Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    So I have a couple of questions for those who are already mamas. 1) Did you wait to get the hepatitis vaccine for your baby or did you get it done at the hospital. Why? 2) Do they make you wait to take baths and be submerged in water (beach, pools, etc.) for a certain period of time after giving birth? I've heard you have to wait 6 weeks, but then I realized that the bathrooms in the post labor rooms at our hospital have huge tubs. They would be pointless if you weren't allowed to take a bath.
    I got it done at the hospital because I don't like how they give them SO many shots at once at the 2 month appointment so I wanted to get one out of the way, but like Sheri said, vaccinations is a touchy subject and everyone has their own opinion : / As for the baths, I could not have lived without them right after the birth. Even more than baths, I loved to just spray hot water with my shower sprayer down there, it seemed to be the only relief for me. I've heard baths help stiches heal quicker and it seemed to work for me. Of course, the first few days when you are very bloody it would probably be a little unpleasant to sit in a bath full of.. stuff.. that's when I loved to just spray :)
    Anyone with a little girl with pierced ears? I have been waiting until she gets her tetanus shot but some lady I was talking to said that they reccomed that u wait til their ears are more developed. I had never heard that before
    I plan to wait also for my girls because I have heard that the lobe grows more.
    I also finished my website, if you want to see some photos of my baby stuff please visit it :-)
    Great blog! I have the same bassinet for Hayley and I love it! I never used a bassinet with Brielle, she slept in one of those co-sleeper things that went in bed with us, and the bassinet is soooooo much better.
    what exactly is a sitz bath?
    A sitz bath is basically something that sprays you down there - maybe somebody else can answer that better, lol. In my opinion, it doesn't help because the water cools down way too fast and there isn't enough water. I always prefered to use the hand sprayer in my shower & never even took the one from the hospital home.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    I have been SO burnt out lately so I went to NJ this past weekend to stay with my parents. I had a FABULOUS weekend! On Saturday my mom took care of Hayley pretty much all day so that I got to spend some quality time with my older daughter, Brielle, which was just awesome. I bought her a new tricycle and taught her how to ride it :) It was SO beautiful outside! I got to go for my run and use my parent's sauna while she napped which was also wonderful. And Sunday was my grandma's surprise 80th birthday party so I got to see my entire extended family which was really nice :)

    My mom convinced me to leave Brielle with her since I'm planning to go back on Friday to spend the holiday weekend up there also. I miss her like CRAZY! I'm going through serious withdrawl and I only left her last night! I can't wait to get home from work so that I can go on skype with my mom to see her. I know I need the break and I'm so thankful that my mom could keep her but my morning was just so weird! Hayley sleeps in the morning so Brielle & I usually get ready & have breakfast together and she wasn't there :(

    How long have you ever left kids for?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have been SO burnt out lately so I went to NJ this past weekend to stay with my parents. I had a FABULOUS weekend! On Saturday my mom took care of Hayley pretty much all day so that I got to spend some quality time with my older daughter, Brielle, which was just awesome. I bought her a new tricycle and taught her how to ride it :) It was SO beautiful outside! I got to go for my run and use my parent's sauna while she napped which was also wonderful. And Sunday was my grandma's surprise 80th birthday party so I got to see my entire extended family which was really nice :)

    My mom convinced me to leave Brielle with her since I'm planning to go back on Friday to spend the holiday weekend up there also. I miss her like CRAZY! I'm going through serious withdrawl and I only left her last night! I can't wait to get home from work so that I can go on skype with my mom to see her. I know I need the break and I'm so thankful that my mom could keep her but my morning was just so weird! Hayley sleeps in the morning so Brielle & I usually get ready & have breakfast together and she wasn't there :(

    How long have you ever left kids for?

    The first few times is super hard, I have gone 2 nights and 3 days without the boys but they are 4 and 7 and I only started this past year. Before that I had let my older go overnight and it has taken lots of practice for me to get down to calling only once a day. I only allow them to go with my aunt and cousin though, I have left them with MIL for a couple of hours before and my mom when we have a quick errand to run and the boys do not want to go. Yes she lives with me, she is on permanent disability and does not have enough income to have her own place but contrary to what everyone around me thinks there is no built in babysitter, she is actually like my 4th child.

    Actually come to think of it I left my oldest for nearly a week 1 1/2 week pp, not because I wanted to but because I had some crazy infection that would not go away with 108 temperatures and had to be hospitalized with triple antiobiotic IV until the fevers were gone for atleast 24 hours.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I had my ears pierced @ 6 months old. they have never given me any problems. I think it has to do with the shape of your ear. I have a big earlobe, and so does DD. I went to get hers done @ 4 months old but was told she was too young, and to wait until she was 6 months so her earlobes had a chance to drop. but I know friends who did their DD's at 2 months. I think it's b/c their babies were bigger and my DD was so small.
    I watched her ears, and they really never changed. I ended up waiting until she was 4 y/o b/c she developed an immune disorder and her pediatrician advised against it until her counts got better.

    Also, I put Emla cream on her ears.
    it numbs the skin and she didn't feel it at all! put it on about 1-2 hrs before. it doesn't soak in, so you have to cover it. I used band-aids. when we got to the store, i took them off, wiped them clean and dug my nail in her lobe and asked, "does this hurt?" she said, "does what hurt?" LOL! Yup! I guess she was ready! LOL!

    I got a 5mL tube and used it for their vaccines after. :)

    @ Jamie - I've only left my DD for 5 days when I was PG with DS. I stood in my sister's wedding in NY and DH couldn't get the time off, so DD stayed with MIL and DH went to spend time with her when he didn't work. It was PRETTY hard, b/c she was 2 and I was a SAHM. I called her every night, but the night of the wedding when I called, MIL said she cried for me after we hung up and when I called when I was an hour away to say I'd be home soon, MIL wouldn't let me talk to her. *Waaaaaaah*
    but she was ok. I've left both of them over night with my parents or DH's parents several times, and for a weekend once. but that's it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Experienced mamas -- help, please. :flowerforyou:

    This morning I'm having really mild cramps in my lower back. I had a huge increase in (what I'm assuming are) BH contractions over the weekend, starting Friday night. A couple of them were painful (like menstrual cramps). Most of them were just tight and uncomfortable. They'd stop for hours and then start again. I was usually having 3-4 in an hour. I haven't noticed any BH contractions this morning, but the back cramps are definitely there. I already have an appointment scheduled for Thursday and plan to bring it up then. But, do you think this warrants a call to the doctor today? Or should I just wait and bring it up at my appointment unless the contractions & pain get worse?

    I'm sure it's very possible (probable) the back cramps are totally unrelated to the BH contractions. I've been sleeping in weird positions and my desk chair at work totally sucks in terms of back support (I can't even lean back in it, really).

    I think I've gotten myself concerned after reading a birth story a couple weeks ago where a woman was in labor and didn't know it because all she was having was mild menstrual back cramps (which is how I'd describe mine) and she ended up having her baby on her kitchen floor because there were 12 minutes from the time she realized she was in active labor to the time her baby actually arrived. I guess I should wish to be so lucky to not realize I'm in active labor (but not at 32 weeks!). :laugh:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Rachel – you’re making me hungry!!! I’m sorry your hubby will be gone a lot right now; I hate it when mine isn’t around. I have a much stronger attachment to him now than before I was pregnant.

    Megan – I’m glad Annabelle handled the bust weekend well.

    Anne – I want to redo our kitchen to baldy but it will be put on hold for a few years. It’s not really bad, I’m just picky.

    Jamie – I’m glad you had a good weekend with your family! You deserve a break, but I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be away from your daughter. At least you know she’s well taken care of.

    Julie – my biggest fear is that I’m going to start going into labor and not know, but everyone tells me that it’s not something I could miss. I have no advice for you, but I hope you feel better and she stays in there for little longer!

    Back to work today….boo!

    Kathryn has been kicking up a storm the past few days. Hubby has only been able to feel her once, but I told him to give it a few more weeks and he’ll most likely be able to feel her all time. One of the women he works with decorated his desk with pink streamers, and gave him a teddy bear and a pink bib that says “thank heaven for little girls”. He emailed me a picture this morning when he got in the office, it’s so cute. She is going to be one spoiled little girl!!!! :happy: :laugh:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Experienced mamas -- help, please. :flowerforyou:

    This morning I'm having really mild cramps in my lower back. I had a huge increase in (what I'm assuming are) BH contractions over the weekend, starting Friday night. A couple of them were painful (like menstrual cramps). Most of them were just tight and uncomfortable. They'd stop for hours and then start again. I was usually having 3-4 in an hour. I haven't noticed any BH contractions this morning, but the back cramps are definitely there. I already have an appointment scheduled for Thursday and plan to bring it up then. But, do you think this warrants a call to the doctor today? Or should I just wait and bring it up at my appointment unless the contractions & pain get worse?

    I'm sure it's very possible (probable) the back cramps are totally unrelated to the BH contractions. I've been sleeping in weird positions and my desk chair at work totally sucks in terms of back support (I can't even lean back in it, really).

    I think I've gotten myself concerned after reading a birth story a couple weeks ago where a woman was in labor and didn't know it because all she was having was mild menstrual back cramps (which is how I'd describe mine) and she ended up having her baby on her kitchen floor because there were 12 minutes from the time she realized she was in active labor to the time her baby actually arrived. I guess I should wish to be so lucky to not realize I'm in active labor (but not at 32 weeks!). :laugh:
    It never hurts to call the doctor because only you really know how you feel and only your doctor knows just the right questions to ask. I wouldn't be surprised if you are just getting to that really uncomfortable stage at the end of pregnancy but like I said, it doesn't hurt to call, I'm sure they are used to all the phone calls :)
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Hayley is smiling ALL the time now & I finally caught a smile on camera so I couldn't help but share it :)

  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Jamie- Hayley is so cute!!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Anne: I have the same issue we usually try to do the deed twice a month hubby is still afraid us doing so would hurt the baby so it really takes some effort on my part to get his mind off of that. I really want to increase doing the deed just so my perineum is ready stretched out.

    Jamie: Your LO is sooooo cute, love that smile!!

    Ron: DH finally felt our LO's tumbles, stretches, and strong kicks over the weekend before that it was just small jabs he would feel once. So, he was very surprised and excited to feel more activity. :) Isn't it so awesome to share it w DH I love the special moments and yes i'm a sap haha
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Anne: I have the same issue we usually try to do the deed twice a month hubby is still afraid us doing so would hurt the baby so it really takes some effort on my part to get his mind off of that. I really want to increase doing the deed just so my perineum is ready stretched out.

    Jamie: Your LO is sooooo cute, love that smile!!

    Ron: DH finally felt our LO's tumbles, stretches, and strong kicks over the weekend before that it was just small jabs he would feel once. So, he was very surprised and excited to feel more activity. :) Isn't it so awesome to share it w DH I love the special moments and yes i'm a sap haha
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Jamie - Your daughters look so much alike, pretty like their momma!!

    Julie - It definitely won't hurt to call your Dr. just to see what they say. Any of the BH I've had were only that consistent while I was doing a certain activity, and they stopped as soon as I changed. Sounds like yours are happening even at rest. Maybe you are one of the people that has more of them, but Jamie is right, your Dr will know just what to ask to find out if anything further needs to be done. Stay put Maisie! :tongue:

    Patricia - Hope you are feeling better soon, but it sounds like MS is something that follows you throughout your pregnancy. That is a real bummer :ohwell:

    Rachel - Love your blog! Hope the rest of hubby's time out in the fields goes by quickly!

    Megan - So glad that Annabelle is such a good baby! I'm hoping Josh is a mellow fellow :glasses:

    AnneElise - Boo for a mess in the kitchen, but glad that your fridge started working again. Hope your new kitchen turns out exactly like you want it!

    Jamie - I'm so glad that you were able to relax and spend some time with Brielle over the weekend. I'll bet she had a blast on her new trike! I can't imagine how hard it would be to be away from your kids, even knowing they're with your parents. We both have family out of town and they are already talking about wanting to take Josh for weeks/months. Oh man... :sad:

    Carina - Thanks for the tip on the Emla cream, I think I'll pick some up for when Josh has to get his shots.

    Ronya - How nice of your hubby's coworker to congratulate him in such a cute way!

    I got my ears pierced when I was really little, I think under a year. I've never had a problem with them as far as wearing a certain type of earring, because I don't wear any at all :laugh: The only time I wear them is if it's for a special occasion, like my wedding, or when I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. I think it would be a special thing to take your daughter to get them done when she asks for them, and like AnneElise said, a great thing to teach responsibility.

    As far as vaccines, it's something I've been researching lately, and I hope to make an informed decision on. Anyone find a good website that is information based? A lot of the ones I find are just pushing their pro/anti vaccine agenda, without really giving you any credible information. It's like I'm researching the flu shot for myself all over again :grumble:

    Hello to everyone else and I hope all is going well for you!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Ah Jamie! She is such a doll! Thank you for sharing! I am getting so anxious to see what my little girl will look like. I just can't wait. :)

    As for ears pierced, I got mine when I was 8 I think. I think I will wait till my daugher is old enough to decide and to be responsible to take care of them herself. I was allergic to most jewelry and actually had a lot of problems. I let them close in and I didn't get them re-pierced until I was 19. lol But a lot of my family members have the same allergies, so I might just wait to avoid the hassle.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jamie- I am so glad you had a wonderful weekend! Your LO is beautiful.

    Julie- I know I am not experienced but I always go with better safe than sorry! I would call just in case, that’s what your dr is there for!

    Ron- Elise is kicking more too! Its fun :)

    Lynn- Have you asked your dr. for non-biased information on vaccines? They should have some good places to look!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Wow, I went out of town for a week, and there is so much to catch up on.

    Two things I quickly wanted to respond to...I will get to the rest later.

    Megan - Thanks for asking about how it feels down there after tearing. Mine feels the exact same way as you described. I was worried, but hopefully both of ours are normal. My 6 week follow up is next week.

    Rachel - As far as needing a breast pump....I LOVE MINE. Some may not agree, but I think it is a life saver. Ethan was nursing so slowly, that I have switched to primarily pumping and then bottle feeding. Then my hubby can feed him too. I wasn't sure what I would want to do at first, so I rented one through the hospital for 2 weeks (it was $35/2 weeks). At the end of two weeks, I ended up buying one on Ebay, and I use it 8-10 times a day. It takes about 10 minutes to pump, and Ethan takes about 10 minutes to eat from the bottle. So a total of 20 minutes rather than the hour + he was taking to nurse. For us, this is working out perfectly, but for others, I am sure it wouldn't make sense.

    Name: Amanda

    Age: 26

    Children: Ethan born on April 23rd

    Live in: Cleveland, OH

    Occupation: Investment Operations Analyst - Work for a very very very wealthy family, and help to manage their money.

    Hobbies: Taking care of Ethan, reading, spending time with my hubby and golfing
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    Megan - Thanks for asking about how it feels down there after tearing. Mine feels the exact same way as you described. I was worried, but hopefully both of ours are normal. My 6 week follow up is next week.

    Rachel - As far as needing a breast pump....I LOVE MINE. Some may not agree, but I think it is a life saver. Ethan was nursing so slowly, that I have switched to primarily pumping and then bottle feeding. Then my hubby can feed him too. I wasn't sure what I would want to do at first, so I rented one through the hospital for 2 weeks (it was $35/2 weeks). At the end of two weeks, I ended up buying one on Ebay, and I use it 8-10 times a day. It takes about 10 minutes to pump, and Ethan takes about 10 minutes to eat from the bottle. So a total of 20 minutes rather than the hour + he was taking to nurse. For us, this is working out perfectly, but for others, I am sure it wouldn't make sense.

    Amanda - my doctor said everything was normal and cleared me to go back to work. She said the raised/hard areas from the stitching sometimes could take up to 6 months to get back to "normal", but everything was healed up perfectly.

    I also love my pump. I primarily nurse Annabelle, but I do pump about once a day to start building up my supply for when I go back to work and when we are out and BFing just isn't the most convenient. DH gives her a bottle about every other day, or every two days just so she's use to it. It was a life saver this weekend sitting through long graduations!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Julie - I would call, too, just to be sure, but like others have's just probably getting closer and closer to the more uncomfortable time :smile: :grumble: Although, it's not unheard of to deliver a little early.... Let us know what the Dr. says if you do decide to call!

    Mel - I was watching A Baby Story on TLC today and a woman was having a VBAC. I thought about you!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Jamie – Hayley is gorgeous!!!!!

    Pmaria – oh, I’m a sap when it comes to stuff like this too. I always have been.

    Amanda – was thinking about pumping so hubby could feed her too. I think in the beginning I’m going to be selfish about it and just BF, but I can see how it’s convenient to do it that way. But as long as she’s only getting breast milk for the first few months I’ll be happy.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Julie- I would call or go see the doctor, if they say its all normal still keep an eye on it. I had problems for several weeks with each of my children before they paid attention to my complaints. I ended up on bedrest with all of them.

    Ronya- I miss the kicking but LOVE having her here so I guess I have to get over it, lol

    Jamie- She is adorable, boy she sure has lots of hair. Brooklynn is pretty bald

    Lynn- check with the cdc, they’re information may be helpful

    Amanda- Just be sure to increase pumping because babies go through growth spurts and more milk will be needed. When nursing the baby does it naturally by wanting to eat more often. I LOVE it has lots of great information on breastfeeding. Annabelle had told me about it.

    Ronya- If you have to go back to work it is a good idea for hubby to give her a few. We introduced a bottle at about 10 days when I was REALLY sore and when we went for our 2 week check up the doctor said we should introduce one sooner rather than later if she has to bottlefeed as well. I am quite selfish about it and wanted to nurse her as much as often so hubby gave her a bottle once or twice a week. She has actually taken to it quite well and has no problem going from one to the other. She WILL NOT take a bottle from me but with anyone else she is fine. I guess I got what I wanted.

    AFM: My baby laughed for the first time today and I was at work :cry: daddy got it on his phone and sent it to me so I was super happy and excited and then sad. I hate missing firsts, I think if she tries to take her first steps when I am at work he should push her down like in life as we knew it :laugh: ok that would be mean. Sorry for the delays in responding, I can read on my phone at work but it is super hard to try and respond there
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just wanted to get in a quick hello for the day. Wade has been awake and cranky for most of the day (so that should mean a good night's sleep :smile: ). Just got him down and had to check in here.

    So much to say but I should get to sleep.

    Julie ~ I agree with the rest of the ladies. If you are uneasy definitely call the doctor. Hope all is well.

    Jamie ~ Hayley is adorable. Wade has been my earliest "smiler."

    Sheri ~ Belly laughs are definitely awesome. I love it when Wade is in a sound sleep and starts "laughing." Adults can learn so much from children. Love the innocence.

    Hugs to everyone. Sorry I haven't personally addressed everyone.