Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the info ladies! As much as I admit it terrifies me still I want to know as much as I can.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Thanks for all the information! The thought of tearing scares me, but I guess if it’s going to happened either way it’s best to let it be naturally.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I told my husband that he has one more week before we start the whole perinium massage thing. I heard that sex helps just as much with the stretching, so I'm sure he'll have fun with this. I guess I should start doing kegels too. Bleh. I never have liked doing them much.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    My birth plan says let it rip (so to speak).

    Bf is actually excited about perinium massages (mainly cause it will lead to more sex for us)! I keep telling him the sex is good for me and labor so he is a happy man!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    They never "offered" me an episiotomy, Kaiser is not into intervention which I LOVE but my son was stuck and alarms were going off similar to those when they run people into the OR. His heart rate was going down too, super scary but heck he was 9lbs 6 oz and to me that was a pretty big first baby. Most people are shocked when I tell them I did not have a c/s apparently it is uncommon these day. Both me and my brother were over 9lbs and my mom had us both vaginally so I didnt really see anything strange about it. When it comes down to it if you need it to get your baby out they will let you know but it is definately much easier than a c/s.

    I agree with Megan on the no epi thing though, when she said she was going natural I thought WOW she has no idea what is in store for her and quite frankly I wanted a natural birth but was frightened of the idea of feeling everything. Nobody can believe it when I tell them I had Brooklynn without an epi but I must admit I feel like superwoman :laugh: I think anyone who has experienced natural childbirth will agree that it empowers you and makes you see just how strong you are. I kind of feel like I can handle anything now and like I got a merit badge :happy:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Name: Jamie

    Age: 24

    Children: 2 beautiful baby girls --> Brielle 19 months, Hayley 2 months

    Live in: Aberdeen, MD

    Occupation: Mom <3 / Computer Engineer (I'm currently working 2 days at the office and 3 days from home thanks to my AWESOME supervisor and I love the extra time with my kids!)

    Hobbies: I don't currently have time for hobbies, but they USED to be Music (I'm a closet singer also, Maria!), technology, sports, wine.. anything really, I love to try new things!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Ok this is freaking me out! Did anybody not tear or get cut??? I am really hoping I end up being one of those women!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I didn't do, I had 2 c-sections...I know not funny.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    For those of you that have started TOM again how heavy was the flow?

    Mine is super duper heavy and that isn't normal for my TOM.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    For those of you that have started TOM again how heavy was the flow?

    Mine is super duper heavy and that isn't normal for my TOM.

    Tom keeps playing peek a boo so hoping not to see him but with the mini pill not sure if it will come. I think I had TOM 2 weeks pp and it was heavier than normal for me.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok this is freaking me out! Did anybody not tear or get cut??? I am really hoping I end up being one of those women!

    My friend did neither with all 3 of her kids but they were all in the low 7lb range
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    My sister tore a lot with her 7 lb baby and my SIL didn't tear at all with her 9 lb 10 oz baby.... who knows. I am hoping but I understand probably its going to happen.

    I had my work shower today. Slightly ackward but we got some of the items we needed, some diapers and ATON of gift cards so that is awesome.
  • mommy2isaac
    For those of you that have started TOM again how heavy was the flow?

    Mine is super duper heavy and that isn't normal for my TOM.

    i breastfed my little guy for 9 months and didnt get any bleeding or spotting but once i stopped bfeeding i had some spotting every 5 weeks or so and now after 3 months of that im almost regular again. i def did not miss having my TOM!!!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    experienced mamas- do i really need a breast pump? they are sooo darn expensive around here! It would be nice to have "extra" milk around, but I can hand express can't I? Or a necessity?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    My sister tore a lot with her 7 lb baby and my SIL didn't tear at all with her 9 lb 10 oz baby.... who knows. I am hoping but I understand probably its going to happen.

    I had my work shower today. Slightly ackward but we got some of the items we needed, some diapers and ATON of gift cards so that is awesome.

    Glad you had a nice shower!

    I tore the most with my seven pounders. I tore less with my last two who were 9lbs 4ozs and 8lbs 9ozs. So weight wasn't an issue for me.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    experienced mamas- do i really need a breast pump? they are sooo darn expensive around here! It would be nice to have "extra" milk around, but I can hand express can't I? Or a necessity?

    I only pump because I work full time and I want hubby to have my golden juice to feed the princess. If you will be with baby 24/7 then you have absolutely no need for one. They are super expensive and honestly I'd rather nurse but hey she is totally worth it and in the end it is WAY cheaper than formula.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    experienced mamas- do i really need a breast pump? they are sooo darn expensive around here! It would be nice to have "extra" milk around, but I can hand express can't I? Or a necessity?

    I love my breast pump and to me it is a necessity, but I know everyone is different. I am unable to hand express. I rarely even leak and don't need to wear breast pads. So, as for me, I highly recommend one.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    experienced mamas- do i really need a breast pump? they are sooo darn expensive around here! It would be nice to have "extra" milk around, but I can hand express can't I? Or a necessity?

    No you don't need a breast pump, hand expressing is easy but time consuming, a hand pump would be easier for occasional use and not so expensive.

    Btw i've had 3 kids naturally, 2 9lb 6oz, one 7lb 10oz no tears, episiotomies or anything. The best thing to do is to listen as you are pushing to the nurse/midwife and especially when you start feeling the "ring of fire" and control your pushes and push small and slow to ease the head out and let your tissues stretch naturally. Perineal massage is good! It is thought to be better to tear because you heal quicker in most cases.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Name: Carina

    Age: 38

    Children: Emma (7yrs - born 19 April 2004), Patrick (4yrs - born 12 Dec 2006)

    Live in: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

    Occupation: Mother, Home Daycare Provider.

    Hobbies: Family, Music, Outdoors, Facebook, MFP. ;)
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    OK. My most sincere apoligies for not replying to everyone, but I really should be out mowing while DS is asleep. (It's much easier that way you know! :tongue: ) But I was gone all day yesterday and I feel terribly behind so I want to try and catch up just a little and comment on a few things that caught my attention...

    My DS weighed 8.1 and I had a first degree tear. I had no trouble with it post partum. I must say that the stiching part was a little uncomfortable, but so were some other things and I lived through all them...:laugh:

    As far as a pump... I could never figure out how to express by hand and I couldn't ever get my hand pump to work for me either. I used the electric pump in the hospital for a while because they wouldn't let me nurse DS. I did it mostly for stimulation so that when I could nurse there would be something there for him, but I don't think I ever even got an ounce out then. Maybe it just being the colustrum made a differance? Anyway... thankfully I was a SAHM and didn' have the need to pump. Not sure what would have happened if I would have had to!!!

    I loved hearing why everyone joined MFP... Thanks for sharing! I cannot seem to remember how I came across the site. I was looking for something with accountability and other people. I was overweight most of my childhood and had finally lost 75 pounds in '06 and '07 with Weight Watchers. It was the first time I really could remember ever being at a 'normal' weight and I loved it! It was so great to be able to share clothes with my friends and find stuff that I really felt like I looked good in. Then I got married and my husband is one of those people that can eat candy bars and soda every day and never gain a pound! So not fair! He is also a picky eater and doesn't really like most heathy foods. He tried to be kind and understanding, but I didn't do well with having to fix two different meals every day and so I sorta fell into bad eating habits again. Then I got pregnate with DS. And that's when things really spiraled out of control. I didn't pay attention to not gaining too much weight and ended up putting on about 70 pounds. Then I gained another 30 in the 15 months that followed. I know that with W W what really helped me was the support system and had high hopes that this site would give me the same support that I had found there, but without me having to leave my home and spend a bunch of money. I think I would have done quite well if I had not have found out that I was preganant again a few weeks after getting on here. :wink: I have been much more careful this time around and at 23 weeks I am still between four and six pounds below the weight I was when I got preganant. (Thank you Jamie for being my inspiration!!!:flowerforyou: ) I'm looking forward to the baby being born so that I can work on getting this extra weight off again. I'm so ready to be able to feel confident about how I look and I really want to do it for my DH, too. I know that he loves me no matter what and he's very good about telling me so, but I know it would mean a lot to him if I would get back down to the weight I was when we got married. Which I think is totally reasonable. I wasn't terribly thin - 5'4" and 145 -150 isn't exactly rail thin!!! It just is for me. :wink:

    Name: Regina

    Age: 26

    Children: Landon - 21 months, little girl due September 12

    Live in: Dayton, Ohio

    Occupation: SAHM, book keeper for my DH's two small side businesses that he does in addition to an actual job :noway:

    Hobbies: I love to read:heart: , sew, garden, bake, crochet if I'm in the mood..., and I loved to travel, but I think I'm done with that for my lifetime... don't think I'll ever get DH an a plane and it wouldn't be any fun to go without him... Anyone else travel? I've been to Alaska , Oregon, California, China and Brazil. And of course other states more locally, but flying to get there makes it seem just a little more exoctic! :laugh: Oh yea, and MFP is definatly one of my more tome consuming hobbies... (just ask my DH)

    AFM: I got to feeling terrible Wed. evening - just tired and all wiped out. I didn't feel any better when I woke up Thurs. morning. I am feeling some better now. Anyway, I got on the scales and somehow had lost 4 pounds since Sat. morning. :noway: I'm guessing maybe that had a little to do with how I was feeling? That and I'm not good at all at taking my vitamin... Anyway I decided maybe I needed to eat more. It scares me to death to 'cause of last preganancy, but I've only been eating 1,500 calories and eating back any exercise calories. Do you all think that's enough or should I be eating more than that?

    Gotta go mow now.... :grumble: