appointment is for like 2:30 which should line up pretty well with her feeding. Then again she eats on her schedule, I am just her 24/7 buffet :laugh:
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