Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Sheri -- I'm sorry, it appears those of us in the southeast are hogging summer. Please take some of it. I'm dying! This is our 5th day in a row reaching well over 95 degrees. Those in Tennessee say they're having lots of 90+ degree days this week, too. Hi weather, yeah, chill out, it's MAY!

    I second this!

    Me 3, it has been so freakin' hot and muggy here. Now my 8 yr old is out of school and I said go play outside, and 3 mins later he comes in "it's too HOT"

    I said you better get used to it, this is only the beginning. We hit 95 here with super humidity yesterday, but at least the wind was blowing.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    :cry: We get our 8 week shots today.

    I don't know why I am nervous, I never was with my first. But I start to think, how do they know these shots don't effect babies. I know sounds coo coo.

    You noticed I said We, but it is really just poor Logan. Poor baby.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Anne – I have similar issues, and I’m not sure if it’s pregnancy or because it’s been so long.

    Brittony – good questions! I never thought about any of those.

    Has anyone felt round ligament pain that extends down to the top of your “area”? It’s off and on, and really only hurts when I’m moving around. Today during my walk it was so bad that I had to sit down on the sidewalk for a while.

    I had this pain, it lasted for the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy, and got worse as baby got bigger. It was really bad with walking and I made it worse 1 weekend by mowing the grass. After that I couldn't sit, lay down or stand without it hurting.

    I insisted to my doctor that I must be in labor but no alas, I wasn't. Hope you feel better.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    So funny I missed all the vaccine discussion and I opened with Logan getting his shots today.

    They give him 3 shots and 1 oral today. Although Logan isn't going to daycare, the childcare at the gym requires him to be up to date on shots just for him to go in there. CRAZY. BUt I understand.

    I wouldn't think if your baby is going to full time child care you really have a choice on vaccines. 1 daycare with my oldest wouldn't let him come until they had an updated form. The old form had record of all of his vaccines it was over a year old and they wanted a new one. Daycares take that stuff seriously.

    Shots, vaccines, medications are all scary for babies and even adults. You just have that thought of "you never know" in the back of your mind. But I figure it's better than the alternatives, well I guess.

    See still confused. 8 weeks just seem so young for shots.:cry::brokenheart:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ckmama- I love your new picture. Logan is so cute!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So I feel bad because last night I got overly emotional about money. My DH works on 1/2 salary based and 1/2 commission based but the bad part is that his salary is paid out of closings (real estate) so he doesn't get it on an exact basis. I didn't want to transfer any money from our savings to our checkings so we are getting tight in checkings till he gets paid. He was suposed to have two closings tommorow but they got pushed to Tuesday and Wednesday next week... I got all emotional and he felt awful and it made me even more emotional because I know he works 50-60 hours a week (and makes good money its just sporatic) and here I was making him feel bad about money. yuck. I tried to explain it was a pregnancy emotion explosion but I am not sure it helped.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Carina – that’s awesome your team raised so much money!!

    Katrina – love your new picture!!! And the pain stopped thankfully, it didn’t last for more than a few days. Hopefully it’s gone for good.

    Anne – I get emotional all the time about money, but it’s usually the other way. My DH is constantly think about money and savings, which is great, but he takes a little too far sometimes. We’re by no means rich, but we’re not poor either. I let it go until I’m so upset about it that I have a meltdown which starts me with crying “we are NOT broke!!!!”

    You ladies aren’t the only ones dealing with heat. It’s been in the upper 80’s here the past few days. We finally turned our AC on last night and I slept so good!!!! I have a feeling this is going to be a very rough summer for me.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Katrina, that is such a cute picture of Logan!

    No heat problems here. I keep hoping for nice sunny days. We have had so many rainy gloomy days. We are actually having flooding issues here. Not in my city, but a lot of people are sand bagging, and our reservoirs are overflowing. Usually we have the opposite problem in dry Utah, lol.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have breakdowns everytime I get paid, seems like everything that comes in goes right back out. But hey atleast we have it to send out. I used to work 50-60 hours a week plus a side job and just didn't have anything left for my family at the end of the day. During pregnancy I went down to only working 40 hours a week and have just learned to manage money a little better. We usually do not have the coolest or newest stuff but we are fed, have a roof over our heads and clothes on our backs. For all of you who are teachers you picked a great career because atleast you will have all of the time off with your little ones while they're growing up. School does not get out until the end of June here but is out until September which theorectically means that if hubby worked we would have to pay 3 day cares at close to $200 a week each, $600 a week is the equivalent of a $15 an hour job not including taxes so I guess you would need to be in the $20/hr range in order to afford that. Crazy to think that day care costs nearly $42000 a year, stay at home parents contribute so much. I guess one would need to make atleast $48000 just to bring home about $100 a week (not even grocery money) to make it worthwhile.

    We had the biggest victory last night! Brooklynn slept from 8:30-1:30am woohoo a 5 hour stretch and she didn't get up again until 4:15 at which point I was pumping so I could head out to work. This was such amazing sleep, I had not slept that long a stretch since before I was pregnant. I hope that she can stick to this.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just got an email from BitsyBug (a group deal site like Groupon & Livingsocial) for a $10 credit to for $5.
    (Click on "current deals" & you'll see the deal)

    It may be worth it if you're already planning to order something that qualifies for free shipping! Not much, but at least it would save you $5.

    I bought a deal for through BitsyBug a couple months ago and had no problems whatsoever.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ok we are on our way to the docs office in a few minutes pray for Logan's little legs and my Heart.

    I understand the money breakdowns, I've done that you get panicky. And yes for some reason it is worse around payday.

    SInce I've quit working, I've pulled all of my IRA money out except $3K to help out so I don't stress too much.

    We won't have any retirement so I figure I'll count this as retirement and just work until I die.:devil: :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachael- hmm flooding in Utah, that is unusual!

    Sheri- Great on the extra sleep! Hopefully that keeps up.

    Julie- Thanks for the deal!

    Katrina- Good luck at the dr!

    I guess everyone panics about money sometimes. It’s just scary to add new financial responsibility even when we really are fine. I just felt bad for how I handled it because I knew I made him feel bad.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    So is anyone a stay at home mom or do we all work?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So is anyone a stay at home mom or do we all work?

    I'm both. :happy: I work full time from home with my son and soon another new one here.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So I feel bad because last night I got overly emotional about money. My DH works on 1/2 salary based and 1/2 commission based but the bad part is that his salary is paid out of closings (real estate) so he doesn't get it on an exact basis. I didn't want to transfer any money from our savings to our checkings so we are getting tight in checkings till he gets paid. He was suposed to have two closings tommorow but they got pushed to Tuesday and Wednesday next week... I got all emotional and he felt awful and it made me even more emotional because I know he works 50-60 hours a week (and makes good money its just sporatic) and here I was making him feel bad about money. yuck. I tried to explain it was a pregnancy emotion explosion but I am not sure it helped.

    I feel ya here. We fight about money all the time. There's never a month our checking account doesn't get below $50 just before the 15th and the 30th (my pay dates) and it's SUPER stressful! Especially when he is wasting it on stuff like forgetting to take redbox movies back for a week or getting fast food! Unfortunately, our savings account is also at about $50. :grumble:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Hayley girl got her 2 month shots today also, poor girl! I've never heard her scream like that :( We came home and took a long bath so hopefully that made her feel a little better. The doctor also noticed a sacral dimple on her and we need to get an ultrasound of her spine! I googled that when I got home so now I have something new to be worried about...

    I know all too well about money stressing.. when I was in a bad spot about a year ago I started couponing and it has saved me a LOT of money. It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it has really helped me. Has anyone seen that new show on TLC "extreme couponing"? That's me :) Now as a single mom I'm having a hard time finding the time to do it but I'm thankful that I have the things we use most often stocked up so that I don't need to shop as often now.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I know all too well about money stressing.. when I was in a bad spot about a year ago I started couponing and it has saved me a LOT of money. It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it has really helped me. Has anyone seen that new show on TLC "extreme couponing"? That's me :) Now as a single mom I'm having a hard time finding the time to do it but I'm thankful that I have the things we use most often stocked up so that I don't need to shop as often now.

    I watched part of an episode once. I wish they explained where they got all the coupons. I get a little mailer with coupons in it but they're never very good and only off super expensive stuff that on sale with the coupon is still more than the generic on sale. And what stores actually double coupons? None of ours!

    Some of the people on the show it seemed actually took the couponing right up to the somewhat unethical line, IMO. Getting over 100 items each of like 6 different things free because you brought in 100 coupons? Really? I understand getting a good deal, but taking advantage, even if it is "just of a corporation" is a bit iffy IMO. Especially people who do it with like diapers and things when they don't have kids, and then they resell them at garage sales to make some cash.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    I know all too well about money stressing.. when I was in a bad spot about a year ago I started couponing and it has saved me a LOT of money. It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it has really helped me. Has anyone seen that new show on TLC "extreme couponing"? That's me :) Now as a single mom I'm having a hard time finding the time to do it but I'm thankful that I have the things we use most often stocked up so that I don't need to shop as often now.

    I watched part of an episode once. I wish they explained where they got all the coupons. I get a little mailer with coupons in it but they're never very good and only off super expensive stuff that on sale with the coupon is still more than the generic on sale. And what stores actually double coupons? None of ours!

    Some of the people on the show it seemed actually took the couponing right up to the somewhat unethical line, IMO. Getting over 100 items each of like 6 different things free because you brought in 100 coupons? Really? I understand getting a good deal, but taking advantage, even if it is "just of a corporation" is a bit iffy IMO. Especially people who do it with like diapers and things when they don't have kids, and then they resell them at garage sales to make some cash.
    Shoprite is my store that doubles. I do most of my grocery shopping at shoprite or walmart. I get most of my coupons from the sunday paper or Most of the people on the show make couponing look horrible the way they do it clearing the shelves and checking out with 10 carts of only 5 different items, but we aren't all like that :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I know all too well about money stressing.. when I was in a bad spot about a year ago I started couponing and it has saved me a LOT of money. It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it has really helped me. Has anyone seen that new show on TLC "extreme couponing"? That's me :) Now as a single mom I'm having a hard time finding the time to do it but I'm thankful that I have the things we use most often stocked up so that I don't need to shop as often now.

    I watched part of an episode once. I wish they explained where they got all the coupons. I get a little mailer with coupons in it but they're never very good and only off super expensive stuff that on sale with the coupon is still more than the generic on sale. And what stores actually double coupons? None of ours!

    Some of the people on the show it seemed actually took the couponing right up to the somewhat unethical line, IMO. Getting over 100 items each of like 6 different things free because you brought in 100 coupons? Really? I understand getting a good deal, but taking advantage, even if it is "just of a corporation" is a bit iffy IMO. Especially people who do it with like diapers and things when they don't have kids, and then they resell them at garage sales to make some cash.
    Shoprite is my store that doubles. I do most of my grocery shopping at shoprite or walmart. I get most of my coupons from the sunday paper or Most of the people on the show make couponing look horrible the way they do it clearing the shelves and checking out with 10 carts of only 5 different items, but we aren't all like that :)

    Does Walmart double? I THINK the packs I get in the mail are the same ones that come in the Sunday paper - not sure, don't get a Sunday paper but I've tried to look before at the grocery store for the coupon part - but they seem like a lot of stuff I wouldn't use for the most part. Like breakfast sausages and laundry detergent and makeup / hair dye, and M&Ms ... I might start trying because after a year+ w/out, I finally have a printer.

    Julie posted a site once that tells you what coupons match up with what circular ads, but I couldn't figure it out how to actually access or find the coupons. :laugh: I have Kroger and Publix here, and of course Walmart.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I tried couponing and bought a bunch of crap. Now we look through the store ad food4less which is part of kroger. Their stuff is pretty cheap and they put coupons on their stuff often. We look at the coupon mailer and for stuff we need or use often. Our fabulous neighbors all bring us diaper coupons. We also eat most meals at home usually we eat out once a week.