
How do you find iut how many carbs you need in a day?


  • tigertophat
    tigertophat Posts: 1 Member
    I use this website, personally:

    I'm on for a low carb (I aim for 75g or less), high fat, high protein diet. It's a super tough transition at first, but that's why it is so important to get lots of healthy fats in your diet, like raw almonds and avocados.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2015
    If the default amount (50%) isn't working. And experimenting.
  • FatMomma89
    FatMomma89 Posts: 81 Member
    Right now mine are set at carbs 51% fat 29% and protein 20%.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    FatMomma89 wrote: »
    Right now mine are set at carbs 51% fat 29% and protein 20%.

    What's wrong with that?
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    If 51% carbs is working for you, and you are losing and not hungry, why change? actually the real answer to your question, according to latest nutrition research is NO carbs are needed….you can live on fats and proteins alone, but carbs add that 'quick energy', but leaves you hungry in exactly 3.8 hours as it burns up. this is why the lower carb folk are choosing more fats for satiety, and no grain carbs..and losing. for me a high carb diet never works, and now I am losing a lot easier with actual butter in my life, and no crackers,buns, grains, or processed anything...

    finding a happy spot takes a little time.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    If 51% carbs is working for you, and you are losing and not hungry, why change? actually the real answer to your question, according to latest nutrition research is NO carbs are needed….you can live on fats and proteins alone, but carbs add that 'quick energy', but leaves you hungry in exactly 3.8 hours as it burns up. this is why the lower carb folk are choosing more fats for satiety, and no grain carbs..and losing. for me a high carb diet never works, and now I am losing a lot easier with actual butter in my life, and no crackers,buns, grains, or processed anything...

    finding a happy spot takes a little time.

    So if I eat a big plate of whole wheat spaghetti or eat a single dextrose tablet, no difference, I'll be hungry in exactly 3.8 hours, not a minute earlier orlater, regardless of volume consumed?
  • EzRemake
    EzRemake Posts: 128 Member
    protein = 0.8 x total body weight
    fat = 0.4 x total body weight (minimum)

    The rest can go into carbs. Just mess around with your MFP %s until the numbers come close.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,010 Member
    It's different for everyone. I feel better with 40% or less carbs, and those from medium or low glycemic load carbs. I found this out by gradually reducing carbs until I had more energy and no food cravings.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    How many carbs you eat is entirely up to you.

    What makes each person feel full and satisfied while dieting varies. I've seen some posters on this forum say they need lots of protein to feel full. I've seen others say carbs make them feel full, and I've seen others say that fat makes them feel full.

    You'll only find out what works for you by experimenting. Just keep this information in mind in case you find yourself feeling hungry.

    I learned this myself on here. I came to a point in my weight loss where I started feeling really hungry. I played with my macros to sort of balance them all so that the percentages were all more or less equal (even though I was eating the same amount of calories), and it was like magic. I felt fuller. Someone else might feel better with a different ratio.

    If you have specific body composition goals/training goals in mind, you might want to delve into this whole issue a bit more.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    Minimum carbs a day - 130 or 45% - 65% of daily calories, focus on whole grains, fruits & vegetables, limit processed carbs. Protein .8 - 1.2g per weight in kg depending on activity level. Fat min 20% of daily calories. Limit saturated fat to 10%.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    FatMomma89 wrote: »
    How do you find iut how many carbs you need in a day?

    The general rule lies in your activity level. The more active you are the greater percentage of carbs you could benefit from. On my highly active days, I tend to stick to about 35-40% carbs. On lazy days I drop that down to about 20% focusing on few sugar's... Granted, this is what I have found works best for me.

  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited June 2015
    Carbs are a non-essential macro. Protein and Dietary Fat are essential macros. If you factor in your weight and activity level, there are set amounts for Protein and Dietary Fat based on scientific research.

    Figure out Protein and Dietary Fat first, and then let carbs fill in the rest.

    If active:

    Dietary Fat Guidelines: a minimum of 0.40 - 0.45 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight (more if maintaining or bulking).

    Protein Guidelines: 0.60-0.80 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight is the upper range for new muscle synthesis.

    Fill in the rest of your calories with nutritious and/or high fiber carbs.
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    mom2kpr wrote: »
    Minimum carbs a day - 130 or 45% - 65% of daily calories, focus on whole grains, fruits & vegetables, limit processed carbs. Protein .8 - 1.2g per weight in kg depending on activity level. Fat min 20% of daily calories. Limit saturated fat to 10%.

    All the latest research shows that there is no minimum requirements for carbs - as a matter of fact, we can live with no carbs at all but we CANT without protein and fats. So, there are minimums for protein and fats, but no carbs. Also, while it's easier to go by percentages, if one really looking into properly setting up macros, protein and fat should be calculated in grams and and then converted to calories.

    sixxpoint wrote: »
    Carbs are a non-essential macro. Protein and Dietary Fat are essential macros. If you factor in your weight and activity level, there are set amounts for Protein and Dietary Fat based on scientific research.

    Figure out Protein and Dietary Fat first, and then let carbs fill in the rest.

    If active:

    Dietary Fat Guidelines: a minimum of 0.40 - 0.45 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight (more if maintaining or bulking).

    Protein Guidelines: 0.60-0.80 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight is the upper range for new muscle synthesis.

    Fill in the rest of your calories with nutritious and/or high fiber carbs.

    This is a solid advice and you can verify these numbers in many medical studies.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    Carbs are a non-essential macro. Protein and Dietary Fat are essential macros. If you factor in your weight and activity level, there are set amounts for Protein and Dietary Fat based on scientific research.

    Figure out Protein and Dietary Fat first, and then let carbs fill in the rest.

    If active:

    Dietary Fat Guidelines: a minimum of 0.40 - 0.45 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight (more if maintaining or bulking).

    Protein Guidelines: 0.60-0.80 grams per 1 lb. bodyweight is the upper range for new muscle synthesis.

    Fill in the rest of your calories with nutritious and/or high fiber carbs.

    I'd agree. With the slight caveat that you can tweak your fats UP (and carbs down) if you find you prefer that.
    And I'll emphasize the nutritious and high fiber part of the carbs. :)
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited June 2015
    Correct. Dietary fat is the most important from a health standpoint, which is why low-fat diets can be very harmful.

    In an extreme case, if you do not consume carbohydrates, you can live for decades. If you do not consume any dietary fat, you'll most likely perish in a matter of months.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    MasterVal wrote: »
    mom2kpr wrote: »
    Minimum carbs a day - 130 or 45% - 65% of daily calories, focus on whole grains, fruits & vegetables, limit processed carbs. Protein .8 - 1.2g per weight in kg depending on activity level. Fat min 20% of daily calories. Limit saturated fat to 10%.

    All the latest research shows that there is no minimum requirements for carbs - as a matter of fact, we can live with no carbs at all but we CANT without protein and fats. So, there are minimums for protein and fats, but no carbs. Also, while it's easier to go by percentages, if one really looking into properly setting up macros, protein and fat should be calculated in grams and and then converted to calories.

    The most recent studies may show that, but they are still new. Carbs themselves may not be a essential macro, but the vitamins and minerals that are abuntant in many fruits and vegetable are essential. Health isn't just about getting enough protein and fat, it's also about nourishing your body with proper vitamins/minerals. That's where the min of 130g of carbs comes in. For a lot of people (not everyone) it also helps with energy.
  • FatMomma89
    FatMomma89 Posts: 81 Member
    Well in the last 2 days i have lost 5 pounds by eating up to 4 grams of carbs and not watching my fat or protein intake. (2 eggs for lunch, 2 eggs and 2 hamburger patties for dinner and one day i had 1 serving if salad)
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    FatMomma89 wrote: »
    Well in the last 2 days i have lost 5 pounds by eating up to 4 grams of carbs and not watching my fat or protein intake. (2 eggs for lunch, 2 eggs and 2 hamburger patties for dinner and one day i had 1 serving if salad)

    5 lb in 2 days huh? And you think only 4 grams of carbs did this?
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    FatMomma89 wrote: »
    Well in the last 2 days i have lost 5 pounds by eating up to 4 grams of carbs and not watching my fat or protein intake. (2 eggs for lunch, 2 eggs and 2 hamburger patties for dinner and one day i had 1 serving if salad)

    This is all you ate?

    So how many calories did this amount to per day?

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    FatMomma89 wrote: »
    Well in the last 2 days i have lost 5 pounds by eating up to 4 grams of carbs and not watching my fat or protein intake. (2 eggs for lunch, 2 eggs and 2 hamburger patties for dinner and one day i had 1 serving if salad)

    This is all you ate?

    So how many calories did this amount to per day?

    I'm going to leave this here...