Thoughts on a fb status about nuts



  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    syndeo wrote: »
    Best thing about nuts is that they are basically "free". Between the thermic effect of them, the fiber, and the increased satiety, you in general don't tend to overdo them like other foods you can snack on them.

    Yeah, I had to stop buying pecans because they made me gain 4lbs in one month!
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    No. Nuts are not an anti-inflammatory food. They are very high in omega 6 and have low to no anti-inflammatory omega 3s. Only macadamia nuts have a somewhat desirable omega 6 to 3 ratio, in that they are very low in both. If you want anti-inflamnatory actions from foods there are plenty of things: certain herbs and spices, saturated fats, and high in omega 3 EFAs foods like shrimp, sardines, and salmon.
  • syndeo
    syndeo Posts: 68 Member
    RE: Nuts are essentially "free"

    Yes, you can overeat nuts and gain weight if you pay absolutely no attention to what you eat. My point is that nuts contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats that increase satiety, fiber decreases absorption so you poop a higher percentage of food out, and have an increased energy expenditure. And studies have show this as well.