Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    experienced mamas- do i really need a breast pump? they are sooo darn expensive around here! It would be nice to have "extra" milk around, but I can hand express can't I? Or a necessity?

    I love my breast pump and to me it is a necessity, but I know everyone is different. I am unable to hand express. I rarely even leak and don't need to wear breast pads. So, as for me, I highly recommend one.

    I am at the point where I dont "have" to wear pads but yesterday at work I was in the bathroom washing my breast shields from my pump when I realized why I "should" wear my pads :laugh: The men definately out number the women at work so head lights on high beams can make for awkward interaction. BTW is it totally normal for "them" to always be "on" when you nurse? I didn't BF my others much

    Edited to say - I was only able to manually express when I was engorged, I don't think I would beable to give the baby expressed milk without my double electric pump but if I was a SAHM I would stick to nursing. I'm not much for leaving my babies to go out so it would be rare then.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Slow on the joining up here so a little behind on posting this, but i joined MFP about 6 mos after baby 1 when I was still wearing my elastic waist jeans because I was up like 35 lbs still from where i was. I've been on for 3 years or so - i think March 2008? (I can't see my photo right now that says "member since"). In that time I have hit my goal weight (145) but never my 'super goal weight' 125 (I don't think that will ever happen, and I'm cool with that). I stopped logging for a few months in the middle and put weight back on. I was finally starting to lose slowly but steadily then ended up preggo. I was 9 lbs from my goal (145) at that time. I'm up 30 from that right now, but 10 fewer than I was full term last preg (I started 10 lbs lighter last time). I don't think this weight will be too hard to lose since I am already in the habit of logging and going to the gym, but I do worry about what my schedule will be like and if or when I can even make it to the gym post baby. I know it will be 3 months at least since the nursery doesn't take under 12 weekers. I am sort of hoping he will be big, if so I fully intend to lie and say he's 12 weeks when he is 8 or 9! :laugh: :laugh: My husband does NOTHING with babies so the gym will be my only break! This week I find out if my 4 yr old gets into the state funded 5 day a week preschool or not. That will be a blessing if he does! I can't work full time with them both here underfoot! (well, I probably will, but be stressed and tired - and I TOTALLY stress eat!)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Slow on the joining up here so a little behind on posting this, but i joined MFP about 6 mos after baby 1 when I was still wearing my elastic waist jeans because I was up like 35 lbs still from where i was. I've been on for 3 years or so - i think March 2008? (I can't see my photo right now that says "member since"). In that time I have hit my goal weight (145) but never my 'super goal weight' 125 (I don't think that will ever happen, and I'm cool with that). I stopped logging for a few months in the middle and put weight back on. I was finally starting to lose slowly but steadily then ended up preggo. I was 9 lbs from my goal (145) at that time. I'm up 30 from that right now, but 10 fewer than I was full term last preg (I started 10 lbs lighter last time). I don't think this weight will be too hard to lose since I am already in the habit of logging and going to the gym, but I do worry about what my schedule will be like and if or when I can even make it to the gym post baby. I know it will be 3 months at least since the nursery doesn't take under 12 weekers. I am sort of hoping he will be big, if so I fully intend to lie and say he's 12 weeks when he is 8 or 9! :laugh: :laugh: My husband does NOTHING with babies so the gym will be my only break! This week I find out if my 4 yr old gets into the state funded 5 day a week preschool or not. That will be a blessing if he does! I can't work full time with them both here underfoot! (well, I probably will, but be stressed and tired - and I TOTALLY stress eat!)

    Mel you are a really strong person and can take a lot, I am sure you will keep it together once you get into the swing of things. Mainly it it just the adjusting to the number of children. Hopefully your little guy wont act out much, I totally expected it from my 4 year old but not from my 7 year old. Fingers crossed that he gets into school, we got our little guy into a free preschool that is 5 days a week 3 1/2 hours a day. It is all free thanks to the smokers in California, he should have been going to regular preK but California is no longer paying for it when we had voted on it. Naturally once they get something pushed through on votes the "fine print" lets them spend the money elsewhere.

    BTW I saw your nursery pics, absolutely beautiful :laugh: You may want to move stuff stat though because your baby will be full term this weekend and he very well could come. #1 was born at 37 weeks
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Sheri - WOW!!! I just noticed that you've lost 30 pounds in the not even 2 months since your LO was born. Way to go!!! I will be so excited if I'm able to lose that much in the first couple months. I gained weight after DS was born so I'm not real sure what to expect....
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    WOW! This thread has really taken off! Sorry I've been MIA. My mom came into town yesterday afternoon and we all went to a concert lastnight, then hubby and I spent the whole day together shopping for the rest of the stuff we needed for baby. Gonna pack our hospital bag either tonight or tomorrow!

    I plan to tear naturally, and that is what is on my birth plan. I also put on my birth plan that I'd like to be directed when to/not to push. My Dr. was very agreeable that both are better and are what she prefers. I've started doing the perineal massage too, hoping that helps a little. Our class instructor also said that the nurses will apply a warm compress while I'm in labor to help it naturally stretch, so I'm all for that too!

    I haven't been logging my cals for the whole day, but I usually manage to get breakfast, lunch, and one of my snacks in. It gives me a decent idea of where I'm at for the day, not that it's made much of a difference throughout my pregnancy. I rarely go over cals and I've still managed to put on 37 lbs. Ah... :ohwell:

    My friend had her baby today by c-section. Her water broke naturally (which is up for debate btw...) lastnight. They gave her an epidural and she only dilated to 8, and then they told her his head was to big for her to deliver naturally. I really don't like that...

    My other friend just adopted a baby boy who will be coming home tomorrow! He is the youngest of 12 adopted home schooled children (she is a SAINT!). She is in need of some boy clothes and Josh has been very blessed so I'm putting together a nice care package for her little one. I'm hoping that I have a really good milk supply and can donate some breast milk to her, as I know she prefers that over formula.

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to everyone, I'll make sure to stay on track much better and not get so far behind! But I'm loving that everyone is so active already, I really missed us all being together!! :bigsmile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Regina- I've traveled a little bit. I went to China for a month abroad while in undergrad, Wales for a month abroad in graduate school, London, Paris, and a couple Caribbean of cruises. We honeymooned in St. Lucia. I've been very lucky. I really want to go to Italy next, but I'm sure that will be way down the road now that my husband and I are in children mode.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Regina- I've traveled a little bit. I went to China for a month abroad while in undergrad, Wales for a month abroad in graduate school, London, Paris, and a couple Caribbean of cruises. We honeymooned in St. Lucia. I've been very lucky. I really want to go to Italy next, but I'm sure that will be way down the road now that my husband and I are in children mode.

    I love to travel too! I spent a year in Australia, 3 months in Ireland (thought I was in love with and Irish guy met in Oz... I guess not!), have been to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, England, Hong Kong and Hawaii.

    I love to hear where people have been and what their favorite places were. For me... Australia and Thailand!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Brittony – hubby was talking to me when I was scrolling though the thread and saw what you posted about sex helping with the stretching, he’s very happy now. :laugh: Oh and I’ve always wanted to go to Italy, but now we’re thinking that might have to wait until our kid(s) are older and out of the house.

    Regina – I love to travel too. So far I’ve been to Puerto Rico, Antigua, Australia and a whole bunch of states in the US. My favorite was the month I spent in Australia. I planned to see a lot more of the world, but then I met my husband so traveling fell to the side.

    Mel – I have a feeling that you can handle pretty much anything. Fingers crossed that your son gets into preschool!

    Lynn – that’s so sweet of you to give some of Josh’s stuff to your friend.

    Hubby felt Kathryn kick for the first time last night! It was very light, but he was still able to feel her. He’s been walking around on a cloud ever since. :happy:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Regina- I know that 1500 calories + exercise wouldn't be enough for me but everyone is different. Do you feel hungry or extra wiped out? I also throw up a lot of what i eat so I have been eating like 1 million times a day.

    Traveling!!!!!! ooo I love to travel. I havn't been able to as much as I would like but I have been all around the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, and Costa Rica. My favorite BY FAR was Costa Rica. Everyone needs to go... it barely costs more than a vacation in the United States.

    Ron- Thats wondergul about DH feeling the baby. I remember that moment with mine and feel like it will be something we cherish forever.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    okay, these arn't the best pictures because I set the camera and took them myself but lets see if I can get this to work!



    These are pictures of me at 29 weeks 1 day! In our work in progress nursery! This corner is done except for the bedskirt which my sister is making out of the curtian fabric in the picture.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I figure it out! They are huge though! Sorry, how do I make them smaller?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Anne its adorable, we have butterflies and flowers but its
    pastel she is still in our room, bed actually. I cant believe she's 7 weeks already.

    Not much traveling for me, my boss always tries to get me to go on business trips but I wont leave the kiddos and I am afraid to fly. Someday I will do it when the kids r grown, until then it is family trips
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri - WOW!!! I just noticed that you've lost 30 pounds in the not even 2 months since your LO was born. Way to go!!! I will be so excited if I'm able to lose that much in the first couple months. I gained weight after DS was born so I'm not real sure what to expect....

    Thanks, I owe it to mfp I <3 this site
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Anne- I use photobucket and it has an edit option to resize the picture. I usually make it their medium option. Then you have to click replace original (I think).
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Lynn ur amazing I hope to have milk to donate so far she has eaten all of the april stash and part of may and that was only this week good thing I pumped atleast once a day while on maternity leave otherwise we would probably have to suppliment right now. I am so proud of myself for sticking to it and not giving up, we have had many challenges bfeeding and I have wanted to throw in the towel a # of times so happy hubby has been supportive and encouraging though the middle of the night is the worst when u have to get up for work and bfeeding takes a while
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    jealous of the travels! I have been to many states, though most of them just involved driving through them! I've been to CAN when I was little little and to Victoria BC when my inlaws took us on an AK cruise when i was preg last time and it made a stop there. I went to Jamaica for a week and Costa Rica for 6 when I was in college. Other than that. Nothing. :ohwell: My SIL just spend 6 weeks around South America, and now she is back in Coronado CA 'recovering' and getting some sun. So not fair. She has no bills or responsibility though she is 21 or 22. I'm not sure she even has a job.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    How did you like Victoria mel/what time of year were you there? I grew up very close to there.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    How did you like Victoria mel/what time of year were you there? I grew up very close to there.

    It was pretty. We were only there the afternoon. Mostly we just had dinner with my husband's biological grandfather who lives in Vancouver and met us over there.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So sorry for the TMI but DH and I had sex today for the first time in two to three weeks. We have not gone that long really ever but my huge belly is making me uncomfortable so we have been doing it a little less. So we had to do a new position today in order to make it work and it hurt SO badly. I don’t know if it was the new position or because it’s been a couple weeks or if it something I should be worried about… He got all worried and said he doesn’t want to hurt me or baby… I am guessing it is because of the time lapse but it hasn’t ever hurt that badly. Did anyone else have this later in there pregnancy? Should I ask dr. or not worry until it happens again? ( we have agreed to make more of an effort to be with each other more so I guess I will see after a couple more times?)
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    So I have a couple of questions for those who are already mamas. 1) Did you wait to get the hepatitis vaccine for your baby or did you get it done at the hospital. Why? 2) Do they make you wait to take baths and be submerged in water (beach, pools, etc.) for a certain period of time after giving birth? I've heard you have to wait 6 weeks, but then I realized that the bathrooms in the post labor rooms at our hospital have huge tubs. They would be pointless if you weren't allowed to take a bath.