Forget to log food



  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Prioritise your commitment to losing weight and do it

    Or as was put far more succinctly and accurately

    Get more dedicated.
    Perhaps you just aren't really ready and committed to the process. We always make time for what we really want to do.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Get more dedicated.

    + a zillion

    if its important to you, you will remember to log it.

  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    have alarms set up , but just cut them off...

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    OP...maybe this will help.

    I have MFP set up on my bookmark toolbar. Every morning when I turn on my computer I automatically just open it up to my dairy page. That way every time I sit down to the computer I see the window that it is open in. Only takes a minute to click on it and post anything that I have eaten since earlier in the day.

    Other than that...even if it gets me one of those flags...

    You are doing this for you...

    If you want this badly enough you will find a way...

    Methods that work for one person might or might not work for you...

    Make a commitment...own it...embrace accountable to yourself...

    One last thing...there is nothing that any of us can say that will make you log your food...that is entirely on you.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Log it before you eat it. I don't understand any other method. Always log before. Afterwards is too late. You have to weigh and measure, that's when you log. Afterward, you have no idea how much you ate.

    ^^This. "Write it before you bite it".

    Each evening, after the day's work, dinner, clean-up, etc. is all done, I think about what I'm going to eat the next day and log it. It's the only way that works for me.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Make notes on paper or post-its as you prep of food items, scale weight/serving weight. Do your logging entry later from the notes.

    Ya, I have a notebook for making notes as I prep food. When I eat alone, I log while I eat. If I'm going to being eating with people, I might pre-log. Last night I logged while my fiance did the dishes. (Yes, he's a keeper.)

  • ariamythe
    ariamythe Posts: 130 Member
    edited June 2015
    Busylakemom, I can definitely sympathize. I'm also a mom, one with three kids under 12, and no matter how sincerely I intend to log it all ahead of time, or as I eat, etc., it's just not something that always happens.

    Me (sitting down to dinner after making sure the kids have all been served): "Okay, time to log this -- "

    Kid 1(has chugged her drink already): "Mom! Can I have a drink?"

    Kid 2 (has scarfed his food already): "Can I have more chicken?"

    Kid 3 [throws potato-laden spoon on floor]: "I don't LIKE mashed potatoes!"

    Me (dropping my phone and grabbing a single hot bite because I know the food is going to be cold before I get to take a second one): "Yes, yes, and Kathleen DON'T THROW YOUR FOOD ... "

    I would say try your best, don't feel bad if you're not perfect, and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not "dedicated" enough because you miss a few beats.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ariamythe wrote: »
    Busylakemom, I can definitely sympathize. I'm also a mom, one with three kids under 12, and no matter how sincerely I intend to log it all ahead of time, or as I eat, etc., it's just not something that always happens.

    Me (sitting down to dinner after making sure the kids have all been served): "Okay, time to log this -- "

    Kid 1(has chugged her drink already): "Mom! Can I have a drink?"

    Kid 2 (has scarfed his food already): "Can I have more chicken?"

    Kid 3 [throws potato-laden spoon on floor]: "I don't LIKE mashed potatoes!"

    Me (dropping my phone and grabbing a single hot bite because I know the food is going to be cold before I get to take a second one): "Yes, yes, and Kathleen DON'T THROW YOUR FOOD ... "

    I would say try your best, don't feel bad if you're not perfect, and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not "dedicated" enough because you miss a few beats.

    Weigh and log it before you sit down

    Teach kids to wait or serve themselves?

    Being committed to your own health is not a bad thing to teach your children
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited June 2015
    The moment you realize that you're worth taking the time and effort for is the moment you will change it.

    And not a second sooner. :)
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    ariamythe wrote: »
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    If you are asking if you can STILL log it, then you can. Just click the arrow to change to the previous day.
    Yeah, but then you don't get credit for the streak. I broke a 300+ day streak because I waited until after midnight to log food during a vacation day.

    You don't really need credit, though. It's just a feel-good thing to see. More importantly, it is good to keep logging. I just took her question differently from the others; "Oh no, I didn't log it, how can I add my log?" I hadn't known soon after starting that you could change days. It was a surprise. xD
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I prelog everything the night before as I am making my dinner. It may help to prelog.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    ariamythe wrote: »
    Busylakemom, I can definitely sympathize. I'm also a mom, one with three kids under 12, and no matter how sincerely I intend to log it all ahead of time, or as I eat, etc., it's just not something that always happens.

    Me (sitting down to dinner after making sure the kids have all been served): "Okay, time to log this -- "

    Kid 1(has chugged her drink already): "Mom! Can I have a drink?"

    Kid 2 (has scarfed his food already): "Can I have more chicken?"

    Kid 3 [throws potato-laden spoon on floor]: "I don't LIKE mashed potatoes!"

    Me (dropping my phone and grabbing a single hot bite because I know the food is going to be cold before I get to take a second one): "Yes, yes, and Kathleen DON'T THROW YOUR FOOD ... "

    I would say try your best, don't feel bad if you're not perfect, and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not "dedicated" enough because you miss a few beats.

  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    well I have 3 kids. I have no problem logging. I log while I eat which is after them when I get my moments peace. At restaurants with company I sneak off to log in restroom. Sometimes I do it at the end of the day but its too tedious to remember. Sometimes I log as I am cooking it and measuring out so I can scan while im still in the kitchen. Sometimes I log ahead my day in the morning if its a day I go to care for mom bc I take my make ahead snacks and lunch to stay on track.
  • ariamythe
    ariamythe Posts: 130 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Weigh and log it before you sit down

    Teach kids to wait or serve themselves?

    Being committed to your own health is not a bad thing to teach your children

    If you're a parent, you probably know that it's not that cut and dried. If I let my 4 y.o. serve herself she'll end up with half the bowl on her plate and the other half in her lap.

    I totally agree that being dedicated takes commitment. But telling someone just to "be more dedicated" sounds just a little bit elitist. People have lives; people have schedules; people have families. It's not a perfect world.

  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ariamythe wrote: »
    Busylakemom, I can definitely sympathize. I'm also a mom, one with three kids under 12, and no matter how sincerely I intend to log it all ahead of time, or as I eat, etc., it's just not something that always happens.

    Me (sitting down to dinner after making sure the kids have all been served): "Okay, time to log this -- "

    Kid 1(has chugged her drink already): "Mom! Can I have a drink?"

    Kid 2 (has scarfed his food already): "Can I have more chicken?"

    Kid 3 [throws potato-laden spoon on floor]: "I don't LIKE mashed potatoes!"

    Me (dropping my phone and grabbing a single hot bite because I know the food is going to be cold before I get to take a second one): "Yes, yes, and Kathleen DON'T THROW YOUR FOOD ... "

    I would say try your best, don't feel bad if you're not perfect, and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not "dedicated" enough because you miss a few beats.

    Weigh and log it before you sit down

    Teach kids to wait or serve themselves?

    Being committed to your own health is not a bad thing to teach your children

    This. I have 3 kids under ten. Even the 3 year old can pour himself a glass of water. I'm not saying some days aren't crazy, ok most days are crazy. I don't use caring for my kids as an excuse for not caring for myself. Ever.

  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I prelog my day everyday while I'm having my morning cuppa.
    It's the very first thing I do when I turn on my computer.

    Ditto. I think this gives me a sense of confidence! It is nice to begin the day knowing that you have control and balance!

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    ariamythe wrote: »
    Busylakemom, I can definitely sympathize. I'm also a mom, one with three kids under 12, and no matter how sincerely I intend to log it all ahead of time, or as I eat, etc., it's just not something that always happens.

    Me (sitting down to dinner after making sure the kids have all been served): "Okay, time to log this -- "

    Kid 1(has chugged her drink already): "Mom! Can I have a drink?"

    Kid 2 (has scarfed his food already): "Can I have more chicken?"

    Kid 3 [throws potato-laden spoon on floor]: "I don't LIKE mashed potatoes!"

    Me (dropping my phone and grabbing a single hot bite because I know the food is going to be cold before I get to take a second one): "Yes, yes, and Kathleen DON'T THROW YOUR FOOD ... "

    I would say try your best, don't feel bad if you're not perfect, and don't ever let anyone tell you you're not "dedicated" enough because you miss a few beats.

    OK, I see that you have a 4 year old, so I can understand not allowing her to serve herself. But 4 is probably old enough to learn patience and that Mommy isn't her servant and that she might have to wait a minute for Mommy to get her a drink or more food. You don't have to be a jack in the box and jump whenever your kids call your name.

    As for your other kids...I assume at least one of them is close to age 12, or you wouldn't have said, "under 12". I think that any kid age 8+ can get him/herself another drink or another piece of chicken.

    My mother allowed herself to be a slave to her kids. I didn't make the same mistake.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    There are some things you can do to help it become a habit. For me it's sitting down the night before and pre-logging my entire day. It takes about 5 minutes. Ten if I have to enter a new recipe. The important thing is to do it the same way every time so that it becomes a habit. Don't log as you go one day, pre-log the next, write everything on paper and enter it later the day after that, and so on. Pick a method and be consistent.
  • CanadianDaddyphant
    CanadianDaddyphant Posts: 8 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    If I am with other people and don't want to ignore them to play with MFP on my phone, I take a picture of my meal before I eat it.

    I then perform a "forensic picture based estimation" to determine what and how much to log <- lots of fun can be had with this one, I almost posted a picture once to ask for estimation advice :blush:

    That is BRILLIANT. Next time we eat out and I didn't prelog I will definitely do this. I'mlucky in that my wife is also tracking her macros (not so much calories) to manage her diabetes, so when we eat out it's usually somewhere we've both already checked out the menu and researched our options.

    There are some great tips in this thread! I've set MFP as my home page now. I'm in the 'prelog' camp, and if that can't happen jot it down somewhere. I use Evernote to organise my entire life (home and work) so I'll throw a note in there while I'm at work if I can't get onto MFP.

    If worst comes to worst - like the other day we had a work potluck and I ate so many little things that the thought of logging was just overwhelming - I quick-added 1000 calories and used the 'note' field at the bottom of my diary to just list everything. Then if I want to go back and add it item by item I can, but at least it's recorded.