How long does water weight last?

I went out for a meal on Saturday night and ate around 3000 calories in total that day. For the rest of that week, before and after, I was very good and ate below my goal. However, the scale has still gone up from the week before. How long will it take to come off? I'm feeling incredibly discouraged..


  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    I've seen people say it takes 2 or 3 days but I don't really know. Just keep drinking plenty of water to make sure your body knows it doesn't have to hold on to it and it should adjust itself within the next week or so. If you know you're eating well then don't feel discouraged, just be patient. I know it's easier said than done :)
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    It usually takes about a week for me for my body to adjust again after I eat a meal that large. It never really jeopardizes my weight loss, even though it appears to.

    Whatever you do (indeed, easier said than done) stick to your plan, don't be discouraged. You'll end up seeing a sudden bigger drop soon most likely.