
jf5093 Posts: 6 Member
Just getting started, recommitting myself to weight loss. Urgh.


  • worstcaster
    worstcaster Posts: 217 Member
    That's good. Try not to look at it as a chore though. It makes it hard to stay committed if you are not finding some enjoyable aspects of it. New recipes could give to a chance to improve your skills in the kitchen. Depending of the types of exercise you choose it could be a chance to go to new places and meet new people.
  • Hjones2889
    Hjones2889 Posts: 94 Member
    good luck!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    That's good. Try not to look at it as a chore though. It makes it hard to stay committed if you are not finding some enjoyable aspects of it. New recipes could give to a chance to improve your skills in the kitchen. Depending of the types of exercise you choose it could be a chance to go to new places and meet new people.


    Look for more varieties of fruits/vegetables and fish when you shop. It can be a lot of fun to experiment with new flavors.
  • alyfrancis582
    alyfrancis582 Posts: 38 Member
    As others have said, if you look at this like a chore, you won't succeed. This is a lifestyle change that you should be prepared to commit to for YEARS, not just until you get where you want. It won't help you if you get to your goal weight then immediately restart the habits that got you to this point in the first place. I hope you succeed.
  • LePolynesien
    LePolynesien Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there, I added all of you folks!
  • jf5093
    jf5093 Posts: 6 Member
    Appreciate the shot in the arm. I agree the lifestyle change don't happen over night. Thanks for the push and help.
  • shakeirawhitney
    shakeirawhitney Posts: 74 Member
    Good luck!!