Anyone else have over 100 pounds to go??

Lochniss Posts: 11
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
Just looking to see if there are other's out there in the same boat as me. I've love almost 17 pounds and still have 120 to go!! WE CAN DO IT!! :D


  • iwlizz
    iwlizz Posts: 39 Member
    We can do it!! I have 131 to get to a healthy BMI. I think it's going to stick this time, because I made other changes in my life as well (not hanging with certain people who either just sit around, or go out to eat all the time, etc.)! Keep up the good work, and I hope to be following in your footsteps soon! <3
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    I broke the 100 lb mark, but I've still got 94 to go :) let's do ittt!
  • I does lol anyone can feel free to add me if you want :)
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    While I didn't set my goal for 100lbs loss I really could lose 100lbs. Losing 75 only puts me at the VERY TOP of my healthy BMI range but it was way to scary to think about 100lbs to lose so I picked something else. I started in August last year just after my 28th birthday. I'm down 61lbs so far!! I'm still holding out for the 75lbs weight loss to decide how I really feel there.

    Good luck everyone! Remember this is a journey and there are going to be ups and downs but we can make it through!

    My profile has before and current pics too!
  • raavyn
    raavyn Posts: 8
    I do! I'm hoping to lose about 150, just starting out myself and have lost 11 lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • beckey24
    beckey24 Posts: 170 Member
    I have already lost 43 and still have another 120 lbs to go..maybe more. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. We can do this!
  • Beautiful_Fury
    Beautiful_Fury Posts: 21 Member
    I have already lost about 100 pounds from my top weight of 370 and I still have about 80 to 110 pounds yet to lose..

    I like your attitude though.. We CAN do it!!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I was in that boat 5 months ago. but now I only have 68 Lbs left to lose.
    January 5 I started out at 289 and now I'm 224 and I'd really like to be 150. So that;s another 70 some lbs but I'd Settle at 160 or 170.
    I know You Can Do It :D
  • aj11016
    aj11016 Posts: 65
    I have a ways to go before I can come close to my goal. I have been doing pretty good but I every so often do meals or have days where I do not know what I was thinking... but I am trying to focus on the big picture and not let myself get down about the mistakes that I have made
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    any of you loves are welcome to add me :)
  • Wolferocks2
    Wolferocks2 Posts: 23
    I imagine if I include the wife and the dog (small yorkie), I'd have over 100 to go... hahahaha.. (kidding of course).. You ladies hang in there....but realistically, look forward to one year to reach a goal of 100lbs. (Doing so naturally of course, through proper diet and exercise).. Look into getting a good "INTERVAL" training regimine going. There are tons of informational websites and "gym people" that can help you get this going. You'll be amazed at how much faster your metabolism fires up as well as how much faster you can become fit, without the pain and soft tissue damge that occurs from high intesnity aerobics. Stay away from that stuff.. INTERVAL training is the key to strength (the ability to manipulate one's own body weight) and weight loss/management... This goes hand in hand with proper diet!!! Just do like the Nike commercial suggest and, "JUST DO IT."... :wink: 7203097.png
  • iwlizz
    iwlizz Posts: 39 Member
    I just sent a bunch of Friend Requests to the ones on here who said for people to add them!

    Feel free to add me! I can use the motivation ;)
  • amy72015
    amy72015 Posts: 16
    I have 131 lbs to lose which seems impossible some days but I know WE can do this. I just take one day at a time. This site has helped me realize I am not alone and the support and encouragement here is awesome!!!

  • I have about 105 lbs to go. I am having a difficult time convincing my overweight son to eat healthier. Everyone is diabetic including my loving hubby but no one wants to get off their duffs and do something about it. I've tried to make it a family affair but I guess I just haven't come across the right incentive. Any suggestions?
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I do! I do!
  • kshepherds
    kshepherds Posts: 20
    Yeppers.. I do.. I have a 120 lbs to go until I get to my "goal" weight. I'm not sure how that's going to work since I have 212 lbs of lean muscle... But hey, one day at a time... one day turns into one week and so on as it always does. So why not be as healthy as we can be. Feel free to add me. We can totally do this.. Small goals help, it's helped me.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    yup...many lbs to go...WELCOME!
  • cmturek
    cmturek Posts: 3
    130 to go! Not a diet, but a change in lifestyle for me and my family!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I'm so glad to find this thread! I was going to start one just like it :D I'm 42 and have about 110 lbs to lose. (I don't really have a specific goal. My Doc told me that I am so big-boned I should be happy with any # that starts with a 1.) Oddly enough, having been an emotional eater all my life, I've found that getting my food under control is not the hardest part. (Not that it's easy when I'm stressed - believe me!) The hardest part is getting out to exercise every day. However once I've done it I feel SO GOOD!! :happy: I wanted some fellow BBW's to work with here. I understand that when someone needs to lose 30 lbs that they are facing SOME of the same struggles as we are - but not the same.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yup. Over 100 pounds to lose...double it actually... and then some. And you're correct, we can do this.

    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend.
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