Thing I most look forward to in losing weight



  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    I want to be a fabulous looking 45 year old--healthy and vibrant and strong AND lose the weight before it gets really really hard-the older I get the trickier it is--want to get in front of that. And I have a gorgeous skirt that I have not been able to wear in two years. 15 pounds really makes a lot of difference. I keep unpacking that skirt with the summer clothes to motivate me. 15 pounds by labor day. Plus more energy and less achey-ness. And all this from only 15 extra pounds.
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    -Not being the fattest person in pictures
    -Being able to dance better (I'm a member of a dance team so)
    - Wearing dresses/skirts without chubrub
    - Being able to shop in Japanese clothing stores (I had to avoid them all when I was in Japan last summer)
    - Being able to wear high heels
    - Shorts and short skirts!!
    - Being more attractive> better chance of dating> finally having a relationship
    - Feeling healthier and active

    I can't believe someone else has the same obscure goal as me! :smiley:
    I was in Japan for xmas/new years and i was absolutely blown away by the amazing fashion they have over there, but I didn't fit into a single thing it was torture! I'm going back there next year and I'm determined to make up for not being able to fit into anything first time round :wink:

    I look forward to being able to really enjoy summer, I love the sunshine but Australian summer weather + overweight = sweaty nasty hot mess not a good look xD I want that to change for sure
  • bwallacebw19
    bwallacebw19 Posts: 5 Member
    1. To be active with my kids.
    2. So I can get dressed without getting short of breath.
    3. To live a long healthier life.
    4. To wear a swimsuit for the first time in 13 years without covering up.
    5. To be able to wear the super cute outfits... :p

  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    I want to be a fabulous looking 45 year old--healthy and vibrant and strong AND lose the weight before it gets really really hard-the older I get the trickier it is--want to get in front of that. And I have a gorgeous skirt that I have not been able to wear in two years. 15 pounds really makes a lot of difference. I keep unpacking that skirt with the summer clothes to motivate me. 15 pounds by labor day. Plus more energy and less achey-ness. And all this from only 15 extra pounds.

    This pretty much describes my thoughts!

    I will admit, I have never been a large person, but I have been an extremely fit, competitive athlete. I have known what it's like to be 16% body fat, to run a half marathon in 1:30 and to place in the top 10% at an Ironman. I remember these things with searing clarity. At 48, my goals are different, and I hope that by losing 15 pounds (I'm half way there, now) I can feel strong and fit again. Wouldn't hurt if I could fit into some of my clothes, too!

    I'm cheering for all of you who want health, fitness and strength in your future – it is an awesome feeling and well-worth the challenge.

  • deanspinner
    deanspinner Posts: 4 Member
    The babes.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    To fit into my favorite size 8 Ralph Lauren jeans again. :blush:
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    Being hot. Wearing midriff shirts.
  • AngelAnnihilate
    AngelAnnihilate Posts: 26 Member
    I want to keep up with my boyfriend, to feel good about myself, to wear nice things, actually take pictures of more than my face, to quit smoking and to not be sick every week -.-
  • msfoxy_25
    msfoxy_25 Posts: 40 Member
    Just to feel comfortable in my skin.
  • irisgal345
    irisgal345 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm looking forward to lower cholesterol, easier movement, and fitting into my skinny clothes hanging in the closet!
  • BarbaraR5563
    BarbaraR5563 Posts: 115 Member
    When I started my weight loss journey at 321 lbs and 5ft tall, I was looking uphill. I started visualizing myself in a thin body with my face thin. I got more vivid with clothing picking out outfits and the color they were and started believing I could do it. I had the mindset of losing my weight in 25 lb increments. When I hit 130, I could go into any store and pick out anything and have it fit. Now at 117 lbs I can wear anything, my health is good, no back pain or swollen feet, I can cross my legs, and the best part is I learned to love myself and have a good sense of self. I actually liked me and had self confidence. I am humble and am here to help people. I have had friends lose the weight, get all high and mighty, get divorced, get lost, and in the end gain the weight back. I have confidence you all will hit your goals and feel great. Lose the weight but not yourself. There's a big difference. <3
  • rainshiner
    rainshiner Posts: 3 Member
    Being a better role model for my kids x