Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Sheri- Sorry about missing the laugh. I am sure you will get plenty more from her :)

    Bethe- Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    AFM: Well ladies. I had my birthing class last night. This may get long sorry :) There were 4 couples in our class so it was nice and small. I was the earliest at 29 weeks but the others were 30 weeks, 31 weeks and 34 weeks so 29 weeks was just fine. I feel A LOT more informed about parts of labor, stages of labor, interventions, what to expect. It is a good thing… yet also a terrifying thing. Some little things scared me and made it seem really awful…. YET at the same time I understand more now how my body is made to do this. I also LOVED how the hospital I am delivering at talked about all the different options for pushing positions and such. I feel much more prepared just still equally scared I guess. Couple weird questions if you are willing to share… 1) those of you who have had the strep B test before. I figured it was a vaginal swab… they said and or rectum…. Was it vaginal for you? 2) Those of you who had a epidural… did you have to get a urinary catheter? One of my friends who is VERY VERY BLUNT I talked to last night and she told me that she had to get one and didn’t feel it at all so that calmed my nerves a bit. Oh and one of the four couples (34 weeks) had to leave in the middle of the class and go up to triage because she was having contractions…. We almost got the live show!!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri- Sorry about missing the laugh. I am sure you will get plenty more from her :)

    Bethe- Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    AFM: Well ladies. I had my birthing class last night. This may get long sorry :) There were 4 couples in our class so it was nice and small. I was the earliest at 29 weeks but the others were 30 weeks, 31 weeks and 34 weeks so 29 weeks was just fine. I feel A LOT more informed about parts of labor, stages of labor, interventions, what to expect. It is a good thing… yet also a terrifying thing. Some little things scared me and made it seem really awful…. YET at the same time I understand more now how my body is made to do this. I also LOVED how the hospital I am delivering at talked about all the different options for pushing positions and such. I feel much more prepared just still equally scared I guess. Couple weird questions if you are willing to share… 1) those of you who have had the strep B test before. I figured it was a vaginal swab… they said and or rectum…. Was it vaginal for you? 2) Those of you who had a epidural… did you have to get a urinary catheter? One of my friends who is VERY VERY BLUNT I talked to last night and she told me that she had to get one and didn’t feel it at all so that calmed my nerves a bit. Oh and one of the four couples (34 weeks) had to leave in the middle of the class and go up to triage because she was having contractions…. We almost got the live show!!

    For me the strep b was both but you dont really notice because it is over and done with so quickly. With the epidural you do have to have a catheder because you are not able to get up out of bed to use the bathroom and they make you stay in bed 100% once you do have one since you are numb and can not feel your legs. The thing I have noticed about the epidural is that your back is sore then next few days and you have a little stinging when you pee from the catheder. Honestly I always told women who did not want an epidural that they were nuts but after having Brooklynn without one I am quite the opposite. It was absolutely awesome being able to get up out of bed immediately after delivery and not have any side effects.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Sheri- Sorry about missing the laugh. I am sure you will get plenty more from her :)

    Bethe- Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    AFM: Well ladies. I had my birthing class last night. This may get long sorry :) There were 4 couples in our class so it was nice and small. I was the earliest at 29 weeks but the others were 30 weeks, 31 weeks and 34 weeks so 29 weeks was just fine. I feel A LOT more informed about parts of labor, stages of labor, interventions, what to expect. It is a good thing… yet also a terrifying thing. Some little things scared me and made it seem really awful…. YET at the same time I understand more now how my body is made to do this. I also LOVED how the hospital I am delivering at talked about all the different options for pushing positions and such. I feel much more prepared just still equally scared I guess. Couple weird questions if you are willing to share… 1) those of you who have had the strep B test before. I figured it was a vaginal swab… they said and or rectum…. Was it vaginal for you? 2) Those of you who had a epidural… did you have to get a urinary catheter? One of my friends who is VERY VERY BLUNT I talked to last night and she told me that she had to get one and didn’t feel it at all so that calmed my nerves a bit. Oh and one of the four couples (34 weeks) had to leave in the middle of the class and go up to triage because she was having contractions…. We almost got the live show!!

    Mine was vaginal, perineum, and I think she may have swabbed the outside of the rectum? Took like 2 seconds though...

    Well, I am back at work today (have to be here today and tomorrow...ugh. BUT at least that's it and then I'm out til August again) and I MISS MY BABY!!!!!! I just had to go pump and started getting a little emotional! :laugh: :sad: I can't wait to get home!!!! My mom is watching her so I know she is in really great hands, but they are just not MY hands! :laugh: I actually do have a lot to do today and tomorrow so hopefully they'll go by quickly.

    I'll catch up later!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Sheri – I have to go back to work after 3 months, I wish I could stay home longer but my last month will be unpaid and we need my income. How long does breast milk last? I know it can be frozen but I’m not sure for how long. Sorry about missing her laugh, but at least hubby got it on video for you.

    Bethe – hope you and Wade got a good night sleep!

    Anne – one of the things I don’t like about the epi is that I’ll be stuck in bed until I wears off. Maybe it’s possible to get a lower dose so you’re up and walking around sooner?

    Megan – only two days, you can do it!!! Then you'll have the whole summer at home with her.

    Nothing much new here; trying to stay on track with eating and exercise and as of this morning I’m up 2 pounds in 3 weeks so I’m happy with that. I had OJ this morning for the first time in months and Kathryn is going CRAZY!!!!:laugh: :happy:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri- Sorry about missing the laugh. I am sure you will get plenty more from her :)

    Bethe- Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    AFM: Well ladies. I had my birthing class last night. This may get long sorry :) There were 4 couples in our class so it was nice and small. I was the earliest at 29 weeks but the others were 30 weeks, 31 weeks and 34 weeks so 29 weeks was just fine. I feel A LOT more informed about parts of labor, stages of labor, interventions, what to expect. It is a good thing… yet also a terrifying thing. Some little things scared me and made it seem really awful…. YET at the same time I understand more now how my body is made to do this. I also LOVED how the hospital I am delivering at talked about all the different options for pushing positions and such. I feel much more prepared just still equally scared I guess. Couple weird questions if you are willing to share… 1) those of you who have had the strep B test before. I figured it was a vaginal swab… they said and or rectum…. Was it vaginal for you? 2) Those of you who had a epidural… did you have to get a urinary catheter? One of my friends who is VERY VERY BLUNT I talked to last night and she told me that she had to get one and didn’t feel it at all so that calmed my nerves a bit. Oh and one of the four couples (34 weeks) had to leave in the middle of the class and go up to triage because she was having contractions…. We almost got the live show!!

    Mine was vaginal, perineum, and I think she may have swabbed the outside of the rectum? Took like 2 seconds though...

    Well, I am back at work today (have to be here today and tomorrow...ugh. BUT at least that's it and then I'm out til August again) and I MISS MY BABY!!!!!! I just had to go pump and started getting a little emotional! :laugh: :sad: I can't wait to get home!!!! My mom is watching her so I know she is in really great hands, but they are just not MY hands! :laugh: I actually do have a lot to do today and tomorrow so hopefully they'll go by quickly.

    I'll catch up later!

    Its tough but busy is good, I LOVE that my day flies by but HATE that it means my little girl is getting older. Can you believe she will be 8 weeks on Friday :sad: It is going by WAY too quickly so even when dead tired feeding every 2 hours at night when I have to get up at 4am I still have to smile and enjoy it. I hope you ladies take the time to enjoy every little thing because as overwhelming as it can be at times it all goes by too quickly
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri – I have to go back to work after 3 months, I wish I could stay home longer but my last month will be unpaid and we need my income. How long does breast milk last? I know it can be frozen but I’m not sure for how long. Sorry about missing her laugh, but at least hubby got it on video for you.

    Breast milk can be frozen for up to 6 months, once defrosted it has to be used within 24 hours. It can stay in the fridge (never frozen) for up to 8 days. I freeze all of my milk and take it out every night. Brooklynn is drinking 3 oz every 2-3 hours so it usually takes 12 oz a day to feed her. I can only pump 3 oz at a time which is supposidly pretty good according to but if I do not find time to pump 4 times at work she will have eaten more than I pumped for the day. It can be pretty stressful which is why I suggest you ladies start pumping before you go back to work so you have extra milk incase you can not produce enough or baby goes through a growth spurt and needs more breast milk while you are at work.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Its been a busy couple days. I am trying to catch up on everything.

    Vaccines are a very touchy subject for people. There are so many options out there. We are opting for a modified schedule of vaccinations. I just think getting 5-6 shots at one time would be over kill for me, let alone my tiny baby. I am still trying to find us a ped dr and that will be a topic of discussion with them when we finally talk to one.

    As far as ear piercing... Baby S will be allowed to get them done when she is old enough and we think she can handle the responsibility of taking care of them. I had mine done as a baby and I took them out (due to them bothering me). I then had them done again at like 6 or 8 and took them out (due to them bothering me). I got them pierced a final time at around 12-13. I still have them pierced now but hardly wear earrings. I really want it to be something she wants/chooses to have done instead of it being something I force on her.

    We had our breastfeeding class last night. It was a lot of information but I think it was very helpful. She talked about introducing a bottle and how to feed her. It was nice that she also talked about ways bf can help so that its more of a family thing and not really just a mother bonding time. I think that was important for him to hear. I know he worries about things like that and wants to make sure I am not bearing the brunt of everything with her. (Its one of the reasons I love him!) Sheri, they talked all those tips at the class.

    When I get home tonight I will post the links that she gave us on breastfeeding/pumping/working if people are interested.

    My cousins are the best! They painted the baby's room and its so beautiful. I love the wall color. Now we have to start assembling her furniture and putting all her stuff in the room. Then we get to start decorating! I am so excited about this stuff.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Sheri, wow how did I never realize that our babies were born 1 day apart? Hayley is 8 weeks on the 26th!

    My strep b test was vaginal only. I also got a catheter with Brielle when I was induced after my epidural. I didn't feel it at all and I didn't have the stinging problem someone else mentioned. I had the catheter in for about 24 hours - just another reason why you don't want to get induced!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies.
    I ended up not even calling the doctor. I wanted to wait and see what happened and the low back cramps went away and I haven't noticed the same number of BH contractions that I was having all weekend.

    I ended up with a terrible headache last evening and after nothing else I tried worked (it hurt too much for me to even be able to sleep), I decided to take Tylenol for the first time in over 20 weeks. Then I went to bed and slept the best I've slept in months. I woke up a lot, but I feel a lot more well-rested today. I haven't noticed any BH contractions or cramps or anything today. I've come to the conclusion that my body was losing it because I was so completely exhausted from not sleeping well for so long.

    Now, if I could only get this little girl to move her bum off of my ribs, I'd be feeling prety alright! :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies.
    I ended up not even calling the doctor. I wanted to wait and see what happened and the low back cramps went away and I haven't noticed the same number of BH contractions that I was having all weekend.

    I ended up with a terrible headache last evening and after nothing else I tried worked (it hurt too much for me to even be able to sleep), I decided to take Tylenol for the first time in over 20 weeks. Then I went to bed and slept the best I've slept in months. I woke up a lot, but I feel a lot more well-rested today. I haven't noticed any BH contractions or cramps or anything today. I've come to the conclusion that my body was losing it because I was so completely exhausted from not sleeping well for so long.

    Now, if I could only get this little girl to move her bum off of my ribs, I'd be feeling prety alright! :laugh:

    Julie- It seems like you may have figured out your problem already but at my class last night I was thinking about you. One of the girls who was 34 weeks had to leave class because she was having contractions (they took her to triage to check on her). The instructer said that BH happen naturally to some people but they can happen more 1) if you are not drinking enough water or 2) if you have some sort of bug. Didn't know if either of those could help you.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for sharing and answering the questions that I had. I have talked to quite a few people about it this morning and I feel much better about all three of those things. Panic averted :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anne -- Oh, I better not have some kind of bug! The only "bug" I've been around that I know of is that blasted viral pneumonia my coworker had (has - he's back at work today :grumble:). I felt *insanely* exhausted Friday night when it all started and I haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep in forever until last night. Maybe I've been so tired because my immune system is fighting something. I had heard the dehydration thing before, but I don't think there is any possible way I'm dehydrated.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Anne -- Oh, I better not have some kind of bug! The only "bug" I've been around that I know of is that blasted viral pneumonia my coworker had (has - he's back at work today :grumble:). I felt *insanely* exhausted Friday night when it all started and I haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep in forever until last night. Maybe I've been so tired because my immune system is fighting something. I had heard the dehydration thing before, but I don't think there is any possible way I'm dehydrated.

    haha I don't think its the pneumonia :) but the girl last night they thought she had a stomach bug that she was trying to fight. BUT maybe your nice sleep helped you out! I know i am trying to drink the recommended water amount today (that the nurse gave us last night for when its HOT) and Its HARD. I have had 7 8oz glasses so far but I feel like I am shoving it down.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri, wow how did I never realize that our babies were born 1 day apart? Hayley is 8 weeks on the 26th!

    My strep b test was vaginal only. I also got a catheter with Brielle when I was induced after my epidural. I didn't feel it at all and I didn't have the stinging problem someone else mentioned. I had the catheter in for about 24 hours - just another reason why you don't want to get induced!

    I guess we both didn't notice, I remembered that Hayliey was born first but it must have slipped my mind. Brooklynn was my April Fools baby :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So for fun I thought I would share this link.

    It is a super cute marriage proposal, it actually made me tear up. But then again I am an emotional preggo woman. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    bumping for later, lots to catch up on, just got back from my amazing honeymoon :heart: :heart:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So for fun I thought I would share this link.

    It is a super cute marriage proposal, it actually made me tear up. But then again I am an emotional preggo woman. :laugh:

    i saw that too, pretty unreal!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Has anyone ever seen a chiropractor while pregnant? A friend of mine suggested it to help with pelvic allignment, and said that it would help with baby's positioning and passing through the birth canal. I haven't done any research, just thought I'd see if anyone had done it before, and felt it was a benefit. I see my Dr. on Thursday and I plan on asking her too.

    Hi to everyone and hope all is well!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Meokk- where did you go? Welcome back!!!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Has anyone ever seen a chiropractor while pregnant? A friend of mine suggested it to help with pelvic allignment, and said that it would help with baby's positioning and passing through the birth canal. I haven't done any research, just thought I'd see if anyone had done it before, and felt it was a benefit. I see my Dr. on Thursday and I plan on asking her too.

    Hi to everyone and hope all is well!

    Never done that but I am not fond of chiropractors, I used to work for one and IMO they adjust your spine just enough to keep you coming back in a week or two. I would get adjusted atleast once a week and had more back and hip pain than I do now without having seen one in a 10 years. We did have a accupunturist and I LOVED the results I had with that. I was having TOM every other week and with a few sessions it went to normal.