Fitbit, or wait for Amiigo?



  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    Have you looked into Polar Loop?

    Check out DC Rainmaker. Lots of reviews on lots of trackers.

    So. Many. Choices.
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    Have you looked into Polar Loop?

    Check out DC Rainmaker. Lots of reviews on lots of trackers.

    So. Many. Choices.

    I'll check it out. I definitely won't be investing in anything new until these next generation trackers are on the market.
  • caleb830
    caleb830 Posts: 1 Member
    The thing with Amiigo right now is that the Indiegogo backers are technically beta testers, hence the issues a lot of people seem to be having. I had been waiting forever on the Amiigo and was planning on it being THE fitness tracker for me. However, the longer I waited the more unconvinced I was.
    I'm in the same boat. I was actually one of the original backers--I paid the $100-ish at the time for the band--but haven't even received it yet. I know this isn't a direct answer to the original question, but I suppose this is just to say that I'm not very confident in Amiigo as a company.

  • flash4198
    flash4198 Posts: 40 Member
    I actually have an amiigo. Yes there is uncomfortable feels about it. The wait, support, & product reliability. I got mine a few months ago but haven't really put it to the test yet. Playing with the app & wished I can link it to MFP or some food tracker. However, it is really cool where you can program your own workout. Like if you decide to do morning run with squats and pushup. It will track it altogether. The 1st app was cool tracking sleep and everytime I woke up but the new update seems to be a bit more lenient on tossing n turning. I wish it still tracked that. I went from having 4 good hrs to sleep to 6.5 hrs but didnt change anything - REALLY? I know I toss and turn - I need to know that.