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Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Sorry to those on the pregnancy thread for the double post below. Just wondering if anyone on here has ever tested positive for strep B.

    Got a message from the Dr.'s office saying that the Dr. wanted to speak with me - um...ok. So I called her back right away.

    She said I tested positive for strep B which by itself isn't really a big deal, except for the fact that I'm allergic to the antibiotics that they would treat it with. Oh wait - there is one that I could take - but since it's one of the only ones I don't have an allergy to, I've taken it a lot in the past, and the strep B is resistant to it.

    I hadn't really done any research on strep B since it was something I potentially didn't have to worry about. Now, I am officially in panic mode. She asked what kind of reaction I had to penicillin and erythromycin so I called my mom to ask her. My mom said my reaction to the penicillin was severe and I ended up in ER, the erythromycin just made me puke blood.

    The Dr. said we'll talk more about it at my appointment on Thursday, and in the meantime she is going to contact an allergist to find out if we can counteract the penicillin with an IV of benadryl at the same time, and what kind of dosage we should use.

    I'm freaking the eff out! What does it do to the baby if I'm having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic? What if the baby is allergic to it too? I did a little research on my own and that only made me even more panicked... :frown:

    Just got a lot running through my head right now, and my poor husband is absolutely terrified. :cry:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Question - how do you remove wax crayon from a window pane? I'm definitely going to have a go at removing DS1's art work tomorrow and his finger prints little monkey!

    Magic erasers really are magical little things :wink:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Katrina- I challenge you to 30 minutes a day, that is my goal and I manage it most days

    Amanda- Fortunately I have not had a baby with colic but I have heard that people use gripe water and wear them.

    Anne- Love the floors, I have got to search the pregnancy thread so I can see Elise’s nursery

    Meokk- I miss the gentle movements

    Ronya- I am ALWAYS thirsty, not sure why but I think that the heat just reminds people to drink, drink , drink. Now if someone would tell that to my camel husband…. He rarely drinks anything because he HATES having to pee. Good thing he has never been pregnant!

    Rachel- I miss nothing, it is nice to go out and have a meal without having to tell someone to sit down, turn around, quiet down, ect. But the way I see it is that we only have 18 short years with our kids and a life time for everything else. Hubby and I agree so we do not do much for ourselves but do often find quiet time at night to cuddle on the couch.

    Steph- Baby dust to you! Our vaccine schedule is very similar and I do give baby all but flu shots. Oh yes and as for you crayon…. Rub a little toothpaste on it and the scrub with a toothbrush and water. Sounds strange but it works wonders! My 4 year old used to be Picasso and drew from the top of the stairs to the bottom a couple times in our old rental.

    Julie- I am sure that all of us are or will be modest about it, but let me just warn you that when out in public it seems like there is always a weird, creepy guy that gravitates to the breastfeeding woman. So annoying ! Even worse though is people who will light up and smoke right next to your kids and baby. As an ex smoker I must say that is completely inconsiderate and something I never did!

    Lynn- Bethe was positive for Strep B, as I understand you just need to get to the hospital and get some antibiotics pre delivery. Hopefully they can find an alternative antibiotic for you

    AFM: Had a great holiday weekend, I ate and drank WAY too much! I am a light weight so it was like 2 caprinahs but oh so yummy! Work is crazy busy and my coworkers last day is tomorrow and then she starts her maternity leave, I am dreading doing all of my work and adding hers in. I think the next 10 weeks are going to be absolutely nuts! At one of the bbqs this weekend my coworkers 4 year old (yep we ALWAYS get pregnant together lol) said "your baby is so pretty! Did she have blood on her like on tv when she came out?" then when nursing she asked "what do you have under the blanket" Um the baby, she's eating "what is she eating? (moves the blanket) Oh wow she eats your booby!" :laugh: Joy little ones are so cute
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ok, a question for those of you who are already mamas:

    2. What is the thing you miss most about before your children (other than sleep of course)? (ie what should I savor for the next 10 weeks?)

    Being able to leave the house within 15 minutes of deciding you want to leave the house! :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Sorry to those on the pregnancy thread for the double post below. Just wondering if anyone on here has ever tested positive for strep B.

    Got a message from the Dr.'s office saying that the Dr. wanted to speak with me - um...ok. So I called her back right away.

    She said I tested positive for strep B which by itself isn't really a big deal, except for the fact that I'm allergic to the antibiotics that they would treat it with. Oh wait - there is one that I could take - but since it's one of the only ones I don't have an allergy to, I've taken it a lot in the past, and the strep B is resistant to it.

    I hadn't really done any research on strep B since it was something I potentially didn't have to worry about. Now, I am officially in panic mode. She asked what kind of reaction I had to penicillin and erythromycin so I called my mom to ask her. My mom said my reaction to the penicillin was severe and I ended up in ER, the erythromycin just made me puke blood.

    The Dr. said we'll talk more about it at my appointment on Thursday, and in the meantime she is going to contact an allergist to find out if we can counteract the penicillin with an IV of benadryl at the same time, and what kind of dosage we should use.

    I'm freaking the eff out! What does it do to the baby if I'm having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic? What if the baby is allergic to it too? I did a little research on my own and that only made me even more panicked... :frown:

    Just got a lot running through my head right now, and my poor husband is absolutely terrified. :cry:

    Just trying to get caught up on everyone's posts.

    Lynn, I did want to say that I tested positive for Strep B with my second child (wasn't positive with my first). After that they never tested again with 3 and 4, they just assumed I was positive.

    I think you and baby will be fine. Never had an allergy problem, but I never had a "long" enough labor for the baby to get the recommended dose of antibiotic with any of them. Since my labors were so fast and they babies came before I was able to receive the recommended amount of antibiotic it was required that each of my children stay in the hospital for 48 hours to be monitored. All three have been fine and were able to come home with me.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Lynn - I was positive but I unfortunately have no advice because I was not allergic to the antibiotics :( All I can say is I'm glad that you know ahead of time so that you and your doctor have time to make a plan. Decisions during the birth are not fun!
    Ok, a question for those of you who are already mamas:

    1. What do you wish you had known before you had your baby? (or babies in some of your cases!).

    2. What is the thing you miss most about before your children (other than sleep of course)? (ie what should I savor for the next 10 weeks?)
    I wish I would have known how slow babies actually develop! May sound dumb but I had no idea that they take around 6 months to just sit by themselves lol! Newborn to 6 months old is just them laying around! But now that brielle is passed that stage I am savoring every second of hayley just wanting to be in my arms and cuddle! Brielle is too busy playing all the time :)

    I miss being able to run out of the house real quick to do something. Now it takes a long time to get out of the house :) I also miss not being "on" 24/7... I never realized that being a mom means you don't get a mental break the first few years because you are always on call and there's always something to worry about! I actually think being a mom is much more mentally exhausting than physically exhausting and I definitely wasn't prepared for that!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    thanks for all of the tips ladies!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Katrina - I also have a hard time getting motivated sometimes to workout, even when I have the time, especially when it is sooo hot outside! Good luck on your 30 mins a day, I know you can do it!!!

    Amanda - I'm sorry that Ethan has colic :frown: My mom said I had colic as a baby and all I did was cry, all day...every day....no matter what she did, for about 2 months. She said my dad had no patience for it whatsoever, and that she ended up taking care of me pretty much all by herself. Hoping that he feels better soon and that you can get a break.

    Anne - Yay for fridge day!!

    Victoria - Yay for baby flutters :love:

    Ronya - I definitely need to try getting more water in. It has been so humid here, and yesterday I had a terrible migraine - I'm guessing from being dehydrated.

    Steph - Hoping you get that BFP real soon!!

    Julie - Hooray for Macie being on the left side! Josh still feels like he is more on the right side, but I've been seeing more of him sticking (what I believe to be) his little tush out on the left.

    Sheri - Sounds like you had a great weekend! Don't you love how literal kids can be? Kids certainly do say the darndest things! :wink:

    Bethe - Thank you for the info on your experience with the strep B, gave me some reassurance and peace about the whole thing.

    Jamie - I agree, I'm glad we can make a plan now as opposed to during labor. I'm sorta scared that they're going to try to push me to have a c-section, but I'm trying not to not get ahead of myself until I see my Dr. tomorrow. I was the same way in terms of (not) knowing babies developmental stages. I also got ahead of the game on that and whipped out my human development book from college and got myself up to speed.

    Hello to everyone else, hope all is going well!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hey ladies! I went ahead and posted the new thread.


    I didn't put a month/year, just figured we could keep er diggin with it, and not have to pay attention to when a new month starts. If Brittony hadn't posted the new pregnancy thread today, I wouldn't have realized it! Everyone ok with just having an ongoing thread? If not we can change it in July.

    Can't believe it's June already!! :noway:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Oh I'm not sure if I should be in the new group or not.

    Tahmed: My SIL's children all had colic (3) she breastfed all 3 and all 3 stopped being colicy when she quit. I'm not saying that works with all women, but her kids were effected by her milk. She just couldn't wrap her brain around it. Of course she didn't watch her diet.

    I wish I had known that they don't stay sweet and innocent forever and to enjoy it. Boys aren't as huggy kissy snuggly as girls as they get older...which I miss. Oh and the discipline...I wish I would have stayed high and tight with my oldest when we thought

    "OH ISN"T THAT CUTE" Well let me tell you it isn't cute when they are 6 and 8 and still acting that way.

    Oh and early on form rules when eating out. Don't let them get down and walk around, it's cute then, but not cute when you have to curtail that behavior.

    Oh and I miss vacations. You know relaxing ones.

    Today has been a rough day with my oldest. He has been full of attitude. So my LO has been listening to us fuss at him and that stress Logan out, which in turn starts him fussing. My eldest just doesn't get it. OMG my nerves have been bad.

    Plus I took him swimming at the gym and I had Logan under the shade, this afternoon I realize his face is a little sun burned. We were in the shade under an umbrella, I guess it wasn't sun proof or something.

    On a positive note: I did exercise 2 times today and I ate way below my calorie target.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Thanks for the invite ladies!

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd, just before noon, into my hands, in the birth pool. It was a quick, intense labor starting w/ my waters breaking during sex, LOL. He weighed 8lbs 7.5oz.

    I am 33 lbs over my prepregnancy weight. I am watching what I eat and now I can count again since we finally have internet, just today after three weeks of no contact.

    Other than that, busy w/ house and garden.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thanks for the invite ladies!

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd, just before noon, into my hands, in the birth pool. It was a quick, intense labor starting w/ my waters breaking during sex, LOL. He weighed 8lbs 7.5oz.

    I am 33 lbs over my prepregnancy weight. I am watching what I eat and now I can count again since we finally have internet, just today after three weeks of no contact.

    Other than that, busy w/ house and garden.

    Congratulations Annabelle! So happy for you! Hope you had a smooth move!

    We have a new thread for June.

This discussion has been closed.